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Tortilla Curtain. Vocabulary Review. Part ONE Vocabulary. Incongruous. Out of keeping or place. Guttural. harsh; throaty. Inscrutable. not easily understood; mysterious. Furtively. Definition: Characterized by stealth; sly and secretive Part of Speech: Adjective
TortillaCurtain Vocabulary Review
Incongruous • Out of keeping or place
Guttural • harsh; throaty
Inscrutable • not easily understood; mysterious
Furtively • Definition: Characterized by stealth; sly and secretive • Part of Speech: Adjective • Example Sentence: "The men were staring at her, every one of them, some openly, some furtively ..." (55, Boyle) • Picture: • Katy and Zoe
Incessant • Definition: continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending • Part of Speech: Adjective • Example Sentence:"... The language that was like the incessant braying of a four legged beast ..." (55 • Picture: • Katy and Zoe
Braying • Definition: any similar loud, harsh sound • Part of Speech: Noun • Example Sentence:"... The language that was like the incessant braying of a four legged beast ..." (55) • Picture: • Katy and Zoe
Assimilate • People of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family. HE wanted to tell Jack that he was wrong, that everyone deserved a chance in life and that the Mexicans would assimilate just like the Poles, Italians, Germans, Irish and Chinese…
Mortified • Becoming very embarrassed over pride or shame He found America poised in front of one of the refrigerated displays, her back to him, and he felt shy suddenly, mortified, the unwanted guest sitting down at the starving man’s table.
Nonchalant • Casual, marked by blithe unconcern. He tried to look nonchalant as he passed by the checkers and entered the vast cornucopia of the place.
Emanating: “It was then that they heard the dog barking, a muffled hoarse percussive sound that seemed to be emanating from everywhere and nowhere at once,” (150, Boyle). Verb; to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin; come forth; originate. Amelia Jacobs and Molly Afshar
Furtively: “Now the looks were different-all the men stared at her, some boldly, some furtively,” (158, Boyle). Adjective; sly; shifty. Amelia Jacobs and Molly Afshar
Coruscating: “The cart seemed new, bright in its coat of coruscating metal, barely used,” (162, Boyle). Adjective; shiny, sparkling, gleaming, etc. Amelia Jacobs and Molly Afshar
Patrician Definition: of or pertaining to a high social rank or noble family; aristocratic Part of Speech: Noun Created By: Jessica and Alyssa Period 2
Acquiescence Definition: 1. the act of agreeing without objection or by silence 2. hesitation in in a legal action showing loss of a right Part of Speech: Noun Created By: Alyssa and Jessica Period 2
Infesting Definition: 1. to (in an unwanted way) live or overrun in a negative manner 2. to be numerous in, in a troublesome way Part of Speech: Verb Created By: Jessica and Alyssa Period 2
Talisman • Talisman - Noun - a stone, ring, or other object, engraved with figures or characters supposed to possess occult powers and worn as an amulet or charm. • Example Sentence: "She held the words in her head like a talisman, Sherman Way, and then they were moving again, along the black swatch of the road that chased its own tail down the side of the hill." (206, Boyle) By Lauren and Caesare
Eradicate • Eradicate - Verb - to remove or destroy utterly; extirpate • Example Sentence: "We cannot eradicate the coyote, nor can we fence him out, not even with eight feet of chain link, as this sad but wiser pilgrim can attest." (214, Boyle) By Lauren and Caesare
Candor • Candor - Noun – 1. The quality of being open and honest in expression. 2. The state of being frank. • Example Sentence: "It was a look Delaney knew well, a California look, composed in equal parts of candor, awe, and dazzelment, and it usually presaged the asking of a small favor or a tiny little loan," (227, Boyle) By Lauren and Caesare
Earnest • Earnest – Adjective - Marked by intense seriousness • Example Sentence: “He looked both earnest and hip, a jazz musician crossed with a Bible salesman."(226, Boyle) By Lauren and Caesare
Covertly • “She watched them covertly, women her own age and maybe a little older, dressed likegringasin high heels and stockings, watched to see what they were wearing and how they did their hair and makeup (230). • Adjective • Definition- concealed; secret; disguised By: Stacey & Alexis
Sanctity • “But Kyra- she’d made the wall her mission, putting all her closer’s zeal into selling the thing, stuffing envelopes, making phone calls, working cheek by jowl with Jack and Erna to ensure that the sanctity of the community was preserved and that no terrestrial thing, whether it came on two legs or four, could get in without and invitation” (242). • Noun • Definition- holiness, saintliness, or godliness;sacred By: Stacey & Alexis
Formidable • “The list was formidable” (247). • Adjective • Definition-of discouraging or awesome in strength, size, difficulty, etc By: Stacey & Alexis