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To uphold environmental protection, lighting producers have come up with a unique idea of Eco-friendly lighting i.e. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) lights. Though these lights are bit expensive, These Eco-friendly lights are power-saving and more sustainable. Geo Designs is one of the best Office interior Designers in Delhi that focuses on the Eco-friendly lighting while designing interiors of any corporate office. For More Visit Us at our official website: https://www.geodesigns.in/
WHY ECO FRIENDLY LIGHTS Are GOOD FOR CORPORATE OFFICES Best Interior Designer In Delhi Architectural Solution For Corporate World GeoDesigns With Innovative And Gorgeous Ideas
Here Are Some Reasons Behind It Longevity: As compared to the traditional lights, LED lights come with a life expectancy of around 11 years of non-stop operation or 100,000 work hours. So, if your LED lights are under 50% service, it can be said that the longevity of these lights is 22 years. When these lights come up with such amazing longevity and sustainability feature, then you need not think much while choosing this lighting for your office.
No toxic elements: In comparison, the fluorescent lights, LED lights are not at all comprised of any kind of toxic elements. Since fluorescent lights are comprised of toxic elements like mercury that is harmful to the environment, disposing of it may contaminate the whole environment. But when it comes to the LED lights, disposing of them never affects the environment.
Lesser UV Emission and infrared lights: LED lights are designed to produce lesser infrared lights in comparison to the other ordinary lights. This is the reason that LED lights are ideal for corporate offices as well as homes. Moreover, because led lights do not emit a lot of UV rays, so these lights are also perfect for museums and art galleries.
Ideal for all weather conditions: No matter whether it is extremely cold inside or scourging heat of the sun, LED lights are always an ideal option for your office. Having fluorescent lights in low temperature can result in producing dark shades of light, but LED lights are never affected by any weather condition. So, it can be said that LED lights are ideal for interiors as well as exteriors of an office.
Cutting down on cost: When you install led lights, you don’t need to install a lot of lights in the room because a single led has enough brightness to lighten up the entire room. So, it can be said that fewer led lights are directly proportional to lesser energy consumption and therefore cutting down on electricity bill cost.
Geo Designs is one of the best Office Interior Designer In Delhithat focuses on the eco-friendly lighting while designing interiors of any corporate office.
Office Address: GeoDesigns E-36,East Of Kailash, New Delhi-110065,India Phone: +91-11-41626101/02 Website: http://www.geodesigns.in/