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Influencing Congress

Influencing Congress. Chapter 7, Section 3. How Should A Congressman Vote?. Should a Congressman: Vote his/her own mind? Vote as his constituents want regardless of his/her own feelings? Vote with his/her party?. What do you think?. Who Influences Lawmakers?.

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Influencing Congress

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Presentation Transcript

  1. InfluencingCongress Chapter 7, Section 3

  2. How Should A Congressman Vote? Should a Congressman: • Vote his/her own mind? • Vote as his constituents want regardless of his/her own feelings? • Vote with his/her party? What do you think?

  3. Who Influences Lawmakers? • Voters back home (constituents) • Political parties • The President • Special Interest Groups Which should be most influential?

  4. Constituents • What do the people want? (Ex: Civil Rights or Social Welfare) • What if the representative disagrees with the people? • What if the representative has more information or better understanding? (Ex: Foreign Affairs) • What if the people are uninformed, misguided, or prejudiced? • How the representative votes will influence voters in the next election.

  5. How do you know what the people want? • Frequent trips back home for meetings and to make speeches. • Mail from constituents. • Questionnaires sent to voters. • Polls. • Opinions of those to contribute to their campaigns. (both workers and money) Which sources would you trust?

  6. Influence of Political Parties • Parties are more influential in the House than in the Senate. Why? • Political philosophy • Liberal versus conservative • Certain types of issues (foreign affairs, farm issues, the economy, etc.) • Maybe the representative needs guidance. Party leaders do not expect to get their way all the time.

  7. Other Influences The President • Use of news coverage/interviews • Appeal to the people • Direct face-to-face influence Would you be influenced if you got a personal call from the President?

  8. Other Influences Interest Groups • Lobbyists • Industries • Associations • Labor unions • Single-issue groups Would you be influenced by lobbyists?

  9. Other Influences Political Action Committees (PACs) • Influence law makers • Contribute money to candidates • Provide information on issues

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