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Citizens for Affordable Energy: An Overview. A History of Energy, CFAE Background, and a 21 st Century Energy Plan. Section I. A Short History of Energy in the United States. 1600s. 1748. 1752. Late 1700s. Commercial production of coal begins in the U.S. near Richmond, Virginia. Benjamin
Citizens for Affordable Energy: An Overview A History of Energy, CFAE Background, and a 21st Century Energy Plan
Section I A Short History of Energy in the United States
1600s 1748 1752 Late 1700s Commercial production of coal begins in the U.S. near Richmond, Virginia Benjamin Franklin discovers lightning is electricity The transition from wood to coal steam fuels the Industrial Revolution Colonial America utilizes wood, coal, candles and whale oil. Wood is the most popular source of heat for homes into the late 1800s
1800s 1821 1850s 1859 Coal becomes the fuel of choice. It powers the railway system and fuels steam engines Michael Faraday creates the first electric motor Kerosene from petroleum steadily replaces whale oil as the chief illuminant in lamps. Some species of whale are hunted almost to extinction Edwin L. Drake drilled the world’s first oil well and launches the modern petroleum industry
1880 1882 1891 1908 Thomas Edison produces the first successful light bulb The Nation’s first coal-fired electric generating station opens in New York City First windmill for power generation Henry Ford introduces the first successful mass production car
1912 1915 1941 1950s A liquefaction plant for LNG opens in Cleveland, Ohio Cars ownership expands; induced by interstate highways A liquefied natural gas plant opens in West Virginia The first petroleum refinery opens in California Photovoltaic cells are invented (solar)
1957 1970s 1979 1980s 1986 The first nuclear power plant opens in the U.S. Biofuels emerge as an alternative to oil; first Arab oil embargo 1973 A revolution in Iran leads to oil crisis Nuclear energy replaces hydropower as the second largest source of electricity in the U.S. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster (considered the worst nuclear accident in history) Three-mile island (largest nuclear accident in the U.S.)
70s, 80s, 90s, 00s 1996 2000s 2005 2007 The system ages and the nation becomes oil import dependent The “Watts Bar” Plant, in Tennessee, is the last nuclear power plant to go online Wind, solar, and biofuel develop- ments gain steam Price of natural gas hits a record high Dramatic expansion of hydraulic fracking
2008 2010 2011 2011 Price of crude oil hits record high of $147/barrel Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explodes and results in largest U.S. oil spill ever The average price of gasoline again nears $4/gallon Worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl follows an earthquake and tsunami at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan
Today’s Energy System Is Aging Rapidly • The Nation watches as the system ages with no plan for the future • The older the system, the higher the risk of breakdown, endangering people and the environment • The 21st century warrants an update and an upgrade • Robust energy supplies and latest technologies provide unlimited opportunity for more sustainable, affordable energy
The Nation’s Daily Energy Demand • 20 million barrels of oil = 10,000 gallons per second • 60 billion cubic feet of natural gas • Enough cubic feet to cover the distance from the Earth to moon and back 25x a day • A train car load of coal every 3 seconds (1200/hr) • 1200 railroad cars an hour = 28,000 railroad cars of coal every day • 600+ coal plants, average age: 39, design life 50 • 104 nuclear plants, average age: 30+, design life 40 • Over 15000 wind turbines, less than 1% of supply • 1000s of acres of solar panels, less than 1% of supply
Average Price of Electricity • Coal • Natural gas • Wind • Solar • Nuclear • Hydropower
Section II Citizens for Affordable Energy (CFAE): An Overview
CFAE’s Believes Energy must be nonpartisan and non-political: • Available, so the Nation is secure • Affordable,so the Nation is competitive;so lifestyles endure • Sustainable, so future generations are protected
CFAE: Four Mores • Oil • Coal • Gas • Nuclear • Biofuels • Energy efficient homes and buildings • More efficient use of land • Energy efficient cars, equipment • Hydropower • Geothermal • Solar • Wind • Hydrogen • Manage water, gaseous waste • Utilize clean technology • Capture, treat and store emissions • New legal governance • More, new energy infrastructure
What is CFA CFAE: Education for All • Commit to affordable, sustainable energy for all consumers, always • Explain comprehensive energy, environmental solutions for national security and competiveness • Educate general public, government, corporate and NGO officials and staff • Engage all citizens through social media • Support energy from all sources, environmental protection, and technology to increase efficiency • Support infrastructure to move energy from producers to consumers • Activate informed citizens to influence policy
What CFAE and You Can Do • Become informed about energy and environmental basics through reading, websites, webinars, discussions • Share Four Mores information with family, friends and community through personal engagement and outreach • Become a CFAE Ambassador, equipped and committed to educate others • Start a Voluntary Association of friends and colleagues to expand outreach potential and opportunities to engage • Maintain non-partisan commitment to education • Solicit funding support from consumer companies, individuals
What CFAE Does Not Do • Lobby for specific legislation • Serve or support partisan party positions or initiatives • Promote ideology of any political party • Accept financial support from energy producers • Limit technology or sources of energy • Limit supply or demand • Align with narrow special interests • Make political contributions
