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Anatomy (B) Anatomy and Physiology (C)

Anatomy (B) Anatomy and Physiology (C). Mangala Iyengar 10/3/09 Science Olympiad Coaches Institute. The Event. Covers anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the skeletal and muscular systems (and endocrine, for Division C) Includes process skills and memorization

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Anatomy (B) Anatomy and Physiology (C)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anatomy (B)Anatomy and Physiology (C) Mangala Iyengar 10/3/09 Science Olympiad Coaches Institute

  2. The Event • Covers anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the skeletal and muscular systems (and endocrine, for Division C) • Includes process skills and memorization • 1 2-sided page of notes allowed

  3. Test Format • Timed Stations • Case Studies • Data Analysis • Passage Analysis (Division C)

  4. Study Focuses • Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning • Integration of Systems; the “big picture” • Pathology as a window to physiology • Speed • Memorization is important and necessary – but it isn’t enough.

  5. Resources • Campbell’s “Biology” • NCSO Event Resources • Wikipedia • http://www.tufts.edu/as/wright_center/products/sci_olympiad/sci_olympiad.html - older practice events and coaches clinics for various events. • http://soinc.org/ • http://www.lakesideschool.org/upperschool/community/scienceolympiad/resources.html - good compilation of links

  6. Tournament Strategies • Don’t split systems between teammates • Write down questions on your sheet so you can answer them later • Bring a watch to time yourself at stations. • Don’t panic if you don’t know the answer off the bat; try to reason your way through

  7. Concept Review

  8. Mock Event: Part 1 • Directions will be on the projector screen – follow Anatomy or Health Science instructions as appropriate. • 1st portion: Anatomy Stations, Health Case Studies. Stations are in this power point; case studies is further back in the notebook.

  9. Anatomy Station 1 • 1. Match each picture to the type of muscle tissue it represents . a. c b 2. What purpose do the intercalated discs serve in cardiac muscle?

  10. Anatomy Station 2 • Parathyroid Hormone (also known as parathormone) is a hormone released from the parathyroid glands that regulates the levels of calcium in the blood. When calcium concentrations in the blood get low, parathyroid hormone sends signals to a particular type of bone cell. • What do osteoclasts do? • What do osteoblasts do? • Which of the cells do you think are receiving the signal from parathyroid hormone? • What do you think these cells are doing in response?

  11. Anatomy Station 3 • What happens to cardiac muscle when a person performs moderate aerobic exercise over a period of several months? • Weightlifters increase their muscle size over time. Does this result from an increase in the number of muscle cells or an increase in the number of muscle fibers?

  12. Anatomy Station 4 • What are the units of compact bone? • What are the large dark spots? • What are the small dark spots?

  13. Mock Event: Part 2 • Health Science stations will be up on the projector; Anatomy will be doing case studies

  14. Health Science Station 1 • Under what conditions does parathyroid hormone send messages to cells in the bone? • What type of bone cell is most likely to receive the signal from parathyroid hormone? • What do you think these cells are doing in response? • How does the cellular response to the release of parathyroid hormone maintain homeostasis?

  15. Health Science Station 2 • Which of the following do blood vessels and nerves run through in bone? • Which of the following are connecting tunnels between osteocytes? • Which of the following house osteocytes? • Which of the following house chondrcytes? Word bank for questions 1-4: Lacunae • Colliculi • Osteal canals • Central Canals • Canaliculi • Lacunae 5. Open ended: Would it hurt less to pierce your belly button or your ears? Why?

  16. Health Science Station 3 • In the disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, motor neurons die off and stop sending signals to muscles. What is the most likely thing that will happen to muscles as a result? • What is the major event that allows a neural signal from a motor neuron to pass to muscles?

  17. Health Science Station 4 • What is wrong with this person? • Circle the part of the X-ray that allowed you to diagnose the person • List 3 symptoms that this patient might be experiencing. • Name one activity that this person should probably avoid.

  18. Questions?

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