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A Public-Private Collaborative to Increase Active Living and Healthy Eating. Gretchen Kunkel, President KC Healthy Kids Chris Wilson, President & CEO Mid-America Coalition on Health Care August 26, 2011. Mission and Vision.
A Public-Private Collaborative to Increase Active Living and Healthy Eating Gretchen Kunkel, President KC Healthy Kids Chris Wilson, President & CEO Mid-America Coalition on Health Care August 26, 2011
Mission and Vision Mission: To prevent and reduce obesity and foster healthy eating and active living by collaboratively advancing policy, environmental, and system changes. Vision: A region in which diverse collaborators come together to create an environment that cultivates healthy lifestyles for all of its residents.
Target Community Broad focus on six-county, bi-state metro: • Johnson, KS • Wyandotte, KS • Cass, MO • Jackson, MO • Clay, MO • Platte, MO Initial investments and partnerships in select neighborhoods: • Marlborough • Ivanhoe • Douglas Sumner • Northeast KCMO • Others TBD
Leadership 5 Executive Committee Members
BHH Membership includes… Over 200 individual and 160 organizational members from multiple sectors and disciplines across a 6-county region
Why Obesity? • Obesity Facts: Missouri, Kansas and Kansas City • Missouri ranks 12th most obese state in the nation while Kansas is 16th. • 30% of Missourians and 29% of Kansans are obese. • 36% of Kansas City adults are overweight and 30% are obese. • Missouri and Kansas ranked third and fourth for having the worst eating habits in the United States. • 1 out of every 3 children in Kansas City are overweight or obese and at risk for early development of diabetes, heart disease and other serious health and social problems. • Obesity Threatens Our Workforce • Private insurance spending for obese persons is 56% higher than those for normal weight individuals. • Obese employees cost American private companies $45 billion per year in medical expenditures and related productivity losses. • Obesity Threatens our Children • 31% of children in Kansas and Missouri are obese. • 42% of schools do not offer any fresh fruits or vegetables, and school food is higher in fat & saturated fat than recommended. • 80% of adolescents do not meet the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Influencing POLICY and LEGISLATION Using the Spectrum of Prevention Mobilizing NEIGHBORHOODS and Communities Changing ORGANIZATIONAL Practices Fostering COALITIONS & NETWORKS Educating PROVIDERS Promoting COMMUNITY Education Strengthening INDIVIDUAL Knowledge & SKILLS
Organizational Structure BHH Membership (OVER 200 and Growing!) “Action” Committees Faith Healthy Eating - Communities Active Living -Communities Hospitals Worksites Schools Advisory Groups and “Cross Cutting” Committees Fund Development Committee Marketing Committee Medical Advisory Group Evaluation Workgroup Ad-Hoc National Advisory Group Steering Committee Executive Committee Executive Director, Vacant
Active Living in our Communities BHH Strategic Plan Priority: Promote livable streets. • Short Term Goals and Strategies identified: • 5 local governments will adopt or improve policies related to Livable Streets in 2012. • Livable Streets toolkit available by 2012 for general education. PIECES AVAILABLE NOW! • Conduct education campaigns with government, public health, and other “influencers” to increase advocacy efforts. BHH Strategic Plan Priority: Support creation/enhancement of places for physical activity (e.g., joint use agreements). • Short Term Goals and Strategies identified: • Conduct community training on Joint Use agreements. COMPLETE! • Partner with Faith Based Committee to conduct advocacy and fund development activities for target BHH neighborhoods.
Healthy Eating in our Communities BHH Strategic Plan Priority: Improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables. • Short Term Goals and Strategies identified: • Availability of affordable healthier food options using farmers markets, urban agriculture, and other activities to promote and enhance. BHH Strategic Plan Priority: Increase availability of supermarkets in underserved areas. • Short Term Goals and Strategies identified:
Worksites for Healthy Eating/Active Living BHH Strategic Plan Priority: Work with employers to implement policies and practices that promote access to healthy foods and beverages and opportunities for physical activity. • Short Term Goals and Strategies identified: • Develop “Healthy Eating” Policy Resource Guide to demonstrate local successes and evidence based practices regarding vending, cafeteria, healthy meeting foods, and strategies to increase fruits and vegetables (CSA programs, Farmers’ Markets, etc.) COMPLETE! • Support employers in refining RFP language / Vendor Negotiations to improve healthy food procurement. • Increase the number of worksites with activities in place to support use of built environment.
Hospitals for Healthy Eating/Active Living BHH Strategic Plan Priority: Work with hospitals to implement policies and practices that promote access to healthy foods and beverages and opportunities for physical activity. • Short Term Goals and Strategies identified: • Conduct evaluation activities to fulfill federal “Community Benefit Assessment” requirement, demonstrating that Healthy Eating/Active Living must be a priority for each hospital (as a provider, employer, and community organization). • Generate an aggregate report that summarizes hospital opportunities for policy intervention, to be implemented in 2012. • Engage in strategies to adopt healthy policies including increased number of CSA programs, promotion of Farmers’ Markets, and adoption of Joint Use agreements to increase activity.
Obesity Prevention Schools Committee This committee was formed by merging the BHH Schools Committee, Food Policy Coalition, and Weighing In Collaborative. BHH Strategic Plan Priority: Work with schools to implement policies and practices that promote access to healthy foods and beverages and opportunities for physical activity. • Short Term Goals and Strategies identified: • Develop consistent message materials on food, fitness, and actions being taken to help schools. • Conduct activities to develop network map of resources available to schools. • Increase the number of schools that meet the Healthier US School standards (at any level).
Faith Based Organizations for Healthy Eating/Active Living BHH Strategic Plan Priority: Work with faith based agencies to implement policies and practices that promote access to healthy foods and beverages and opportunities for physical activity. • Short Term Goals and Strategies identified: • Develop and align inspirational messages around healthy eating / active living with BHH Communications Strategy, and promote to at least 35 congregations in 2012. • Conduct at least one advocacy training and promote resources such as a “How To” guide for advocacy. • Utilize tools and trainings from Active Living committee to advocate for and support advancement of Livable Streets policies and Joint Use agreements in target BHH neighborhoods. • Participate in comprehensive activities to bring supermarkets to underserved areas.
Get Involved! • Sign up for BHH Updates and “Group Discussions” atwww.bhh-kc.org • Participate in upcoming BHH Activities • Specific committees of interest? Let us know! • BHH “All-Member Meeting” – August 30 (8-10 am) at Kauffman Foundation