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Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS) Department of Electrical Engineering Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science. Seminar. Børge Lindberg Aalborg University, Denmark. P r e s e n t s. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) & Speech Signal Processing Research
Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS) Department of Electrical Engineering Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science Seminar Børge LindbergAalborg University, Denmark P r e s e n t s Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) & Speech Signal Processing Research at Aalborg University Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is now being widely deployed in Denmark even though Danish is a "small" language. In this talk an accounting is given for the developments within ASR in Denmark. Next, some recent work on speech signal processing is presented: (i) voice activity detection and variable frame analysis are applied for the improvement of noise robustness of ASR, and (ii) joint speech separation and speaker identification. Finally some recent studies within automatic reading tutoring are presented. The talk is concluded by a short general presentation of the department and a short comparison of US and Danish higher education. Børge Lindberg (M’94) was born in Denmark in Nov. 1959. He received M.Sc. Degree in electrical engineering from Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark, in 1983. In 1983, he became a Research Assistant at AAU, in 1986 he was with Jydsk Telefon, R&D Lab, Århus, Denmark, and in 1992 he became a Research Assistant at AAU [Center for Person-Komunikation (CPK)]. In 1995, he was a Visiting Researcher at the Defense Research Agency, Great Malvern, U.K., studying methods for predicting the performance of automatic speech recognition systems. Since 1996, he has been an Assoc. Professor at Dept. of Electronic Systems, AAU, and since 2006 has been Dept. Head. Much of his automatic speech recognition research has been in collaboration with Danish and European companies from public funding. His current research interests include speech recognition with a focus on robustness and acoustic modeling techniques. Friday, July 6, 2012 10:30 AM Engineering and Computer Science Complex on the UTD Campus Electrical Engineering Conference Room ECSN 4.728 Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS) Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science Department of Electrical Engineering University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, Texas 75083-0688, U.S.A.