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Chapter 6 & 7 Apologetics as Defense: Problem of Evil, part 1&2

Apologetics to the Glory of God. Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil. Chapter 6 & 7 Apologetics as Defense: Problem of Evil, part 1&2. Question General Principles Blind alleys. A Biblical Response. Apologetics to the Glory of God. Defense. Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil.

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Chapter 6 & 7 Apologetics as Defense: Problem of Evil, part 1&2

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  1. Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil Chapter 6 & 7 Apologetics as Defense: Problem of Evil, part 1&2 Question General Principles Blind alleys • A Biblical Response

  2. Apologetics to the Glory of God Defense Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil • The Bible defends itself • God calls people to defend His truth (Phil 1:7,16; 1Peter 3:15) • Scripture supplies the fundamental standards and criteria which we must employ • But other data is valuable as well … All facts have apologetic significance, because all facts are created and ordered by God.

  3. Apologetics to the Glory of God Problem? Answer? Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil Premise 1: If God were all-powerful, he would be able to prevent evil. Premise 2: If God were all-good, he would desire to prevent evil. Conclusion: So, if God were both all-powerful and all-good, there would be no evil. Premise 3: But there is evil. Conclusion: Therefore, there is no all-powerful, all-good God. So is there an explanation that will vindicate God’s providence in every instance of evil? … If you want encouragement and help to go on believing and trusting God in the midst of suffering or unexplained evil, Scripture provides that, and provides it abundantly.

  4. Apologetics to the Glory of God General Principles Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil The Bible brings us as close to an answer as we can get. Keep in mind the following scriptural truths: • God is sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, loving, and compassionate from eternity past. • Man was created good – no pain or suffering before the fall • There will be no pain or suffering for those who are in Christ in eternity future. • Scripture is true.

  5. Apologetics to the Glory of God Definitions Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil Theodicy • literally means “justification of God.” • It is used to describe proposed solutions to the problem of evil. These defenses will be presented on the following slides, generally listed from worst to better, or from anti-biblical to more biblical.

  6. Apologetics to the Glory of God Defenses Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil • Divine weakness (proponents: process theology & open theism) God doesn’t overcome all evil because he cannot do so – although he does his best. • Free-Will Evil came about by the free choice of rational creatures. This was in no way controlled, foreordained or caused by God, so He cannot be held accountable for it. • Stable Environment To live happily and productively requires a universe of regular law. This stable environment open up the possibility of evil. • Best-Possible-World Certain evils are logically necessary to achieve certain good ends.E.g. There must be suffering if there is to be compassion for sufferers.

  7. Apologetics to the Glory of God Defenses Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil 5. Unreality-of-evil (proponent: Augustine) Evil can be classified under the category of nonbeing – it is a “privation,” a lack of good being were good ought to be. E.g. 6. Character-Building (proponent: Irenaeus) Man was created in a state of moral immaturity. To come to full maturity, it was necessary for him to undergo pain & suffering. 7. Indirect-Cause God is the indirect rather than the direct cause of evil, so he bears no blame. 8. ex Lex “outside of the law” God is outside of or above the laws he prescribes for man.

  8. Apologetics to the Glory of God Defenses (continued) Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil • 9. Ad Hominem • Best defense is a good offense.The unbeliever has no right even to raise the question, for he cannot even distinguish good & evil. e.g. • 10. Scriptural • 1 Peter 1:6-7 faith proven genuine and results in praise of God • 2 Cor 4:8-11,16-18 troubles can’t compare with future glory • Job 1:6-12 & Eph 3:10 on display for the heavenly realms • Romans 9:17 display of God’s wrath shows his power & character • Romans 3:3-8 ad hominem rebuke • Job 38:4-5; 42:3 his thoughts are higher than ours (Is 55:9; Rom 11:33-34) • Job 42:6 God’s rebuke lead to repentance

  9. Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil The following slides examine the positive aspects, the pros (if it has any), and the negative, cons, for each of the previously mentioned theodicies. There are some things going for most of the defenses, but many of them are not scriptural or still live one with too many question.

