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Tortilla Espanola

Tortilla Espanola. By H azel Williams. Learning Targets. Lt1- I Can explain what Tortilla Espanola is. L21 - I can find other names for tortilla Espanola Lt3- I can name some ingredients. Tortilla Espanola.

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Tortilla Espanola

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tortilla Espanola By Hazel Williams

  2. Learning Targets Lt1-I Can explain what Tortilla Espanola is. • L21- I can find other names for tortilla Espanola • Lt3- I can name some ingredients.

  3. Tortilla Espanola • Tortilla Espanola is a Spanish omelet mostly commonly served in Spain. It Is often served as a light dinner or appetizer is restaurants.

  4. Names? • The Tortilla Espanola is also named • Tortilla de Patata • potato omelet • Spanish omelet.

  5. Ingredients • To cook the Spanish omelet you need: • 6-7 potatoes peeled • 1 whole yellow onion • 5-6 large eggs • 2-3 cups of olive oil for pan frying • A pinch of salt.

  6. Steps • First you want to cut the peeled potatoes to 1/8” thick pieces. • Second you want to chop the onions into ¼”and pieces and then put the onions and potatoes into a bowl with the salt. • Third you want a non stick frying pan, heat the olive oil on medium heat and add the potato and onion mixture

  7. Steps • Leave the pans until the potatoes are cooked. • Remove the potatoes with a slotted spoon or spatula and allow oil to drain. • Crack the eggs into a large mixing bowl and beat them with a Wisk or fork. Pour in the potato onion mixture, mix together with a large spoon.

  8. Steps • Pour 1-2 tbsp of olive oil into a non- stick frying pan. When the pan is hot stir the potato onion mixture once more and pour into the an evenly • When the mixture has browned on the bottom you are ready to turn in over and cook on the other side. • With one hand on the frying pan handle the other in top of the plate and hold it steady.

  9. Ending steps • Slide the omelet on a plate and serve it. • Cook time : 25 min • Total time : 35 min

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