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Achieving the Dream: Annandale Campus Baseline Data

Achieving the Dream: Annandale Campus Baseline Data. Research Report No. 02-08. Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment January 2008. Overview of Fall 2004 Cohort Data Annandale Campus. Section I: Profile of Fall 2004 Cohort Section II: Gatekeeper Courses

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Achieving the Dream: Annandale Campus Baseline Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Achieving the Dream: Annandale CampusBaseline Data Research Report No. 02-08 Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment January 2008

  2. Overview of Fall 2004 Cohort DataAnnandale Campus • Section I: Profile of Fall 2004 Cohort • Section II: Gatekeeper Courses • Section III: Course Completion • Section IV: Developmental Courses • Section V: Retention/Persistence • Section VI: Graduation

  3. Section I: Annandale Campus Cohort Profile - First-time to NOVA in Fall 2004 3,291 Students

  4. Annandale Campus Fall 2004 Cohort by Gender

  5. Annandale Campus Fall 2004 Cohort by Age

  6. Annandale Campus Fall 2004 Cohort by Race/Ethnicity

  7. Annandale Campus Fall 2004 Cohort by Enrollment Status* * Enrollment status during Fall 2004.

  8. Annandale Campus Fall 2004 Cohort by Program Placement Status

  9. Section II:Annandale Campus Cohort Data on Gatekeeper Courses

  10. Gatekeeper Courses Gatekeeper Courses: • Critical courses posing as major barriers to success • Courses with the largest enrollments and lowest success rates NOVA’s Selection: I. ACC 211 II. ENG 003 BIO 101 MTH 003 ENG 111 MTH 004 MTH 151 MTH 163

  11. Annandale Campus Cohort Enrollment in Gatekeeper Courses - I

  12. Annandale Campus Cohort Enrollment in Gatekeeper Developmental Courses - II

  13. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in Gatekeeper Courses - I 71 142 625 131 40

  14. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in Gatekeeper Developmental Courses - II 137 99 72

  15. Section II.A: Success Rates of Annandale Campus Cohort in ACC 211 by Subgroups Success is defined as completing a course with a grade of “C” or better.

  16. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ACC 211 TOTAL ENROLLMENT = 126

  17. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ACC 211 by Gender 41 30

  18. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ACC 211 by Age 3 33 8 10 14 3 *No enrollment.

  19. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ACC 211 by Race/Ethnicity 33 4 24 7 3

  20. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ACC 211 by Enrollment Status 43 28

  21. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ACC 211 by Program Placement Status 24 28 4 15

  22. Section II.B: Success Rates of Annandale Campus Cohort in BIO 101 by Subgroups

  23. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in BIO 101 TOTAL ENROLLMENT = 255

  24. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in BIO 101 by Gender 76 66

  25. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in BIO 101 by Age 8 5 5 7 3 1 113 *No enrollment.

  26. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in BIO 101 by Race/Ethnicity 7 75 9 34 17 *No enrollment.

  27. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in BIO 101 by Enrollment Status 115 27

  28. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in BIO 101 by Program Placement Status 97 18 4 23

  29. Section II.C: Success Rates of Annandale Campus Cohort in ENG 111 by Subgroups

  30. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ENG 111 TOTAL ENROLLMENT = 929

  31. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ENG 111 by Gender 318 307

  32. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ENG 111 by Age 39 508 32 22 18 6

  33. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ENG 111 by Race/Ethnicity 43 334 35 115 96 2

  34. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ENG 111 by Enrollment Status 458 167

  35. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in ENG 111 by Program Placement Status 357 144 18 106

  36. Section II.D: Success Rates of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 151 by Subgroups

  37. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 151 TOTAL ENROLLMENT = 224

  38. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 151 by Gender 69 62

  39. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 151 by Age 3 119 2 4 2 1 *No enrollment.

  40. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 151 by Race/Ethnicity 72 11 19 18 11 *No enrollment.

  41. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 151 by Enrollment Status 111 20

  42. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 151 by Program Placement Status 73 36 9 13

  43. Section II.E: Success Rates of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 163 by Subgroups

  44. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 163 TOTAL ENROLLMENT = 86

  45. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 163 by Gender 19 21

  46. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 163 by Age 4 32 3 1 *No enrollment.

  47. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 163 by Race/Ethnicity 1 19 2 13 5 *No enrollment.

  48. Success Rate of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 163 by Enrollment Status 34 6

  49. Success Rates of Annandale Campus Cohort in MTH 163 by Program Placement Status 19 16 5

  50. Section II.F: Success Rates of Annandale Campus Cohort in ENG 003 by Subgroups

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