  10. Apologetics to the Glory of God 1. Divine weakness(proponents: process theology & open theism) Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil God doesn’t overcome all evil because he cannot do so – although he does his best. Evil exists because God cannot prevent it. All Negative • Scripture not only fails to teach such a solution, but firmly contradicts it. • This denies historic Christian doctrines of • Omnipotence • Omniscience • Sovereignty May get a solution to the problem of evil, but loses any sure hope for the overcoming of evil. Christian doctrines are not subject to revision.

  11. Positive:Scripture agrees that the blame for sin rests upon man, rather than God (Gen 50:20; Acts 2:23; Acts 4:27) Almost all negative Scripture denies free will in the sense that it is used in this defense. God determines our free choice (see above passages and Prov 16:9; Lk 24:45; John 6:44,65; Acts 2:47; 11:18; 13:48; 16:14; Rom 8:28ff; Rom 9; Phil 1:29; and the free choices of humans are included in Rom 11:36; Eph 1:11) Scripture never uses the free-will defense in any passage where the problem of evil is up for discussion. Scripture does teach that man is, or can be, free in certain senses: He does what he wants to do, acting in accord with his desires Adam had the freedom or ability to choose either good or evil. Fall removed freedom, only do evil(Gen 6:4; 8:21; Is 64:5; Rom 3:10ff)…redemption restores John 8:32 Redemption = freedom from sin Not the helpless victims of historical determinism. Apologetics to the Glory of God 2. Free-will Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil • Evil came about by the free choice of rational creatures. This was in no way controlled, foreordained or caused by God, so He cannot be held accountable for it.

  12. Positive: Although some evils may certainly be traced to natural laws in a stable environment, but these are not a sufficient explanation for evil. Negatives: Bible never gives this as the source of evil. This would be to blame creation rather than our own hearts. God created Adam and placed him in a stable environment that was without evil and pain. Heaven will be another stable place without evil. Apologetics to the Glory of God 3. Stable environment Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil To live happily and productively requires a universe of regular law. This stable environment open up the possibility of evil.

  13. Positive: Scripture does teach that God observes the laws of logic. That God is logical is implied by the scriptural teaching that he is wise, just, faithful, and true… It is possible that, taking the whole history, this is the best world that God could have made. Negative: God is perfect, no evil in him. Original creation contained no evil, nor will heaven God has always been compassionate, even when there was no one to show compassion to Adam was created good, but not perfect – alone, untested There is much that is imperfect that will be perfected (or destroyed) Apologetics to the Glory of God 4. Best-Possible-World Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil Certain evils are logically necessary to achieve certain good ends.

  14. Positive: Of being, God say, “It is good” (Gen 1:31; 1 Tim 4:4). That would seem to indicate that only nonbeing can be evil. Augustine recognized that evil has no power of its own and is in some sense parasitic on goodness. Negative: In Scripture, evil is treated as something we must deal with, not as an illusion. God is sovereign over all events, good and evil. (Eph 1:11; Gen 50:20; Lk 22:22; Acts 2:23; 4:28; Rom 9:1-29) Apologetics to the Glory of God 5. Unreality-of-Evil Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil • Evil can be classified under the category of nonbeing – it is a “privation,” a lack of good being were good ought to be.

  15. Positive: Suffering sometime builds character (Hebrews 12) Negative: Adam wasn’t created morally immature Had he obeyed, he would not have suffered. Not all suffering builds character. Not all character improvement comes through suffering. Sanctification perfected in heaven w/out suffering Apologetics to the Glory of God 6. Character-Building Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil • Man was created in a state of moral immaturity. To come to full maturity, it was necessary for him to undergo pain & suffering.

