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CO 2 and greenhouse effect

CO 2 and greenhouse effect. Kateřina Vítková Žaneta Pavlíčková. gas solid - dry ice liquid- solvent for many organic compounds. Chemical and physical properties: colorless, tasteless, odourless at high concentration - suffocating gas. CO 2. Suffocating gas – dusivý plyn.

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CO 2 and greenhouse effect

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CO2andgreenhouse effect Kateřina Vítková Žaneta Pavlíčková

  2. gas solid - dry ice liquid- solvent for many organic compounds Chemical and physical properties: colorless, tasteless, odourless at high concentration - suffocating gas CO2 Suffocating gas – dusivý plyn

  3. Application CO2 • Carbon dioxide is used to produce: • Inorganic carbonate, Methanol, Polycarbonate, Polyurethane • Bakery – leavening agent, baking soda • Food industry – soft drink, soda water • Welding gas • Fire extinguishers, especially for electrical fires • Plants require carbon dioxide to conduct photosynthesis Leavening agent – prásěk do pečiva fire extinguishers – hasící přístroj Soft drink – limonáda Welding gas – svařovací plyn

  4. Greenhouse gases The atmospherewarming is caused byinfluence of increasing amount CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Greenhouse effect Greenhouse effect – skleníkový efekt

  5. The Sun energy penetrating to theearth. penetrating - proniknout

  6. The earth's surface absorbs the solar energy but part of energy comes back into thespace. space - vesmír

  7. Coming luminous energy warming the Earth which then emits energy in the form of infrared radiation or a heat. Infrared radiation – infračervené záření

  8. A part of this IR radiations coming back to the earth again which is caused by the help of greenhouse gases included in the atmosphere.

  9. Infrared radiation has a long wavelength. Greenhouse gases unlike of the other gases include molecules which absorb this radiation. wavelength – vlnová délka

  10. The molecules absorb the infrared radiation and then re-emit it back in all direction into the surroundings. surrounding - okolí

  11. A part of energy is emitted into the space but a part is coming back and warming the Earth.

  12. Warming Earth surface.

  13. The end

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