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Brochure Designer: Ming Lu

Brochure Designer: Ming Lu. < 有多远 > 海南, 有多远? 是谁, 满载着歌声, 跨过南海, 飘越北洋, 把久违的乡音, 吹入我的心坎? 椰风把我吹绿, 海韵把我染蓝。 我拥抱你辽阔的天空, 我亲吻你丰硕的果实。 感谢你赤诚的邀请, 感谢你永远的邀请, 身在异国他乡的我, 心却驰骋在宝石一样的蓝天。 哈佛, 有多远? 是谁, 忙碌的脚步, 前后辗转, 孜孜以求, 把我们的歌声, 领进桑德斯这辉煌的殿堂?.

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Brochure Designer: Ming Lu

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brochure Designer: Ming Lu

  2. <有多远>海南,有多远?是谁,满载着歌声,跨过南海,飘越北洋,把久违的乡音,吹入我的心坎?椰风把我吹绿, 海韵把我染蓝。我拥抱你辽阔的天空,我亲吻你丰硕的果实。感谢你赤诚的邀请,感谢你永远的邀请,身在异国他乡的我,心却驰骋在宝石一样的蓝天。哈佛,有多远?是谁,忙碌的脚步,前后辗转,孜孜以求,把我们的歌声,领进桑德斯这辉煌的殿堂? 让歌声轻轻张开翅膀,敲醒那寂静的查尔斯河畔,腾起五彩祥云,带我们去一个美丽的地方,山水是那样迷人,天地是那样宽广。那里是东方一颗璀璨的明珠,那里是华夏一座艺术的殿堂。十年,有多远?是谁,苦练如一日,一如既往,似水流年,在一起笑语,在一起欢歌?阿公的长橹摇得夕阳红,阿婆的渔网拉出了满天星。模糊了沙滩行行脚印, 清晰了海湾美丽的风景你若是我的哥哥哟,招一招那个手。相约明天再聚首,我们欢歌到永久!维也纳,有多远?

  3. 6/13/10 Dear Yunshen –I just wanted to extend my thanks and gratitude to you and your hardworking volunteers for making the First Greater Boston Community Choral Festival a night to remember!  I have been a singer in Jubilate Chorale for 33 years, and it was a privilege and an honor to sing in the glorious Sanders Theater setting with such diverse and talented groups of singers.  You and your staff did an awesome job to make the evening flow so beautifully.  I enjoyed every minute of the event.It was thrilling to be a part of such a magnificent evening.  Thank you.Sincerely,Marie R. Plouffe Jubilate Chorale singer

  4. Hello to everyone, I looked through my e-mails to be sure that I had all the names of the organizers to thank.  On behalf ofJubilate Chorale, I would like to express our HUGE appreciation to all of you who spent countless hours and some sleepless nights in organizing this most marvelous evening.  My singers had such a wonderful time during the entire event  - singing, talking with others, and just being happy in the environment.  I think one of the things they enjoyed most was the chance to talk to so many other singers and learn so much about the other choirs in our "singing family." I can't count the number of joyous expressions I saw on their faces and heard in their telling of all their conversations. We, as a singing ensemble, have been fortunate to travel and meet others.  However, I am sure that this was one of the high points. The organization of the Festival was just marvelous.  Everyone was so helpful and as a result all participated in an event that will be remembered as a treasured moment in time. Thank you, thank you! • All of the Jubilate Chorale singers

  5. Dear Yunshen and Jim,We, in the Sharing A Song Chorus, want to congratulate you on a wonderful concert! The GBCCF was beautifully planned, organized, and conducted, from start to finish.We were honored to be participants and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We willcarry our memories of this community experience with us throughout the year, and will continue to share the songs that brought us together.We look forward to future community events like this one, though I’m not sure anyone could do it as well as you all have done.  Please convey our appreciation to all who were involved in this beautiful event!    Well done! Thank you so much!Joanne LowryAdministrativeDirector Sharing A New Song Chorus

  6. Hi all,  First of all, let 's give a big round of appause to our dear hardworking BEHC leading team for this event: Yunsheng, Shaona, Jim, Zhifen, Jiping, Liqing, Keke, Emma, and many others. Of course, our MVP duo: Ling and conductor, without them, we are going nowhere! Let’s salute them for their passionate, dedications, sacrifice, well-around performance and outstanding job!!!  (Celtics Starters!). Of course, congratulation to all of us for our supporting role (Celtics role players - not bad) and cheer leading performance. Behind every success is effort...Behind every effort is passion...Behind every passion is someoneWith the courage to try. Speak every heart out loud,Our voices blending,         Our voices blending,             Bang!                  Bang!                         Bang!                                Bang!                                   Proud!!! Hui

  7. Dear Mr. Zhou Just a brief note to tell you how much I enjoyed participating in the festival as a member of Jubilate Chorale.  It was a joy to sing for such an appreciative and knowledgable audience, and to be part of that audience in turn.  I was particularly enchanted by the opening number, "Jasmine Flowers", which was presented so beautifully and elegantly.  And what can I say that has not been said about our special guests from Hainan?  Pure delight!  My wife and our friends were all completely taken with the experience.   sincerely Bill LoughlinBusiness Systems ConsultantBNY Mellon Asset Servicing

