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Understanding Context Clues for Word Meaning

Enhance reading skills by decoding word meanings through context clues to improve comprehension. Learn about definition, example, and relationship clues. Explore culture shock and its phases.

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Understanding Context Clues for Word Meaning

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  1. <英语阅读> 第一册

  2. Unit Two Culture Shock

  3. In-classroom Activity The First Step Reading Skill: Context Clues to Word Meaning

  4. 1. Review

  5. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 1. What is context?

  6. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 What is context? the parts of a sentence, paragraph, discourse, etc. immediately next to or surrounding a specified word or passage and determining its exact meaning (Webster) (Textbook: context means: “the words or sentences before or after the item you don’t know.” p. 1)

  7. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 2. What is a context clue?

  8. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 2. What is a context clue? A context clue refers to the hint or information guessed from or provided by the meaning of the context to help understand the particular word or expression.

  9. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 3. What is a definition clue?

  10. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 What is a definition clue? A definition clue is the information provided by the context directly or indirectly to define the word or expression. It may appear as a dictionary definition, but in most cases they appear in the simpler words or phrases.

  11. 2. Further Knowledge (p. 1)

  12. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 What is an example clue?

  13. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 What is an example clue? An example clue refers to the information provided by the context by using examples or specific items to explain the word or expression in the same context.

  14. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 e. g. 1. The faculty of that university, whether old or young, male or female, are hard-working and diligent.

  15. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 e. g. 2. Desks, such as classroom desk, computer desk, studying desk, etc. have only one working side, while tables have four working sides.

  16. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 The relationship between the specific word and the example clues is that the things described by the words in the example clues are included in the specific word.

  17. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 e. g. 1. Housekeeping involves cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning. (p. 2) 2. Linguistics, made up of phonetics, grammar and lexicology, is a science with long history.

  18. Practice of context clues (p. 19)

  19. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 1. The symptoms range from being ill at ease to being seriously depressed. Feeling homesick, unhappy, and very sensitive are other signs of culture shock.

  20. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 1. The symptoms range from being ill at ease to being seriously depressed. Feeling homesick, unhappy, and very sensitive are other signs of culture shock. context: signs Dictionary: any condition accompanying or resulting from a disease or a physical disorder and serving as an aid in diagnosis

  21. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 2. When the student meets another miserable person form the same country, he will pour out his unhappy feelings. Together they can complain in their native language.

  22. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 2. When the student meets another miserable person form the same country, he will pour out his unhappy feelings. Together they can complain in their native language. context: pour out unhappy feelings Dictionary: to claim or express pain, displeasure, etc.

  23. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 3. When President Torrijos of Panama met Carter, he tried to give him friendly abrazo (hug).

  24. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 3. When President Torrijos of Panama met Carter, he tried to give him friendly abrazo (hug). Context: hug Dictionary: an embrace or hug, esp. in greeting a person

  25. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 4. Psychologists tell us that there are five distinct phases (or stages) of culture shock.

  26. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 4. Psychologists tell us that there are five distinct phases (or stages) of culture shock. context: stages Dictionary: any of the stages or forms in any series or cycle of changes, as in development

  27. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 5. The word “regression” means moving backward, and in this phase of culture shock, you spend much of your time speaking your own language, watching videos from your home country, or eating food from home.

  28. Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I-2 5. The word “regression” means moving backward, and in this phase of culture shock, you spend much of your time speaking your own language, watching videos from your home country, or eating food from home. context: moving backward Dictionary: going back; return; movement backward

  29. In-classroom Activity The Second Step Word Pretest (p. 16)

  30. Word Pretest 1. My cousin is an acquaintance of the president of that company; they greet each other when they meet. A. a close friend B. a person who works with C. a person one has met but doesn’t know very well D. a classmate

  31. Word Pretest an acquaintance – a person who you know, esp. through work or business, but who is not a close friend A. a close friend – a person who has very good relationship with you B. a person who work with – the person one works side by side or with the same status C. a person one has met but doesn’t know very well D. a classmate – the person who studies with others in the same class.

  32. Word Pretest 1. My cousin is an acquaintance of the president of that company; they greet each other when they meet. A. a close friend B. a person who works with C. a person one has met but doesn’t know very well D. a classmate

  33. Word Pretest 2. She was sitting on the sofa, browsing throughthe TV pages of the newspaper. A. looking through in a casual way B. turning over C. reading carefully D. writing for

  34. Word Pretest browsing through --- looking through a book or books casually, reading passages here and there A. looking through casually B. turning over C. reading carefully D. writing for

  35. Word Pretest 2. She was sitting on the sofa, browsing throughthe TV pages of the newspaper. A. looking through in a casual way B. turning over C. reading carefully D. writing for

  36. Word Pretest 3. After he failed his math exam, he’s been feeling depressed for several weeks. A. happy B. angry C. puzzled D. low in spirits

  37. Word Pretest depressed – very sad A. happy – feeling, expressing or giving pleasure and satisfaction B. angry – very annoyed C. puzzled – feeling confused D. low in spirits – low in mind

  38. Word Pretest 3. After he failed his math exam, he’s been feeling depressed for several weeks. A. happy B. angry C. puzzled D. low in spirits

  39. Word Pretest 4. Because of their opinions on the issue, there is now open hostilitybetween the two leaders. A. friendly feelings B. cooperation C. unfriendly feelings D. relationship

  40. Word Pretest hostility – hateful attitude towards sb. A. friendly feeling – a kind of good feeling or attitude B. cooperation – the act of working together for a shared purpose C. unfriendly feeling – feeling or attitude opposite friendliness. D. relationship – the way two people or groups feel and behave towards each other

  41. Word Pretest 4. Because of their opinions on the issue, there is now open hostilitybetween the two leaders. A. friendly feelings B. cooperation C. unfriendly feelings D. relationship

  42. Word Pretest 5. Students often find temporary jobs during their summer vacation. A. interesting B. lasting forever C. lasting for a short time D. professional

  43. Word Pretest temporary – lasting only for a limited time A. interesting – catching or keeping your attention B. lasting forever – keeping for a very long time C. lasting for a short time – keeping only for a while D. professional – working in or concerning a job that is socially respected because it needs a high standard or education and special training

  44. Word Pretest 5. Students often find temporary jobs during their summer vacation. A. interesting B. lasting forever C. lasting for a short time D. professional

  45. Word Pretest 6. Making mistakes is inevitable, so do not be discouraged. A. cannot be blamed B. cannot be avoided C. cannot last long D. cannot be found

  46. Word Pretest inevitable – happening without doubt A. cannot be blamed – to believe or state that sb is responsible for sth. bad B. cannot be avoided – to make an effort not to do sth. or to stop sth. from happening C.cannot last long – exist for a long time D. cannot be found – to discover or obtain sth. usu. when you have been looking for it or when you need it

  47. Word Pretest 6. Making mistakes is inevitable, so do not be discouraged. A. cannot be blamed B. cannot be avoided C. cannot last long D. cannot be found

  48. Word Pretest 7. I have located a better restaurant in the next street. Why don’t we go there for lunch? A. found B. recognized C. opened D. explored

  49. Word Pretest locate – to discover the place of something A. found – to discover or obtain sth. usu. when you have been looking for it or when you need it B. recognized – to know sb or sth you have been seen or heard before C. opened – to make open or become open D. explore – to travel into or through a place to find out about it

  50. Word Pretest 7. I have located a better restaurant in the next street. Why don’t we go there for lunch? A. found B. recognized C. opened D. explored

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