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Project Grundtvig 2. Active citizenship and feminine identity CTP Asolo Cooperativa G. Olivotti. Beneficiaries Groups of foreign women attending courses of Literacy organized by the CTP of Asolo. Phases self-awareness
Project Grundtvig 2 Active citizenship and feminine identity CTP Asolo Cooperativa G. Olivotti
Beneficiaries Groups of foreign women attending courses of Literacy organized by the CTP of Asolo Phases self-awareness reception – knowledge of the local area self-esteem Active citizenship and feminine identity
Self-awareness FIRST PHASE • This phase aims at deepening self-awareness and reflecting on one’s own project of life in everyday occurrence of school environment. In this way women are offered further tools to identify one’s own strong/weak points, attitudes, motivations, interests, desires and future expectations functional to the awareness of one’s own identity and role. • The aim is reached by following an individual path of self-reflection and planning, which provides the use of oral and written biographical materials, grids for self-description and role-play.
Self-awareness FIRST PHASE OBJECTIVES • To develop the ability to analize and reflect about one’s own experience, personal history and role. • To develop a deeper and constant awareness of the self, either as a woman and a citizen, two dimensions strongly intertwined. • To develop stronger awareness of one’s personal and intimate history affected by emotional factors, but also by moments of weariness, crisis and uncertainty. • To stimulate the ability to express in writing personal experiences as autobiographical narration. • To familiarize not only with what it is told, but also with how it is told. • To develop the attitude to writing from the woman’s point of view with the aim of highlighting subjectivity and individuality. • To stimulate through writing the interpretation of autobiographical written narration as a building up of meanings.
CONTENTS History of first name and its origin. Identity card Family tree Portrait: how I was, how I am . Preferences. Personal belongings The language I know Maternity. Curriculum Vitae Travelling with one’s own baggage of memories and expectations. Journey toward Italy. In grandparents’ times , in a different country . Food and traditional cuisine. Cultural traditions: tales, festivals, calendar and folk dances. Self-awareness FIRST PHASE
Self-awareness FIRST PHASE METHODOLOGY • Listening to autobiographical stories of the students. • Interpretation of daily life as a path which includes the following aspects: practical, affective, emotional and subjective, within a family contest. • Assessment and implementation of the autobiographical method. • Encourage autobiographical narration as a means of working out and widening one’s mental landscapes. • Create a suitable ambience that facilitate listening to, telling and comparing personal experiences.
Come ti chiami? Il tuo nome ha un significato particolare? Dati anagrafici? (luogo e data di nascita, domicilio) Che scuole hai frequentato? Se hai lavorato nel tuo Paese che lavoro hai fatto? Sei sposato? Hai figli? Quando sei arrivato in Italia? In quale città sei andato? Perché hai scelto l’Italia: quali aspettative avevi? Che cosa fai ora? Cosa significa per te cittadinanza? Quali saperi/ competenze, maturate nel tuo paese di origine, puoi utilizzare in Italia? Che cosa ti piace e cosa non ti piace? Che progetti hai? Come ti stai attivando per realizzarli? Di che cosa hai paura/bisogno? Io qui mi sento…. STORIA PERSONALE QUESTIONARIO
SIGNIFICATO DEL NOME MARIA Deriva dall'ebraico Maryam che a sua volta ha origine dall'egiziano mrjt, "amato, caro", con il suffisso femminile ebraico -am. E' il nome femminile i più diffusi nel Mediterraneo per via della sua matrice religiosa. L'onomastico è tradizionalmente festeggiato il 12 settembre in onore della Madre di Gesù. IVANA Deriva dal femminile dell'ebraico Yohanan e significa "dono del Signore" e anticamente veniva dato alle bambine nate dopo molti anni di matrimonio. L'onomastico si può festeggiare insieme a san Ivano l'8 ottobre.
PERSONAL BIOGRAPHY My name is Maria Ivana and I’m 29. My mother Jana was a teacher in a kindergarten but now she’s in pension. My father Zdebek was a policeman, now he’s in pension. I’ve a sister, Martina and she is 34. When I was at my firts age at school my brother Zbynek was born. At the beginning I didn’t like him because I wanted to play with a baby but he always sleeped. But a man accustum yourself to everything. Now I’ve a good relation with my family. From half - 2 to 6 years old I went to kindergarten because my parents worked. From 6 to 12 years old I went to primary school, it was quite easy because my parents teached me a lot of thing. It’s a pitty that I didn’t study Italian, now it would be more easy. But who know the future?! I went to secondary school but I didn’t know what I want so I attended the same school of my sister. During this commercial school I worked in an office, in the afternoon. When I was 24 I met my husband and my life chandged complitely. I took the great decision... leave my nation and all my life (my family, my friends, my work). Love is powerfull!!! So, now I’m here in Italy for 3 yaers. At the beginning it was difficult , but now I feel very good and happy.