  8. Thanks you very much for the invitation. It was a great show indeed. We enjoyed it. We would have stayed for the whole show, had we not promised Vivian to go to her party (with symbolic meaning). Congratulations to the NCLS Chorus for another great event and show. Weidong

  9. Hi,Congratulations for another successful performance! I attached the first one below. Uploading video to youtube takes time, I will send you links when they are done.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBYfb3XfnnsEnjoy and have a nice day,Yonghua

  10. Listening to your beautiful performance of Xiao Yu Cun last night swept me back to 2006 and Xiamen. You brought a smile to my face, a tear to my eye, and a peaceful warmth to my soul. Truly. Thank you for that and congratulations to all on a very successful event!Steve

  11. Dear Yunshen,I can't thank you enough for your gigantic efforts in getting this first annual choral festival off the ground!  Our chorus was most honored to perform among such stellar singers! Our singers are still walking on air and all felt the "magic" of the night.The high level of organization, for a FIRST festival yet, was a testament to the commitment of the GBCCF organizing team.  We look forward to the next festival!Again, my most humble thanks!Yours in peaceful harmony,Jodi Nichols

  12. Dear Wonderful Beings!What a night!  There are no words to describe the joy that was made manifest on Saturday in Sanders.Your tireless efforts and determination, along with your more than pleasant and engaging personalities, certainly manifested an event that we will all remember for years to come.I know that your goal for achieving more cultural understanding and more cultural bridges through music was reached. I also hope that you had a large enough audience so that you reached your goal of "at least breaking even".If there is ever anything that I or SANS can do for you in the future please feel free to contact me (or any of us.)Also, please tell Mr. WanjunQiao, thank you and that I would sing under his direction any time! (Any openings in your chorus? :) )Again, thank you for the honor and pleasure of participating on Saturday,Much love and peace,Diane

  13. 少娜,云深,孙京及所有东方团的朋友们:你们数百天的辛劳终于迎来丰硕的成果. 祝贺你们!这次的成功将产生极大的社会影响和极其深远的意义.为你们自豪!在合唱节中,你们不仅展现了高水准的合唱技艺, 更令人敬佩的是你们的组织能力,社会活动能力,团结一致的团队精神和无私奉献.向你们学习!最后,好好休息保重身体. Dong Ruijun

  14. Dear Yunshen,     The musical glory and personal friendships are STILL ringing in my memory from last Saturday!  What a fantastic festival you and your committee organized and executed with professional excellence.  My chorus and myself are deeply appreciative of the many, many, many hours you and Jim and everyone in your organization put into making this festival a fulfilling and unique experience for everyone involved.  Please pass along my kudos to all.   I hope you can continue to offer the opportunity for such a festival in Boston on a yearly or perhaps bi-annual basis.  If there is anything I can help you with in the future with this project or any other project, please don't hesitate to ask.Congratulations!  ...........Bravissimo!!!John NicholsQuincy Choral Society

  15. Hello, all,  I am writing to thank you once again, on behalf of myself and of Koleinu, for a marvelous event at Sander's Theater last Saturday.  What you all accomplished in pulling this together was really tremendous and we in Koleinu were all very glad to be a part of the proceedings.   I hope the event turned out as you hoped (or better!) and that the effort you went to to include Koleinu was repaid, even by half!  Certainly, the spirit of your organizing and communication, as we experienced it, was the spirit of a beautiful and inclusive gathering.   In Hebrew, after such a success, people often say: Yasherko-ach! - May your strength continue (or something to that effect).   Yasherko-ach to you all!  Hope you are embarking on a much deserved rest! Carol Carol Marton, Director Koleinu,  Boston's Jewish Community Chorus 

  16. 孙京及合唱团各位英明领导,资深骨干,新声力亮,铁杆粉丝们,第一届波士顿合唱节颇具开创性,国际性,艺术性,民族性,绝对震撼!再次证明群众运动(大合唱)的影响是巨大的,参与是荣誉,登台是勇气,花腔是天赋,关注是幸福,展喉是机会,记录是珍贵!难得周末进城欣赏,几首旧曲悉耳温心,好似恋曲重播。 勾翻我等滥竽充数之回忆。当初不及诸君执著,而今自认忠实观众。整夜歌声,于舞台之典雅,编排之流畅,旋律之优美,好不胜收。精神得以陶冶n遍,“谢 ”字不足以了心意。且祝来年更好!许阳

  17. 邢团长和年凤 :你们好!你们的到来和精彩演出给我们的大波士顿地区社区合唱节增添了一笔浓浓的绚丽色彩。你们每个团员扎实的基本功及音乐素质使你们能够在那么短的时间里与乔指挥专业到位的精湛指挥磨合的那么好,在台上发挥得那么淋漓尽致。乔指挥曾眉飞色舞地向我们描述他与你们初次见面排练的场景,他是见到懂行的与他能配合默契的知音了!你们的表演非常生动专业,让观众眼前一亮!你们舞台上的多次瞬间变装更是极其新颖别致,让大家叹为观止,惊呼连连。博得全场唯一的一次对演出团的起立喝彩和返场演出。谢谢你们为这次演出付出的巨大辛劳,谢谢你们给我们的广大中美观众带来一个美的享受。愿我给你们拍摄的演出照片能让你们的这些舞台光辉瞬间定格到永远。 陆明

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