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Leadership: What type of leader are you? safety. American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) National Capital Chapter January 24 , 2013 Joy Erdman, MS, CSP, CIH
Leadership: What type of leader are you? safety American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) National Capital Chapter January 24, 2013 Joy Erdman, MS, CSP, CIH Joy.erdman@navy.mil joyerdman00@gmail.com W: 703.695.4705
What type of leader are you?Purpose: Reflect on your leadership strengths and areas needing improvement. • Introduction – Transitioning from Manager to Leader • Qualities of a Leader • Toxic Leadership • Leading Change • Managing Failure • Building Trust • Integrating Contradictions • Transforming Yourself • Key to Safety Leadership in the 21st Century
What type of leader are you?For those of you who think this topic is too soft, here are the technical websites Joy Erdman leads on • Acquisition safety • Safety policies • Safety and occupational health success stories • Electrical safety • http://www.public.navy.mil/navsafecen/Pages/acquisition/acquisition.aspx • http://www.public.navy.mil/navsafecen/Pages/instructions/OPNAV_Policy.aspx • http://www.public.navy.mil/navsafecen/Pages/osh/Success_Stories/safety_success_stories_home.aspx • http://www.denix.osd.mil/eswg/
Leadership: What type of leader are you? Transitioning from a Manager to a Leader • 1st Step: Instead of viewing people as the problem View people as the solution • 2nd Step: Give up primary focus on technical Focus on problem solving • 3rd Step: Instead of thinking short term Think long term ….Strategic Think teamwork
Comparing Leaders and Managers:Select the Leader: • Originator…….. …………. or …….. Copier • Accepts the status quo..…or……... Challenges the status quo • Thinks people…………….. or…..…. Think things • Asks how and when…….. or …..… Asks what and why • Watches the bottom line…or …..… Watches the horizon • Thinks short term………… or……... Thinks long term • Does things right …………or……… Does the right things See also DK Leadership: Leading and Managing (p. 7)
Character: Be a piece of the rock Charisma: The 1stimpresson can seal the deal Commitment : It separates doers from dreamers Communication: Without it, you travel alone Competence: If you build it, they will come Courage: One person with courage is a majority Discernment: Put an end to unsolved problems Focus: The sharper it is, the sharper you are Generosity: Your candle loses nothing when it lights another Initiative: You won’t leave home without it Listening: To connect with their hearts, use your ears Ref: Maxwell, John C., The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow Passion: Take this life and love it Positive Attitude: If you believe you can, you can Problem Solving: You can’t let your problems be a problem Relationships: If you get along, they’ll go along Responsibility: If you won’t carry the ball, you can’t lead the team Security: Competence never compensates for insecurity Self-Discipline: The first person to lead is you Servanthood: To get ahead, put others first Teachability: To keep leading, keep learning Vision: You can seize only what you see What type of Leader are you?Qualities of Leaders
What type of leader are you? Toxic Leaders*: We should ask • Do we create toxic leaders? • Do we tolerate them? • What should we do about them? • How many toxic leaders are in your organization? * Toxic Leaders, Bullies, Creeps, Jerks, Tyrants, Tormentors, Despots, Backstabbers, Egomaniacs, Assholes Ref: George Reed, Toxic Leadership, george.reed@sandiego.edu
Results and leader behavior Positive Leader Behaviors Poor Results Good Results Negative Leader Behaviors
Toxic Leaders: Solutions/Antidotes • Name the problem (toxic leadership) and talk about it openly. • Develop and select with an eye to leadership style, not simply short term effectiveness. • Implement the “no asshole rule.” • Hold supervisors responsible for the style of their subordinates. • Implement climate assessments. Look for the weak signals. • Evaluate the long term health of the organization as well as accomplishment of the short term goals. • Implement 360 degree or multi-faceted evaluations for development, and eventually as a data point for promotion, selection, and assignment. • Have the hard discussions. Ref: George Reed, george.reed@sandiego.edu
What type of leader are you?Toxic Leaders - Is there a cost that must be paid for leaders with a destructive leadership style? Enforcing the No Asshole* Rule: • Say the rule, write it down • Assholes will hire other assholes • Get rid of assholes fast • Treat certified assholes as incompetent employees • Power breeds nastiness • Embrace the power-performance paradox • Manage moments – not just practices, policies, and systems • Model and teach constructive confrontation • Adopt the one asshole rule • bottom line: Link big policies to small decencies *Ref: Sutton, PhD, Robert, The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t
What type of leader are you? • How do you handle change?
How do you handle change? Change is a constant • Faster pace • Multiple and cross-cutting • Increasingly threat driven • Unreliable infrastructure • Change is a permanent process • Inner attitudes and values now important (unlike past) • Occurs as surprises • Usually novel • Messy “can of worms” • Costly, impossible to ignore • Can’t solve with policy • Going to continue indefinitely
How do you handle change? Change is a constant • Good News: You’re Not Alone • Bad News: It’s screwed up everywhere! • Ability to let go of control • Ability to exercise greater patience • Leaders rock the boat… not afraid to change… not afraid to risk failure
How do you handle change? Transforming your organization • Establish a sense of urgency • Form a powerful coalition • Create a vision • Communicate the vision • Empower others to act on the vision • Plan for and create short-term wins • Consolidate improvements and produce still more change • Institutionalize new approaches • Refs: John P. Kotter, Leading Change • Harvard Business Review on Change
What type of leader are you? • Your ability to create and sell a vision • Your ability to create and manage through teams • Your ability to fail successfully • Your ability to build trust See also DK Leadership: Vision (p. 12, 40, 54, 64) Teams (p. 48)
What type of leader are you?Failure: Most Common Causes of Failure • Poor interpersonal skills • Wrong Fit (environment, value system, co-workers) • Lack of commitment • Bad luck • Self destructive behavior • Too scattered to focus • Sexism, ageism, racism • Over or under delegation • Hanging on • Doesn’t get help from others • Manage subordinates poorly • Takes on very low risks • Doesn’t work through issues Ref: Carole Hyatt and Linda Gottlieb, When Smart People Fail
What type of leader are you? Failure: Your ability to fail successfully Leaders take risks and are willing to fail. • Prevent big failures by getting feedback: Use scorecard (rate A – F) • When fail, reflect and learn: Exercise: When did I try and fail? What did I learn?
