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Monitoring Eyjafjallajökull Ash Layer Evolution: Raman Lidar Payerne-Switzerland

Explore the detailed observation and analysis of the Eyjafjallajökull ash layer over Payerne, Switzerland, utilizing a Raman Lidar system for water vapor, temperature, and aerosol measurements.

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Monitoring Eyjafjallajökull Ash Layer Evolution: Raman Lidar Payerne-Switzerland

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Monitoring of Eyjafjallajökull Ash Layer Evolution over Payerne-Switzerland with a Raman Lidar Todor Dinoev, Valentin Simeonov*, and Mark Parlange Swiss Federal Institute of Technology –Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland Bertrand Calpini MeteoSwiss – Payerne, Switzerland

  2. Outlook • General lidar principle • Raman lidar for water vapor, temperature and aerosol measurements • MeteoSwiss-EPFL lidar (RALMO –Raman Lidar for Meteorological Observation) • Eyjafjallajöekull ash layer observation • Conclusion

  3. Lidar principle R z I(z) P Spectral unit Laser A Telesccope

  4. Water vapor Laser Raman lidar N2 H2O O2

  5. Temperature and aerosol measurements by the PRR SEl

  6. RALMO design Lidar Windows Laser Beam Aerosol / Temperature Polychromator Water Vapor Polychromator Telescope array Beam Expander Laser Power Supply Laser 2005 mm Laser -400 mJ/pulse at 355 nm 30 Hz rep. rate Telescope-array of four 30 cm F#3 mirrors Polychromators- Grating based for water vapor and temperature Telescope / polychromators fiber coupled

  7. Fibers Output lens of the Beam Expander Fibers Mirrors Inside view Telescope T° Polychromator Telescope H2O Polychromator Laser

  8. RALMO specifications • Distance range 150 m-up to 5 km day/ 12km night • Temporal resolution 30 min (optional 10 min) • Spatial resolution - variable 15-300 m • Detection limit water vapor 0.05 g/kg • Temperature resolution 0.5 K • Aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients at 355 nm • Statistical error < 10 % • Automatic operation and data treatment • Eye safe • Operation • Water vapor channel • -Experimental operation since 2007 • -Fully operational since 2008 • Temperature/aerosol channel operational since 2009

  9. Eyjafjallajöekull ash layer observations

  10. Backscatter/water vapor MR 16 April 17 April 18 April

  11. Backscatter/Relative humidity

  12. Backtrajectories

  13. Ash layer over Zurich Observation by ETHZ lidar (Thomas Peter)

  14. Mass concentration

  15. Conclusion • Automated water vapor lidar for meteorological applications developed • The lidar is in continuous operation from November 2007 at the aerological station of MeteoSwiss in Payerne. • The data is regularly intercompared with SnowWhite and RS 92 sondes microwave radiometer, and GPS measurements. • The lidar was upgraded with PRR channels for temperature, aerosol extinction and backscatter profiling • Appearance and evolution of volcanic ash layer observed • Optical properties measured and mass concentration estimated • Anti correlation between aerosol load and water vapor mixing ratio observed

  16. Thank you todor.dinoev@gmail.com or valentin.simeonov@epfl.ch

  17. Transciever RALMO Transmitter Nd:YAG laser 400 mJ & 355 nm 30 Hz rep. rate Beam expander 15 X Receiver Matrix telescope of four mirrors 30 cm in diameter 0.2 mrad FOV

  18. Time resolution - 10 min, Vertical resolution - 30 m up to 4 km No smooth or interpolation High pressure – Anticyclone Clouds, Rain ‘Rain stop’Clouds/Fog < 500 m

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