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How communication is used in to escalate an online relationship.
How communication is used in to escalate an online relationship
Teens are heavy users of new communication forms such as instant messaging, e-mail, and text messaging, as well as communication-oriented Internet sites such as blogs, social networking, photo and video sharing sites such as YouTube, interactive video games, and virtual reality environments, such as Second Life. • http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/future_of_children/v018/18.1.subrahmanyam.html
http://www.trans4mind.com/relationships/ • Video clip
The rapid pace of modern society leaves fewer opportunities for idle chat. Online communication supplies such opportunities. The fact that the people you are corresponding with have no real connection to you, nor can they influence your life, enhances the atmosphere necessary to engage in such enjoyable, non-purposive conversations. • Our generation is the technology age and with that there are bound to be an increase in online dating. Communicating in an online relationship provides the opportunity to get to know one another because the person on the other side of the computer has no real connection to you at first so the chance to engage in self disclosure is highly possible for many people. In forming the basis of a strong online relationship it is necessary to communicate using the right verbal and nonverbal cues.
Interpersonal Attraction • Interpersonal attraction is needed in any relationship and also is needed in online relationships. • The degree to which one desires to form or maintain an interpersonal relationship with another person. • When two people form a relationship online both of the individuals need to both be on bored in trying to start and maintain a relationship. Reassurance is needed when two people are forming a relationship online because both people need to know that there in this online relationship together and that they have to work harder than regular couples to make it work .
Nonverbal Nonverbal communication in online relationships is very valid into forming a strong online relationship. You would assume that nonverbal communication only occurs in interpersonal relationships which occur face to face but it is the same in online dating just over the computer there are different cues. The cues of nonverbal that occur are things that occur like… When the person doesn’t respond for a long time or responds too quickly or responding right away. For example when an online couple communicates the desperation of waiting for the other person to respond can make another person mad or sad or assuming the other person on the other side of the computer doesn’t like them as much as they would like. If someone responds to quickly the other person could feel like the chase is gone and that the person obviously likes them more. When something is typed in contrast of that person’s meaning For example, when your speaking to your significant other online and they type, “ I love you!!!!!=)” and then you respond with, “ I love you too” the person on the other side of the computer might wonder if that person is mad or if there love is fading away.
Verbal Verbal communication takes place in online relationships even though your not actually using your mouth to speak. Verbal Communication is what is actually said in the message. For example, when a person says, “What are you doing!!!???” and the other person responds with, “ Nothing” the person who asked what are you doing might feel like the other person doesn’t want to talk to them or that person is mad or in a bad mood even if in reality that’s not the case. Good verbal communication is needed in any relationship but especially in an online relationship because what you type or say depicts the tone of your voice and the way that you say it so its especially important to pay attention to verbal and nonverbal cues.
Self Disclosure • Voluntarily providing information to others that they would not learn if one did not tell them. • Self disclosure is necessary in forming an online relationship because you have to provide information about yourself in order for the other person to start opening up. • This could be used to much or not enough in an online relionship.
Assertive and Aggressive Communication • Assertive communication takes a listeners feelings and rights into account. • Aggressive communication is self-serving communication that does not take a listeners feelings and rights into account. • Assertive communication in is very necessary in an online relationship because every relationship gets into arguments or disagreements that need to be solved and a way to communicate through a problem in a relationship is using assertive communication. • A passive approach tends to cause internal frustration which may build into a destructive rage that later erupts. • Aggressive communication is not good in an online relationship because when you communicate negatively the other person is going to communicate negativly and this happens when you let your emotions get the best of you and its something to watch when typing back in forth. • Verbal aggression also classified as verbal abuse is not a good thing in communicating through any relationship let alone an online relationship. This kind of communication is known for attacking the heart or self concept of the person. If something is typed by someone in this kind of communication the other person can go back and re read it making them feel even more miserable. This would be the start of an unhealthy online relationship or breaking the relationship.
Cooperative Style • Cooperative style is necessary in solving a problem through communicating online. • Conflict management style in which conflict is viewed as a set of problems to be solved rather than a competition in which one person wins and another looses. • Needed in forming an online relationship to solving problems through communicating in the right assertive ways.
Conversational Narcasism and Self Absorbed communicator style • These are forms of communicating that cannot be involved when communicating to an online spouse because they person couldn’t type back because the other would be talking the entire time.