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Learn about the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States, advocacy efforts, membership types, and legislative goals. Discover how EANGUS benefits service members and veterans.
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States “EANGUS 101” MSG (ret) Mike Cline, Executive Director SGM (ret) Frank Yoakum, Legislative Director Bryan Birch, Chief of Staff
MINNESOTA NATIONAL GUARD ENLISTED ASSOCIATION Charter State (1970) President Dave Vicento, SSG (Ret) Executive Secretary Paul Cocchiarella
Who We Arewww.eangus.org • Largest Enlisted Reserve Component association • Created in 1970 by a group of senior Noncommissioned Officers from MS and SD • Incorporated in Jackson, Mississippi in 1972 • Created to give a voice on Capitol Hill for enlisted National Guard issues • Represent over 414,000 enlisted National Guard men & women, and their families, and retirees • Longstanding Member of The Military Coalition (TMC)
Where We Arewww.eangus.org National Headquarters is located at 3133 Mount Vernon Ave, Alexandria Virginia 5 minutes to NGB 15 minutes to Capitol Hill
Types of Membershiphttps://www.eangus.org/join.asp Annual – member of NG, pay your dues every year, fees graduated based on rank Associate – not member of NG, pay your dues every year, set fee Retired – retired NG, pay your dues every year, set fee Life – payment of set fee plus additional for each year of age under age 50 (one time fee paid for life) Honorary – bestowed by EANGUS leaders Payment includes national and state dues—must be a national member to be a state member
http://www.themilitarycoalition.org Formed to work on compensation and benefits issues for servicemembers and veterans, and their families Speaks with one powerful voice to lawmakers 36 member associations, representing over 5.5 million members EANGUS Executive Director Mike Cline is President of TMC and co-chairs the Guard-Reserve Subcommittee
Guard Caucushttp://www.eangus.org/legislative/caucus.asp House Guard and Reserve Caucus (178 members) Senate Guard Caucus (82 members) Steve Buyer (R-IN) Gene Taylor (D-MS) Kit Bond (R-MO) Pat Leahy (D-VT)
Legislative Goalshttp://www.eangus.org/legislative/goals.asp Each year, EANGUS works legislative issues to benefit National Guard members. Legislative goals come from the membership through the resolution process each year. Legislative goals and point papers can be found on our web site, www.eangus.org.
9 bills in Congress to provide retired pay at age 55 or on a sliding scale based upon years of service Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) amendment to NDAA to reduce retirement age based on deployment (90 for 90) was removed during conference consideration for FY06; being reconsidered for FY07. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) likes the proposal of 2 for 1—for every 2 years served over 20, one year is reduced from age 60. 30 years service = age 55 retirement Early Retired Pay(Sample) Legislative Goal for 2006
National Guard Empowerment Act of 2006 HR 5200 & S 2658 • Elevates CNGB to 4 star level • Places CNGB on JCS • Guard gets procurement account • Emphasizes military assistance to civilian authorities • Deputy CG at NORTHCOM to be a Guard 3 star • Adds more 3 star generals in the Guard • To be determined by conference committee in July 2006
What We’ve Accomplished http://www.eangus.org/legislative/accomplishments.asp • Another pay raise above the ECI, 3.1% pay increase (no targeted raises for senior enlisted this year) • Continuance of the Full Time Support ramp • Extension of recruiting and retention authorities • BAH II ALL BUT ELIMINATED; moved threshold from 139 days of AD to less than 30 days for full BAH • TRICARE for all reservists (TRS) • Military retirement credit for those in NY and VA who served on state active duty after 9/11/2001 • Reenlistment bonus eligibility extended from 16 to 20 years service In 2005
What We’ve Accomplished http://www.eangus.org/legislative/accomplishments.asp • New education benefit for those who have served in support of a contingency operation since September 11, 2001 • New TRICARE program for those who commit to continued service in the Selected Reserve after release from Title 10 active duty for a contingency operation. • Transitional health benefits made permanent. Requires DOD to perform a pre-separation physical exam. • Early eligibility for TRICARE, 90 days before mobilization, made permanent. • Increased reenlistment bonuses and extends the time period the bonus can be received to 16 years of service from 14 years of service. • Clarified the SCRA provision about residential and motor vehicle leases - dependents also covered by that protection. • Increased in the maximum VA home loan guarantee amount from $240,000 to $333,700. In 2004
What We’ve Accomplished http://www.eangus.org/legislative/accomplishments.asp • Extension of benefits under SBP to surviving spouses • Authorization for gray-area retirees to participate in the federal long-term care insurance • Defeated DOD proposal to change training requirements that would have cut pay and retirement points – RETAINED YOUR DRILL PAY! • Permanent VA Home Loan program for Guard and Reserve • Extended SCRA protections covering higher amounts of rent and vehicle leases • TRICARE benefits for National Guard members who are unemployed or without employer-sponsored health insurance • Unlimited commissary access for Guard and Reserve • Funding for an additional 12 WMD-CST teams In 2003
What MNGEA Accomplished All of these are State benefits made possible from EANGUS/MNGEA membership • 100% tuition reimbursement • State income tax advantages • Group life insurance • Distinctive vehicle license plates • Monetary award for enlistment referrals • Exemption from arrest while going to/from duty • Interest free emergency loans • Burial rights in state cemeteries • Homeowners insurance Protection
Member Benefitshttp://www.eangus.org/resources/benefits.asp MILITARY CHECKS INC 800-VET-CHEX Term Life Insurance
STATE SPONSORED LIFE INSURANCE Available to MNGEA Members ONLY Three Separate Programs Level to Age 50 Lean 15 Militia Plan Spousal Coverage also available Rates Lower than SGLI! Coverage Continues After Discharge For details call 1SG (RET) Phil Setterlof at: 952-926-5480or toll free at 877-974-9602.