CFAE and Public Policy • The future of energy is dependent on sound public policy • Individuals have to inform officials about public policy needs at the local, state and federal level • The energy supply system is fragmented, competitive and commercial • Policy needs to be comprehensive, systemic and holistic • The history of public policy has been fragmented, combative and special interest driven • Future public policy should serve the general public while remaining commercially supplied
Section III Failure to Produce Comprehensive Public Policy in the United States
The Perversity of Partisanship • The last 40 years have seen continuous public policy failure: • 8 Presidents and 19 Congresses have failed at the national level • State programs are all over the map • Local programs are sporadic and often unachievable
CFAE believes sustainable and affordable energy is possible through: An informed citizenry Emphasis on planning and execution of the plan Significant change over in federal governance Addressing Public Policy Failures
Energy policy needs to incorporate the four mores: supply, infrastructure, environmental protection, technology Public policy requires plans at the local, state and federal levels: Short-term: 0 - 10 years Medium-term: 10 - 25 years Long-term: 25 - 50 years Public policy has to overcome political time priorities (2 and 4 year electoral politics) Public policy needs to eliminate partisanship outside the public interest Public policy has to rise above special interest to achieve general interest Towards Sound Public Policy
Section IV An Energy System for the 21st Century and New Federal Governance
The First More: More Energy From All Sources • Oil • Coal • Gas • Nuclear • Biofuels • Hydropower • Geothermal • Solar • Wind • Hydrogen
The most affordable energy is the energy we never use When efficiency in the use of energy means that we use less, we save the costs of what we don't use. We also defer the availability of that energy to the future. The most effective conservation that we could ever consider is that of adopting efficient technology in all of our devices, homes, vehicles and behavior patterns of energy use. There is essentially no limit to the potential for energy conservation and energy savings through technology and innovation The Second More: More Technology For Efficiency
Energy and the environment present ongoing and sustained challenges to producers, transporters and consumers Some forms of energy are produced from the destruction of molecules. Thus there are environmental impact issues to be dealt with. Other forms of energy require infrastructure that impacts the landscape. Still other forms dam rivers or create nuclear waste. As the future unfolds every so-called "clean" or "green" form of energy also has environmental consequences of one form or another We believe that technology and regulation can go a long way to controlling, reducing and even capturing and storing emissions Volunteerism is noble, but not enough The Third More: More Environmental Protection for Land, Water and Air
Energy is produced where it is most efficient to produce it Most times that means it is a long way from the consumer While oil, gas and coal can be transported, most people prefer not to live right next door to the production facilities Infrastructure is the term that refers to the structures that move energy from where it is produced to where it is consumed Infrastructure exists in many forms. It includes platforms to drill and produce oil and gas, coal mines, pipelines, rail lines and rail yards, transformers, poles and lines, ethanol distilleries, wind farms, liquefied natural gas re-gasification terminals, hydro-electric dams, nuclear plants, and the so-called “green spaces” that often surround critical infrastructure The Fourth More: More Infrastructure
In the face of failure, politics as usual will not deliver the 21st century energy system Drawing from history, the Nation needs an Independent Energy Regulatory Commission The Commission works for the citizens, not for the politicians (Proposed) Federal Energy Resources Act
Four specific authorities are granted in the law: More supply from all sources More technology to deliver efficiency More environmental protection for land, water and air More infrastructure to deliver energy (Proposed) Federal Energy Resources Act
Establishment of an independent regulatory model for energy governance which includes federal legislation passed by Congress and signed by the President to establish: An independent board of governors Eight regional boards of governors Governors are subject matter experts in energy, science, technology, consumerism, environment, business and finance Governor terms are 14 years (Proposed) Federal Energy Resources Act
Regional Boards work with states to enable state planning and regional integration In like manner, state agencies work with local governments on local planning and integration Companies do what they've always done: produce energy and equipment, and build infrastructure while protecting the environment Citizen activation is a critical path to success Roles Under The (Proposed) Federal Energy Resources Act
Section V Mobilizing for Action: What Can You Do?
Start/Join a Local Chapter: http://www.citizensforaffordableenergy.org/ Submit articles of interest on all kinds of energy to us Become a CFAE Ambassador Speak to classes and groups Inform your friends and followers about CFAE on Facebook and Twitter! Blog on Facebook and Twitter Use our fun game to get kids excited about affordable energy choices Get Involved and Shape Future Energy Policy
Become An Informed Energy Citizen: Read And Spread the Word http://www.citizensforaffordableenergy.org/
Become An Informed Energy Citizen: Read And Spread the Word http://www.citizensforaffordableenergy.org/