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Join us for a special user meeting to explore ShipConstructor updates, CADMatch, ProDesk enhancements, and industry contributions. Learn about new features in SC 2011.r2 and a sneak peek at SC 2012.r1. Stay informed on SSI R&D developments and future roadmap discussions. Our sessions cover a wide range of topics, including SQL database properties, mobile device integration, and upcoming software advancements. Engage with experts and participate in roundtable discussions to shape the future of ship design software.
ShipConstructor User Meeting 2011 21 June 2011 Thank You Royal Huisman
!! WELCOME !! CADMatch & ProDesk
Agenda • CADMatch & ProDesk • What's new in SC 2011 r2 • SC 2012 r1: sneak peek • Road Map • SSI R&D • R&D by others • Talks • Topics requested • Round table • etc.
CADMatch & ProDesk • CADMatch • recent contributions to the supply chain portion of the industry • Remondo Mak: AutoCAD top-of-class • ProDesk • supporting the Autodesk community (but not only) • David Truyens: Inventor top-of-class
INFORMATION MODEL C.O.T.S. > CAD > non-CAD - ERP/MRP - SQL - XML - MS-Office - Oracle - Crystal Reports - SC Reports - etc. SQL Database (properties, attributes, UDAs,stocks, tracking #s, etc.) ShipConstructor (rich, intelligent, open architecture3D realistic solid model) AutoCAD files (with and without ShipConstructorobject properties, etc.) Mobile devices Any web / LAN / WAN source
ShipConstructor 2011 r2: what's new • ShipConstructor 2011 r2: what's new • Enhanced PHs • PEL: Project Equiment List • Enhanced associative DWG • Updateable twisted stiffeners • Batch update production DWGs • Reports by model DWG
ShipConstructor 2012 r1: sneak peek • ShipConstructor 2012 r1: sneak peak • Adjusting Profile Endcuts for Trims • Enhanced offset construction lines
SSI r&d • SSI R&D: • Part Explorer (Show Parts in drawing) • Store min/max extents of Structure parts • ShipConstructor scheduling: create a MS-Project job and corresponding NW selection sets for Time Liner • Script Pro • P&ID consistency checker • Copy pipe parts to another project • ShipConstructor project viewer • Combination of several ShipConstructor databases (external) • Compare projects • Project view • Assembly part view • Revision view ("social networking") • Project part data • Project view extension • Manager view
ip: ShipConstructor ShipCon R&D by others (ndar, MT, RH, etc.) • R&D by others (presented at Compit 2011 ): ndar, MT, RH, etc. • MT - CAD environment: custom labelling of SC parts (from the dwg file). • MT - SQL environment: "custom" reports of SC data (from database). • MT/RH - combination CAD/SQL environment: combining CAD & non-CAD ShipConstructor data into User Defined Attributes for BOMs, reports, etc. • ndar - SQL environment: IT/OS neutral input from non-SC sources. • ndar/MT - SQL environment: combining data from two (ShipConstructor) databases, then post-processing it (custom programming, Crystal reports, etc.). • ndar - SQL environment: automating data acquisition from 3rd party suppliers using wireless technology: WAN (2G : GSM / CDMAone, 3G : UMTS / CDMA2000, 4G : LTE / WiMax), LAN (Wi-Fi) or PAN (ZigBee). • ndar - using User Defined Attributes to assist management: early phases of estimation (weight, cost, time), post processing data into information (validating the estimations)