Scholarships CSM VIRGIL R. WILLIAMS SCHOLARSHIP $2,000 awarded to two winners each year The following persons are eligible: 1. EANGUS members 2. Unmarried sons and daughters of EANGUS members 3. Spouses of EANGUS members 4. Unmarried spouses and unmarried dependent sons and daughters of deceased EANGUS members who were in good standing at the time of their death. EANGUS AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIPS The following persons are eligible: 1. EANGUS Auxiliary members 2. Unmarried, dependent sons and daughters of EANGUS Auxiliary members 3. Spouses of EANGUS Auxiliary members MNGEA AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP (MINUTEMAN SCHOLARSHIP) The following persons are eligible: 1. MNGEA or Auxiliary Members 2. Dependent sons and daughters of MNGEA or Auxiliary members
“We Care for America” Foundationhttp://www.eangus.org/resources/wcfa.asp Scholarships Awards Program Veterans Against Drugs Program 501(c)(3) charitable organization Emergency grants for ANG/ARNG due to financial hardship Over 400 grants have been approved since Hurricane Katrina, totaling more than $250,000
MNGEA/EANGUSEvents EANGUS 36th Annual Conference August 12-15, 2007 Oklahoma City, OK EANGUS Legislative Workshop Early March 2007 Washington, DC MNGEA 38th Annual Conference April 27-28, 2007 Rochester, MN
EANGUS & MNGEA on the Internetwww.eangus.org & www.mngea.com No logons or passwords e-mail: eangus@eangus.org Subscribe to free weekly legislative updates
APPLICATION • Please print clearly and enter last digit of year • Always use full unit name (very important due to Army Reorg) • 1SG’s Use “Promise to Pay” option to track who said they would pay at a later date. Don’t forward to MNGEA until you receive payment. • Give soldier Temp Card for them to keep until they get card from EANGUS • Remember A CARD IS NOT REQUIRED to use benefits. • 1SG verify all info is filled in before forwarding • ONLINE PAYMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE
Begin 2008 Drive by01 Jan 07 Dues collected after 01 Jan are applied toward 2008 Membership Stop Collecting 2007 Dues by 31 Dec 06 Dues collected before 31 Dec are applied toward 2007 Membership 2008 Membership Year runs from1 June 2007thru31 May 2008 Membership Timeline
LIFE Membership Applications must be on this form Take advantage of one of the 4 payment options Credit Card fees are no longer charged
Join Today! The only associations that has two things in common with YOU: - National Guard - Enlisted Shouldn’t you and all your troops be an EANGUS/ MNGEA member today? For the price of a meal at a fast food restaurant……
Senior Leader Involvementwww.ngb.army.mil CSM David Ray Hudson Senior Enlisted Advisor National Guard Bureau Life Member of EANGUS CSM John Gipe Command Sergeant Major Army National Guard Life Member of EANGUS CCM Dick Smith Command Chief Air National Guard Life Member of EANGUS
CONTACT INFORMATION • NATIONAL OFFICE • 1-800-234-EANG • www.eangus.org • eangus@eangus.org • STATE OFFICE • 651-775-8262 • www.mngea.com • pjcooch@comcast.net