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13 Original Colonies. 1624- Virginia. Founded by London Company It provided a source of fertile land and great wealth to England because of tobacco. 1620-Massachusetts . Founded by the Puritans (Pilgrims)
1624- Virginia • Founded by London Company • It provided a source of fertile land and great wealth to England because of tobacco.
1620-Massachusetts • Founded by the Puritans (Pilgrims) • Went to Holland first in 1608 to avoid persecution of their religious faith from England. Came here next for the same reason. • They set up a government that submitted to the will of the majority of people.
1634-Maryland • Founded by Lord Baltimore • He was motivated by profits from tobacco and wanted to create a refuge for Roman Catholics who were being persecuted in England (Protestant)
1636-Connecticut • Founded by Thomas Hooker and a group of Massachusetts colonists • They were looking for more freedom and financial opportunities • They fought with the Pequot Indians for the land and killed almost all of them. • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were created in 1639- Basis for Consitution
1636- Rhode Island • Founded by Roger Williams • He was originally banished to England from Massachusetts for his belief in the separation of church and state and freedom of religion. • He worked with the Narrangansette Indians and three other settlements to form this colony. • The 1st colony to guarantee freedom of worship.
1638-Delaware Colony • Founded by Peter Minuit and New Sweden Colony • King Charles II gave his brother who was the Duke of York a huge chunk of land (New Netherland). Peter demanded this part of it for himself and created the Delaware Colony.
1623-New Hampshire • Founded by Captain John Mason • The land was granted to him by the king to develop a colony. He gave orders and his own money to develop it from his home in England. • He sent settlers to the new territory to create a fishing colony. • He died before he actually got to go to the colonly.
1653-North Carolina/1663 South Carolina • North Carolina-Founded by a group of Virginians who left Virginia and settled this area. • For awhile, these settlers merged land with 8 noblemen from England to create “Carolina”. • The settlers and noblemen had a lot of conflicts so they split Carolina into 2 separate colonies.
1664-New Jersey • Founded by Lord Berkely and Sir George Carteret • These men were friend of the Duke of York who gave them part of his land (New Netherland). • The colony grew very quickly because they promised settlers many benefits for colonizing including representative government and freedom of religion.
1664- New York • Founded by Duke of York • This was the area of left of New Netherland that he did not give away. This colony was named to honor him.
1682-Pennsylvania • Founded by William Penn who was given a land grant that was owed to his deceased father. • William was a quaker whose goal was to create a colony that allowed for freedom of religion (to protect quakers from persecution)
1732- Georgia • Founded by James Edward Oglethorpe • He was given a charter from King George II to create a new colony. • It was to serve as a place where debtors in prison could go to start anew. • The colony also served as a barrier against Spanish expansion from Florida. • When the colony was first developed, the colonists were to have no landholdings and no slavery was allowed. However, after England took control in 1752, plantations and slavery became a major part of the economy.
Life was different for colonists depending on where they lived.
New England Colonies:Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire By and large, the people who settled in the New England Colonies wanted to keep their family unit together and practice their own religion. They were used to doing many things themselves and not depending on other people for much. Some of these people came to New England to make money, but they were not the majority.The New England Colonies were largely farming and fishing communities. The people made their own clothes and shoes. They grew much of their own food. Crops like corn and wheat grew in large numbers, and much was shipped to England. Foods that didn't grow in America were shipped from England. Boston was the major New England port. Agriculture was poor for the most part in these colonies, so trade was extremely important.
Middle ColoniesDelaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey • The people who founded the Middle Colonies were looking to practice their own religion (Pennsylvania mainly) or to make money. Many of these people didn't bring their families with them from England and were the perfect workers for the hard work required in ironworks and shipyards. • The Middle Colonies were part agriculture, part industrial. Wheat and other grains grew on farms in Pennsylvania and New York. • Factories in Maryland produced iron, and factories in Pennsylvania produced paper and textiles. Trade with England was plentiful in these colonies as well.
Southern Colonies:Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia • The founders of the Southern Colonies were, for the most part, out to make money. They brought their families, as did the New England colonists, and they kept their families together on the plantations. But their main motivation was to make the good money that was available in the new American market. • The Southern Colonies were almost entirely agricultural. The main feature was the plantation, a large plot of land that contained a great many acres of farmland and buildings in which lived the people who owned the land and the people who worked the land. (A large part of the workforce was African slaves, who first arrived in 1619.) • Southern plantations grew tobacco, rice, and indigo, which they sold to buyers in England and elsewhere in America.
Where Did These Settlers Come From and Who Owned The Land? • Spain, France, Sweden, Holland, and England all claimed land. These countries struggled for control of the land, and people from all of these countries came to settle in the new colonies. • England and France owned most of it and fought in The French and Indian War to win control over all the land. George Washington and the American colonists fought for England. England won the war and control of the colonies. They did not treat the colonists fairly however.
Unfair Taxes on Colonists* King George III felt colonist should pay for the French/ Indian war that ended up being very expensive • Molasses Act of 1733-Many New England colonist made a living by turning molasses and sugar into rum. They got the sugar and molasses from British, French, and Dutch owned islands. A tax was placed that came from the British Islands. Also a law was passed that colonist traders could only trade with British Islands and no one else. Everyone was losing money except the British Government (England). • Law of 1764-Colonists could not print or use their own money. • Stamp Act of 1765-Tax stamps had to be put on every form of paper that colonists used in their daily lives including newspaper, licenses, and even playing cards. • Townshed Act 1767-This act placed taxes on tea, glass, paper, and paint. • * Parliament, which is like our Congress, had no members from the colonies. Therefore, all Englishmen made all the decisions for the colonists. The colonists had NO SAY IN WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM!
What Did the Colonists Do About How England Was Treating Them? • They were VERY angry! • They fought back: • Traders smuggled goods in and out of the ports to keep from paying British taxes • Clubs were formed that attacked British soldiers • Many colonists spoke out against England • Boston Tea Party
Declaration of Independence!!! • By the 1770’s, many colonists wanted to have their own government and be free from England. • In 1775, fighting broke out between the English and the colonists • In 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote the “Declaration of Independence” • Which stated that the colonies were declaring their independence from England • Stated the principles on which our country was founded on such as all people are created equal and all people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. • Adopted on July 4, 1776 (Independence Day)
American Revolution The colonists and England went to war. The American colonists won the war against England even though the British government was the strongest and most powerful government in the world at that time!
Ben Franklin • Grew up in Massachusetts and learned to be a printer • Wrote “Poor Richard’s Almanac • Great inventor! • Adopted “Declaration of Independence” • Helped write The Constitution
Thomas Jefferson • Large land owner in the colony of Virginia who owned slaves • Wrote the Declaration of Independence • Later became the 3rd President of the United States
George Washington • From the colony of Virginia • Commanded the Continental Army • Showed Great Courage and Leadership in the American Revolution (crossing the Delaware) • 1st President of the United States
The Constitution and Bill of Rights • Many men met in the summer of 1787 in Philadelphia to write a constitution. • Constitution- states the laws and the plan for how the government works • James Madison was an important man who helped write the constitution. He said that our government should have 3 parts: a president, a congress, and a supreme court. • In 1791, the Bill of Rights was added to the constitution. It lists our most important rights such as free speech and freedom of religion.