MT - CAD environment:custom labelling of SC parts (from the dwg file). public static DetailInfo GetDetailInfo(Guid DetGuid, out Point3d p3d) { DetailInfo DI = new DetailInfo(); DI.GUID = DetGuid; double x = 0, x1 = 0, y = 0, y1 = 0, z = 0, z1 = 0; Guid guid = Guid.Empty; p3d = new Point3d(0,0,0); SCon.DataLayer.StructPart.STRUCT_PlateParts platePart = new SCon.DataLayer.StructPart.STRUCT_PlateParts(); platePart.Connection = SConApp.ProjectSettings.Connection; platePart.DataLevel = SCon.DataLayer.Gen.DataLevelEnum.Full; platePart.LengthConversionUnit = GEN_LengthUnit.MM; platePart.FillPKGUID(DetGuid); GEOM_3DPoints points3d = new GEOM_3DPoints(); points3d.Connection = SConApp.ProjectSettings.Connection; points3d.DataLevel = DataLevelEnum.Basic; points3d.LengthConversionUnit = GEN_LengthUnit.MM; if (platePart.MoveNext()== SCon.DataLayer.Gen.DLBOOL.DLTRUE) { DI.Name = platePart.PlatePartName;Fig.5: Custom label example. DI.Stock = platePart.eStockDescription; DI.Material = platePart.eMaterialName; guid = platePart.ExtMaxPointGUID; points3d.FillPKGUID(guid); if (points3d.MoveNext() == SCon.DataLayer.Gen.DLBOOL.DLTRUE) { x = points3d.X; y = points3d.Y; z = points3d.Z; } guid = platePart.ExtMinPointGUID; points3d.FillPKGUID(guid); Fig.6: Custom labels management dialog. if (points3d.MoveNext() == SCon.DataLayer.Gen.DLBOOL.DLTRUE) { x1 = points3d.X; y1 = points3d.Y; z1 = points3d.Z; } p3d = new Point3d((x + x1) / 2, (y + y1) / 2, (z + z1) / 2); return DI; }
MT - SQL environment:"custom" reports of SC data (from database). void GetData() { int num = 0; GEN_Units unitDataset = new GEN_Units(); STRUCT_PlateParts plateParts = new STRUCT_PlateParts(); STRUCT_PlatePartStringAttributes plateAtt = new STRUCT_PlatePartStringAttributes();Fig.7: Custom reports, management dialog. STRUCT_PlatePartStringAttributeValues plateAttVal = new STRUCT_PlatePartStringAttributeValues(); STRUCT_PlatePartBevels plateBevels = new STRUCT_PlatePartBevels(); STRUCT_PlatePartFlangeStandardJoins plateFS = new STRUCT_PlatePartFlangeStandardJoins(); STRUCT_PlatePartTextMarkings plateTM = new STRUCT_PlatePartTextMarkings(); STRUCT_ExtrusionParts extrusionParts = new STRUCT_ExtrusionParts(); STRUCT_ExtrusionPartStringAttributes extPartsSA = new STRUCT_ExtrusionPartStringAttributes(); STRUCT_ExtrusionPartStringAttributeValues extPartsSAV = new STRUCT_ExtrusionPartStringAttributeValues(); STRUCT_ExtrusionPlots extPlots = new STRUCT_ExtrusionPlots(); STRUCT_ExtrusionPlotSheets extPS = new STRUCT_ExtrusionPlotSheets(); STRUCT_CorrugationParts corrParts = new STRUCT_CorrugationParts(); STRUCT_CorrugationPartStringAttributes cpSA = new STRUCT_CorrugationPartStringAttributes(); STRUCT_CorrugationPartStringAttributeValues cpSAV = new STRUCT_CorrugationPartStringAttributeValues(); STRUCT_CurvedPlateParts currPlateParts = new STRUCT_CurvedPlateParts(); STRUCT_CurvedPlatePartStringAttributes cppSA = new STRUCT_CurvedPlatePartStringAttributes(); STRUCT_CurvedPlatePartStringAttributeValues cppSAV = new STRUCT_CurvedPlatePartStringAttributeValues(); STRUCT_TwistedExtrusionParts tep = new STRUCT_TwistedExtrusionParts(); STRUCT_TwistedExtrusionPartStringAttributes tepSA = new STRUCT_TwistedExtrusionPartStringAttributes(); STRUCT_TwistedExtrusionPartStringAttributeValues tepSAV = new STRUCT_TwistedExtrusionPartStringAttributeValues(); STRUCT_PlankParts pp = new STRUCT_PlankParts(); STRUCT_PlankStockStringAttributes ppSA = new STRUCT_PlankStockStringAttributes(); STRUCT_PlankStockStringAttributeValues ppSAV = new STRUCT_PlankStockStringAttributeValues(); GEOM_3DPoints points3d = new GEOM_3DPoints();
