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Primary Sport Premium North Dorset Presentation 24 th January 2014. Annie Hargreaves Schools Officer. Kath Rudd Schools Development Manager. Guest Presenters. Outcomes.
Primary Sport PremiumNorth Dorset Presentation24th January 2014 Annie Hargreaves Schools Officer Kath Rudd Schools Development Manager
Outcomes • To have a better understanding of the Primary Sport Premium and the different ways an individual school can choose to spend it • To determine how the Primary Sport Premium needs to be accounted for • To ascertain how the information can be disseminated with the wider school community
Programme 1.00pm Active Dorset Introduction & Welcome Brief1.40pm Presentations 1 & 41.50pm Presentations 2 & 52.00pm Presentations 3 & 62.10pm Break2.30pm Presentations 1 & 42.40pm Presentations 2 & 52.50pm Presentations 3 & 63.00pm Break & movement to network tables3.10pm Networking Opportunity3.50pm Closing Brief4.00pm End
Active DorsetPrimary School Support Role Active Dorset has been asked to facilitate the primary school sport premium mapping exercise in Dorset, in partnership with Sport England, YST, AfPE and other national partners. Together we will create a simple picture at County Sport Partnership level of how primary schools plan to deploy their share of the premium. This intelligence will enable Active Dorset to target support and help those who want and need it. This picture will be regularly updated and has been in place, with an offer of support, since September 2013.
Primary Premium Funding Annie HargreavesSchools OfficerActive Dorset
Primary Premium New Culture of Sport to Inspire and Coach Every Child • “Primary school sport is set to be transformed thanks to a £150m-a-year boost that will improve PE and School Sport for the youngest pupils and inspire the Olympic and Paralympic stars of the future” • Prime Minister David Cameron • 16th March 2013
Primary Premium Key Facts NEW In January 2014 Active Dorset launched a ‘Schools’ tab on their website to help support/advise schools & develop the county-wide picture In September 2013 Active Dorset was tasked with mapping what is currently provided by schools across the county
Primary Premium What Active Dorset have been tasked to do…
Questions you may be asked by your Senior Management Team, Governors, Parents and/or Ofsted What are you doing? What would you like support with? How are you communicating your uses of the Primary Sport Premium to others? Are you raising participation rates amongst your pupils? How are you evaluating impact? How do you assess quality of impact?
Key Primary Sport Premium Uses • Employing specialist PE teachers or qualified coaches to work alongside teachers • Procuring quality-assured CPD for staff to raise their confidence and competence in teaching PE and sport • Buying into existing local sports networks – e.g. school sport partnerships or community sports coaching initiatives • Paying for transport, pool hire and instruction to provide additional swimming lessons for those pupils unable to swim by the end of Year 6 www.ofsted.gov.uk Inspecting primary school PE and school sport: new funding Briefing for section 5 inspection
Latest Funding InformationPublished on 6th November 2013 We call for investment to be made in primary school teachers and club coaches, the link between whom is of critical importance, to create a more positive disposition to sport and physical activity in young people in the UK. This sort of change would help to reduce healthcare costs significantly in the medium term. To achieve the change, consistent review and monitoring will be necessary. (Recommendation 4) We call on the Government to require Ofsted to inspect and report on the time in the school day spent on PE, including ‘out of hours’ sport, in all school inspections. This would ensure that school leaders take the development of PE seriously and invest in the professional development of teachers and coaches. (Recommendation 5) HOUSE OF LORDS Select Committee on Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Keeping the flame alive: the Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Report of Session 2013–14
Sports Coach UKhttp://www.sportscoachuk.org/node/216768 • What is the PE and school sport premium? • What is the purpose of the funding? • Why should I use a coach in my school? • How can my school work with coaches most effectively? • What qualifications and skills should I look for in a good coach?
Accountability Measures for the Primary PE & Sport Funding Ofsted will monitor the impact of this funding on primary PE and school sport and report on its findings. From September 2013 onwards, it will strengthen its coverage of PE and sport, as well considering howeffectively schools have used their additional funding. The impact of the funding is being considered in terms of: Achievement in weekly PE lessons Increased participation in competitive school sport Personal health and well-being Improved attitudes and behaviour towards learning
How will this look? Ofsted will judge the quality of the school’s leadership and management by assessing and reporting on how effectively this new funding is being used to improve PE and sport provision. Ofsted will make judgements about the achievement of pupils at the school by taking account of howincreasing participation in PE and sport is helping all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of. Ofsted will evaluate the curriculum by considering pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development and the opportunities created by the school for pupils to take part in a range sporting events and activities
What immediate steps can you take? Primary schools are being advised to publish information about their use of the new funding on their school websites. This should include: Theamountof grant received How it has, or will be, spent Whatimpactthe school has seen on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment
Primary Sport Premium National Data Requested by Sport England Details of School School Games Account Activated Accreditation or Quality Assurance via… • School Games Kitemark • Youth Sport Trust Quality Mark • afPE Accreditation (award) Part of a local partnership/network Host of a Change 4 Life Club Attended Sports Premium Event Attended CPD Event Sound understanding of School Sport Engaged in Programmes such as… • FA Tesco Skills Programme • Bikeability • Chance to Shine
Primary Premium The Active Dorset Offer for Primary Premium Spending
We Aim to Bring You…An On-line Source of Advice and Guidance
Sport Wales Video Cliphttp://www.sportwales.org.uk/community-sport/education/physical-literacy.aspx
Thank you & enjoy your afternoon! Annie Hargreaves Schools Officer Kath Rudd Schools Development Manager