What type of leader are you? OPM releases executive onboarding guide Oct 17, 2011 According to the guide, since the beginning of 2006, about 16 percent of Senior Executive Service members “failed to complete their initial 1-year probationary period successfully, for reasons that included termination for performance, performance significantly below expectations, or voluntary resignation from the new position.” The most common causes for that failure, the report says, include a lack of political savvy, failure to establish a cultural fit, uncertainty about performance expectations, failure to build teamwork, and a lack of a formal assimilation process for new executives. Ref:s: http://federaldaily.com/articles/2011/10/17/opm-releases-executive-onboarding-guide.aspx?s=FD_181011 OPM Hit the Ground Running: Establishing A Model Executive Onboarding Program (28 pp) http://www.opm.gov/WIKI/uploads/docs/Wiki/OPM/training/Hit_the_Ground_Running_Establishing_a_Model_Executive_Onboarding_Framework_2011.pdf
Your ability to build trust • 1.Discovering yourself • 2. Appreciating constituents • 3. Affirming shared values • 4. Developing capacity • 5. Serving a purpose • 6. Sustaining hope • Ref: James Kouzes and Barry Posner, Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It. • Reflect - When you made a difference. Why does org need me tomorrow? Stop doing things & sort out the important. • 2. Create organization that nurtures the best (ability to contribute best & be valued) • 3. Emphasize what agree on • 4. Stop talking/deciding • 5. Market others. Ask Questions • 6. High hope = high performance • Set goals & Dispute neg. beliefs
Your ability to build trust DWYSYWD is “Welsh” for Do What You Say You Will Do Ref: James Kouzes and Barry Posner, Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It.
Leadership Courses • ASSE Leadership Symposia http://www.asse.org/leadership/ • ASSE Safety Body of Knowledge http://www.safetybok.org/ • USDA Graduate School www.grad.usda.gov/leader • Harvard JFK School of Gov’t www.hks.harvard.edu/ • OPM Leadership Courses www.leadership.opm.gov • Center for Creative Leadership (Greensboro NC) www.ccl.org/leadership • “Basic Leadership Development & Leadership at the Peak Programs” - rated #1 in Wall St. Journal • Uses tests, video, 2-way mirrors, class opinion, instructor opinion….look for behavior and results • Most frequent advice given to attendees : ______________ • Toastmasters International http://www.toastmasters.org/
What type of leader are you?Integrating Contradictions • Become more focused on self • Become more focused on others ========== • Produce actions that are logical • Produce actions that are emotional ========== • Look at the short term • Look at the long term Reflections: • What has helped me to increase my ability to focus on the contradictions above? • What action did I take that was both logical and emotional? • What other contradictions do I face as a leader?
Winning too much Adding too much value Passing judgment Making destructive comments Starting with “No,” “But,” or “However” Telling the world how smart we are Speaking when angry Negativity, or “Let me explain why that won’t work” Withholding information Failing to give proper recognition Ref: Goldsmith, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful Claiming credit that we don’t deserve Making excuses Clinging to the past Playing favorites Refusing to express regret Not listening Failing to express gratitude Punishing the messenger Passing the buck An excessive need to be “me” See also DK Leadership, Leadership Transitions, p.63 What type of Leader are you?Transforming yourself
What type of leader are you? 21st Century Leader • Path Finding: Will keep ahead by exploring uncharted territory & serving as advanced scout; will do this through a disciplined monitoring of external conditions. • Aligning: Will be expert at quickly and effectively bringing together people and resources needed to address issues of critical importance; will do this through alliances with diverse industries, organizations, community groups and professions. • Empowering: Will maintain an environment within which key constituencies and staff have access to information and technical assistance necessary to advance their success; will do this through effective use of internet technology along with traditional methods of communication which have proven themselves to be effective. Ref: Ed Barlow, http://www.creatingthefuture.com
What type of leader are you?More on alignment “The key to success in the 21st century is alignment. Staying in alignment with a world that I guarantee will be characterized by complexity, diversity, and pace of change.” Ref. Ed Barlow, http://www.creatingthefuture.com
What type of leader are you? Select 5 areas you want to learn more about to improve your leadership capabilities: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________
What type of leader are you? Did you pick up a few new ideas to: • Improve your leadership skills? • Advance your career ? • Help the safety profession.? Did you win a free leadership book? Did you meet someone new? Did you enjoy yourself?
Leadership: What type of leader are you? safety American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) National Capital Chapter January 24, 2013 Joy Erdman, MS, CSP, CIH Joy.erdman@navy.mil joyerdman00@gmail.com W: 703.695.4705