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FIMSAA - Freight Information and Management System for the Alpine Area VIKING Workshop “Best practices on monitoring deployment” Hamburg, 15th of March 2007. Jürgen Neugebauer. Galileo. Dangerous goods and extra heavy goods transport via the Alps. Idea:
FIMSAA - Freight Information and Management System for the Alpine Area VIKING Workshop “Best practices on monitoring deployment” Hamburg, 15th of March 2007 Jürgen Neugebauer
Galileo Dangerous goods and extra heavy goods transport via the Alps Idea: Registration, control, monitoring and presentation of the positions of special transports by an online centre FIMSAA – Information and traffic concept for dangerous goods and heavy goods transports Optimisation of the workflow of such transports by the application of telematic systems more flexible managing of cross-border transports in case of deviation from the authorised route
Current project status • Project achievements • Analysis of the initial situation and of critical points via the Alps, • Formulation of project aims, • Identification of approaches for optimisation and possible measures for these transports, • Integrated information and traffic concept, • Definition of an operating concept, • Conception and planning of online centres, pre-/ on-trip-traffic management and of a routing system for HGV over the Alps • … • within different work packages (WP 100 - 600). successfully processed in process
Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Procedure Workshops with experts of the field • Discussion of the problems and ideas • Relevance for the practice and realization • Interviews with questionnaires
Extra heavy goods (A) and dangerous goods (B) transports: initial situation • different laws/ regulations within the countries • complex and different authorisation procedures • no grading • different interpretation of the ADR* in the countries (B) • _________________________________________________________________ • no centrally available information • no use of modern computing • complex and widely distributed work flows • own accompanying vehicles for each country (A) • different documents (B) • _________________________________________________________________ • isolated applications concerning traffic management and routing • lack of information security and transmission in case of emergency • necessity of new applications in case of changes / interferences (A) • routing due to individual experiences (A) • complex organisation for safe tunnel passages (B) Regulations Text xy evtl. auch Unterüberschrift… Bla bla • Aufzählung xy * ADR: Acord Européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route) Europäische Übereinkommen über die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter auf der Straße Organisation Traffic/ Security
3 grades of danger 3 grades of heavy load Extra heavy goods and dangerous goods transports: approaches to optimisation • unification of authorisations / laws for all countries • direct access to all data (centrally, online) • paperless application by a central location (online) • short and direct work flows • special routing and pre-trip traffic management • tracing and tracking and on-trip traffic management depending on the measurements of the heavy goods or on the dangerous goods and their amount
Actions for optimisation: examples Classification of the transports into 3 grades -> according to endangering respectively obstruction of the traffic classification of extra heavy goods transports (Criteria: length, width, height, weight, axle load distribution and the stretch to travel on) classification of dangerous goods transports (Criteria: substance, the amount and the securing of the dangerous goods)
more national traffic information central offices Austrian Traffic-Information-Service „Österr. Verkehrmanagement- und Informationssystem VMIS“ truckinfo.ch inforviabilita.it bayerninfo.de = + + Integration of the VIB Actions for optimisation: examples Uniform traffic information central office alpine-enclosing traffic information service, that is connected with the online central office +
Locating within tunnels Actions for optimisation: examples • Tracing and tracking for relevant grades of transport • options: • manual announcement of start und finish of the transport operation • automatic announcement of start und finish of the transport operation • automatic announcement at all relevant sites • continuous tracing and tracking
Actions for optimisation: examples • Optimisation of tunnel accesses • Objectives and advantages: • Avoidance of delays at the tunnel entrance, • Tracking of dangerous goods transports in tunnels, • Automatic availability of required safety vehicles, • Avoidance of two dangerous goods transports entering the tunnel at the same time • Optimisation of tunnel safety by provision of tailored information for rescue forces and police
Actions for optimisation: examples • Pre-Trip and On-Trip Traffic Management • special routing (intermodal) • transalpine traffic management • controlling and guiding of special transports • Implementation of an online centre • support of all relevant information (transalpine) • simplified processes • registration / authorisation of the transport • online routing • integrated pre-trip/ on-trip traffic management
Actions for optimisation: examples • Example for on-trip management: organisation of tunnel access • Half an hour before arriving at the tunnel entrance a message is sent automatically to the tunnel authority • Check of the situation and, if necessary, preparation of accompanying vehicles by the tunnel authority • the tunnel access will be processed smoothly and without delay of the transport • increase of the safety by pre- and on-trip traffic management • automated check and control of the tunnel to avoid simultaneous transport of indigestible substances • tracking also in the tunnel (relevant in case of congestion or emergency)
The Online Centres • administration of countries and authorities • registration of the user • adjustment of the read and write permissions for the user group • personalised supply of information (pull and push) • announcement to the rescue team in case of emergency (position, transport details) Internet access Database server
Administration and maintenance of an Online Centre for DG / HG decentralized data update - central administration • Update of the data/ information • planned by: • associations • road authorities / tunnel authorities • national traffic management centres • Central organ for administration and control • planned by: • cross-border public authorities or • national traffic management centres Routing: based on compatible GIS/ database solutions (e.g. INTREST) Navigation / communication: integration of existing solutions - mobile and OBU
Advantages of the Online Centres • International tool allowing for seamless and fast transport planning across borders • Adaptation to market demands, • Reduction of bureaucratic workload, • Better and faster information provision in case of emergencies, • Bundled information – all necessary information found at one place, • Time savings for all concerned parties, • Cost savings, • Improvement of safety and security, • Less necessary controls.
Working plan/Results DG/HG for 2006 Conception and planning of the Online Centres for Dangerous Goods (DG) and Extra Heavy Goods (HG) Transports Organisation of tunnel accesses (DG) Organisation of the approvals (HG) DG Classification of the transports according to endangering (DG) or obstruction (HG) of the traffic Pre-Trip and On-Trip traffic management HG Locating of relevant transport levels Cross-border Traffic Information Centre Emergency Management (DG) Accompanying vehicles (HG) Aim: Safe and economic organisation and execution of Dangerous Goods and Extra Heavy Goods Transports via the Alps
Closing words In Corvette only the weather doesn’t move