  16. Positive: The author is the closest cause to the effect, the “proximate” cause… God did not tempt Eve, the serpent did. James 1:13 say that such is always the case with temptation. Negative: Indirectness of causality does not mitigate responsibility (on a human level) God is not some kind of Mafia boss who keeps his hands legally clean. Apologetics to the Glory of God 7. Indirect-Cause Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil God is the indirect rather than the direct cause of evil, so he bears no blame.

  17. Positive: + God has some prerogatives that he forbids to us. E.g. taking human life + Morally, God is on an entirely different level + Scripture forbids human criticism of God’s actions Negative: The law reflects God’s own character. To obey the law is to imitate God, to be like Him, to image Him. (Ex 20:11; Lev 11;44-45; Mt 5:45; 1Pt 1:15-16) Overall holiness, justice, and goodness of God is something we can and must imitate on the human level. Apologetics to the Glory of God 8. ex Lex Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil “outside of the law” God is outside of or above the laws he prescribes for man.

  18. Positive: + Scripture does rebuke people who raise the problem of evil in certain ways. (see Job) + Scripture is not entirely averse to some types of ad hominem response. Negative: - It is an ad hominem argument; it is addressed to the person rather than to the issue Apologetics to the Glory of God 9. ad Hominem Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil Best defense is a good offense.The unbeliever has no right even to raise the question, for he cannot even distinguish good & evil.

  19. Apologetics to the Glory of God 10. Scriptural Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil Romans teaches what we see elsewhere in Scripture: • We have no right to complain against God, and when we do, we expose ourselves as disobedient. • God is under no obligation to give us an intellectually satisfying answer to the problem of evil. He expects us to trust him in spite of that. • God’s sovereignty is not to be questioned in connection with the problem of evil • God’s word, his truth, is entirely reliable. • God is not unjust. He is holy, just, and good.

  20. Apologetics to the Glory of God 10. Scriptural (continued) Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil God vindicates his justice by helping us see history through his eyes: • mystery of time • God enters in judgment, but each time he preserves the people in grace. • CHRIST IS THE THEODICY (Romans 3:26 “he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.”; Rom 5:8 “He demonstrate his love..”) • 1 John 1:9 faithful and JUST to forgive

  21. Apologetics to the Glory of God 10. Scriptural – Greater-Good Defense Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil Clarifications/Foundation: • Theocentric (not anthropocentric) – God’s ultimate purpose is to glorify himself (man’s chief end “is to glorify God, and enjoy him forever.”) • Obedience to God is a way of life and happiness (John 10:10; Dt 5:33; 8:3; 11:13-15…Ps 1; Ps 119:7) Suffering is for a while; glory is for eternity.

  22. Apologetics to the Glory of God 10. Scriptural – Greater-Good Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil Ways God uses evil to bring about greater good: • Displaying his grace and justice (Rom 3:26; 5:8,20-21;9:17) • Judgment of evil (Mt 23:35; John 5:14), now and in the future. • Redemption: Christ’s sufferings are redemptive (1 Pt 3:18) and in a way so may ours (Col 1:24)

  23. Apologetics to the Glory of God 10. Scriptural – Greater-Good Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil • Shock value to unbelievers, intended to gain their attention and promote a change of heart (Zech 13:7-9; Luke 13:1-5; John 9 healing the man born blind. Why blind?) • Fatherly disciple of believers (Heb 12) • Vindication of God (Rom 3:26) We know that God has a reason for everything he does. Everything he does reflects wisdom.

  24. Apologetics to the Glory of God Conclusion Ch6&7 Defense: Problem of Evil Why can it be called a so-called problem of pain? • It isn’t so much that evil & pain is an illusion • It isn’t a philosophical problem that argues against God’s existence. • Pain testifies to the veracity, the truthfulness, of God and of Scripture. The answer to the problem of pain is that in reality it is a problem of sin. A good, just, omnipotent, sovereign God has to make the sinner (the rebel against God) suffer.

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