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1. Agite 2. Egit 3. Agere 4. ------ 5. Agebat 6. Agit . Page 145, Practice One. 1. Sunt 2. erant 3. fuerunt 4. Esse 5. ---- 6. erunt . ___1. Terret a. She had scared b. She is scaring c. She will scare ___2. Pugnaveram
1. Agite 2. Egit 3. Agere 4. ------ 5. Agebat 6. Agit Page 145, Practice One 1. Sunt 2. erant 3. fuerunt 4. Esse 5. ---- 6. erunt
___1. Terret a. She had scared b. She is scaring c. She will scare ___2. Pugnaveram a. I have fought b. I was fighting c. I had fought ___3. Ducetis a. You will lead b. You will have lead c. You do lead ___4. Poteram a. I had been able b. I was able c. I will be able ___5. ----- ___6. Finite a. Finished b. You will finish c. Finish! ___7. Habebamus a. We used to have b. We have had c. We will have ___8. Ambulare a. Walk! B. To walk c. Don’t walk ___9. Noli cantare a. Do sing! B. You are singing c. Don’t sing! ___10. Cepimus a. We did take b. We do take c. We were taking Page 146, Practice Three
1. Diu Antonius in forum remained. a. Mansi b. Manebat c. Mane d. Manserat 2. Antoni, hurry domum! a. Festina b. Festinate c. Festinare d. Festinas 3. Mea mater erat filia senatoris. a. Is b. Had been c. Will be d. Was 4. ---- 5. Nunc ancillae in triclinium cibum will bring. a. Tulerunt b. Ferunt c. Feram d. Ferent. 6. Patri Romam statim redire necesse est. a. Will return b. Returns c. To return d. Had returned 7. Puellā, cur tam celeriter curris? a. Is she running b. Are you running c. Will you run d. Did she run 8. Ego novam stolam tibi emere wish? a. Volui b. Voluistis c. Volo d. velle Page 144, Practice Five
9. Who will lead you to school in the morning? a. Ducebat b. Duces c. Ducet d. Ducit 10. Hodie in foro orator longam orationem had made. a. Fecerat b. Fecerit c. Facit d. Fecerant 11. Poterat: posse:: : agere a. Egerat b. Agebat c. Aget d. Egit 12. Patermultas epistulas to write parat. a. Scripsit b. Noli scribere c. Scribere d. Scribebat 13. Rufe, custodi vestimenta! a. Guard b. Guards c. Was guarding d. Don’t guard 14. Mane servi in agris used to work. a. Laborabant b. Laboraverunt c. Laborant d. laborabatis Page 148, Practice Five