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Getting older is inevitable. However, it is the thought of the changes that come with <br><br>aging that make most women dread it. If you are a woman from Grand Rapids, Michigan, <br><br>and you have already started experiencing menopause symptoms, that may be a cause for <br><br>worry especially if you are still in your thirties or early forties.<br><br>For more information that will help you understand women's hormone therapy Grand <br><br>Rapids, MI, please check out http://www.genemedics.com/ today.
How To Know If Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help If You Are A Woman In Birmingham Brought to you by: http://www.genemedics.com/
How To Know If Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help If You Are A Woman In Birmingham Getting older is inevitable. However, it is the thought of the changes that come with aging that make most women dread it. If you are a woman from Grand Rapids, Michigan, and you have already started experiencing menopause symptoms, that may be a cause for worry especially if you are still in your thirties or early forties. The average age mark at which most women start experiencing the menopausal symptoms is 47. If you are start experiencing them earlier than this, it will be unfortunate especially if you have plans to have babies. www.genemedics.com
How To Know If Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help If You Are A Woman In Birmingham However, just because you started experiencing premenopausal or menopausal symptoms early does not mean that you have to worry yourself to death. This is because you can find a solution for treating these symptoms in hormone replacement therapy Grand Rapids, Michigan. This is simply a treatment that is used to augment the natural hormone levels of the body. It is beneficial to women that experience menopause naturally in their midlife as well as those that have had a hysterectomy (which is also referred to as surgical menopause). www.genemedics.com
How To Know If Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help If You Are A Woman In Birmingham Hormone replacement therapy results into the thickening of the uterus lining, something that prepares the uterus for egg implantation, which in turn increasing your chances of bearing children. The therapy involves the use of estrogen together with progesterone, both which serve amazing functions in the body. They help the body to process calcium which is very important for strengthening bones, keeping the vagina healthy and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. When you approach menopause, the amounts of estrogen and progesterone that are produced by the ovaries reduce tremendously. www.genemedics.com
How To Know If Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help If You Are A Woman In Birmingham When this happens, you will start experiencing symptoms such as night sweats, hot flushes, painful intercourse, sleep problems, mood changes and so on. The risk of osteoporosis can also increase due to the sharp drop of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Hormone replacement therapy Grand Rapids, Michigan, can help guard against osteoporosis and relieve menopause symptoms by replenishing the supply of these hormones in the body. Before you start the hormone therapy, it is very important to seek advice from your doctor so as to know how to go about it properly. www.genemedics.com
How To Know If Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help If You Are A Woman In Birmingham If you are undergoing surgical menopause as a result of a hysterectomy, you are required to take estrogen alone. However, if you still have a uterus or you are experiencing menopause naturally, taking estrogen alone is not recommended because it may increase the risk of endometrium cancer, which is the cancer that affects the lining of the uterus. Hormone replacement therapy for someone who still has a uterus involves a combination of estrogen and progesterone. This is because taking estrogen alone can lead to an overgrowth of uterine cells, something that may in turn lead to cancer. www.genemedics.com
How To Know If Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help If You Are A Woman In Birmingham But when you take estrogen along with progesterone in form of progestin, the risk of endometrial cancer will be lessened. This is because the endometrium will shed each month as a result of active menstruation. For more information that will help you understand women's hormone therapy Grand Rapids, MI, please check out http://www.genemedics.com/ today. www.genemedics.com
How To Know If Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help If You Are A Woman In Birmingham Brought to you by: http://www.genemedics.com/