MT / RH - combination CAD/SQL environment:combining CAD & non-CAD ShipConstructor data into UDAs while (plateParts.MoveNext() == DLBOOL.DLTRUE) { bool find = false; try {¶if (plateParts.ePrimaryAssemblyGUID == null) { continue; } } catch { continue; } string attVal = ChangeAttributeValue(plateParts.ePrimaryAssemblyGUID, ref find); if (!checkCondition(plateParts.ePrimaryAssemblyGUID)) { continue; } if (find) { plateAttVal.Clear(); plateAttVal.FillFromPlatePart(plateParts.PlatePartGUID); try { while (plateAttVal.MoveNext() == DLBOOL.DLTRUE) { plateAtt.FindGUID(plateAttVal.PlatePartStringAttributeGUID); if (attibutes[plateAtt.StringAttributeGUID] == AttName) { numAtt++;Fig.9: Part of a BOM with UDAs. plateAttVal.AttributeValue = attVal; plateAttVal.IsDeferred = DLBOOL.DLFALSE; plateAttVal.Update(UpdateMethod.AbortOnError); } } } catch { }
ndar / MT - SQL environment: IT/OS neutral input from non-SC sources. ip: ShipConstructor ShipCon 1.- from any html compatible device connected to the internet or to a LAN/WAN network, the user connects to the IP address of the PC hosting the RDM application. 2.- the RDM sends the log-on html GUI to the device. 3.- the user logs-on with name and password. the RDM sends the user-specific GUI to the device. 4.- the user operates using keyboard, mouse, touch-screens, etc. 5.- the RDM establishes and manages the connection to the database.
ndar / MT - SQL environment:combining data from any two databases, then post-processing it using COTS s/w (Crystal reports, etc.). 1.- using the SC API, pull weight of steel. 2.- using the MARS / SAP / Trimerco / etc. API, pull the unit cost of steel, spot and future, per ton / 100 tons, / 1000 tons, etc. 3.- compute the cost of steel as a function of purchase date. 4.- compute the total cost of steel taking into account planning (man power, resoures, etc.). 5.- decide when to buy and when to build.
ndar - SQL environment: automating data acquisition from 3rd party suppliers using wireless technology • NC machine or pre-assembly foreman or ?? sends end-of-job signal. • RFID tag is programmed with tracking # and part list, then placed on pallet / rack. • Truck leaves, RFID tag connects to transponder, and edns pre-composed "departure" data to the SC Information Model via GSM / IP / etc. • During travel, tag (not truck) is geo-localized, and the data fed to the SC Information Model (IP, wireless, etc.). • Truck arives: active transponder reads tag, send info to SC Information Model. • Yard foreman reads tags with hand-held transponder, and dispatches materials. • Tag is re-formatted, ready for next trip. • Cost: about 125 € /tag
Talks • Talks • Erwin Wieringa, Nieuwhof • ShipConstructor / Inventor interfacing / integration
Topics requested • Topics requested • Stefan Raev, Royal Huisman • Interiors with ShipConstructor • Lambertus Oosterveen • Use of PH in yard management and PLM • Pepijn van Schaik • Lost functionality: plate folding (ex. circular staircases, superstructure walls, etc. • Missing functionality: associative "hull" parts • Erwin Wieringa, Nieuwhof • Multiple Product Hierarchies: request brainstorming
Round table Round table
etc. etc.
From theory to practice: implementation of a production process • From theory to practice: implementation of a production process • Stefan Raev, Royal Huisman • guided tour of the productions facilities at Royal Huisman the my / right way.