Curriculum vitae • Nome……………………………Maria Ivana • Data e luogo di nascita…………..10.02.78 Kromeriz, Repubblica Ceca • Residenza ……………………….Mira (Ve) via Casa Comunale, 10 • Stato Civile ………………………coniugata • Titoli di studio • Corso di lingua italiana della durata di due anni • 1992 – 1995 Diploma di maturità, istituto tecnico Commerciale • Esperienze professionali • 1995 – 2002 Lavoro full-time presso società di revisione: responsabile della contabilità generale • Conoscenze informatiche • MS Windows e Office, Internet, Explorer • Lingue • Ceco (madre lingua), slovacco, italiano • (inglese, russo, tedesco conoscenza scolastica)
CITTADINANZA…. Quando sento l’espressione “cittadinanza”, la prima cosa che mi viene in mente è un’altra espressione Ceca , associata alla parola “orgoglio”. Anche se il mio paese è piccolissimo sono feklice ed orgogliosa di essere nata proprio lì. Secondo me non è facile per nessuno lasciare il proprio paese dove si è nati. Il paese che per tutta la vita rimane dentro al tuo cuore e dove ha origine la tua famiglia. E’ anche vero che tutte queste sensazioni un uomo le scopre dopo aver lasciato la sua casa. Finché un uomo non diventa uno straniero non percepisce tute queste cose. Quando parlo di cittadinanza devo ricordare anche il nostro Inno nazionale nel quale non si cantano fatti eroici ma le bellezze, la natura e l’amore per la nostra terra.
Alima’s journey • Where did you leave from? • Da un villaggio vicino a Marrakech • When did you leave ? • Nel 2002 in settembre
Alima’s journey • How did you travel? • In autobus da Marrakech fino a Tangeri • In traghetto da Tangeri fino ad Algesiras • In autobus da Algesiras fino a Barcellona • In autobus da Barcellona a Padova • Poi in macchina con mio marito
Alima’s journey • What did you pack in your baggage?
Alima’s journey • Who did you leave behind?
What were the significant events during the trip? Il viaggio in traghetto verso la baia di Algesiras Forse l’ultima moschea che avrei visto Did you know where you would stay? Si a Barcellona dove vive mia sorella e Padova dove mio marito mi aspettava. Alima’s journey
Why did you leave for Italy ? Per ricongiungimento coniugale Who came with you? Ho viaggiato assieme al figlio di mio marito che portavo in grembo Who did you meet during your trip? Ho incontrato una coppia di marocchini che mi hanno aiutata con la lingua e il marito mi ha ceduto il posto più comodo in autobus, perché avevo il pancione. What did you expect to find ? Mi aspettavo di trovare un ambiente accogliente, una casa grande e gli amici che erano già in Italia da tempo Were you satisfied or disappointed? Sono rimasta delusa del comportamento poco disponibile dell’autista del pulman e di come mi osservavano I miei vivini di casa What do you remember most fondly? L’incontro a Barcellona con mia sorella e il fatto di aver riabbracciato mio marito e per aver partorito in ospedale in Italia dopo due giorni che ero arrivata. Alima’s journey
Reception – guidance to local public facilities and services SECOND PHASE OBJECTIVES • To be able to read a map of the territory . • To be able to identify facilities, public services and their location (useful telephone numbers, immigration office, post office, school, library, bank , local social health services, first aid, doctor / children’ doctor / obstetric ’s surgery, family advisory bureau. • To be able to fill in forms concerning public services available in the local area (telegrams, postal orders, school registration forms, job centre registration forms). • To know rights and duties of children in compulsory education. • To be able to use useful telephone numbers for first emergency. • To be able to find local Boards and services that can help solve daily life problems.
Reception – guidance to local public facilities and services SECOND PHASE CONTENTS • Reading local maps and orienteering activities . • Use of thematic maps. • Knowledge of administrative services. • Knowledge and analysis of various forms in use at the local public services and their vocabulary. • Reading and knowledge of school regulations. • Knowledge of the guide to local services.
Reception – guidance to local public facilities and services SECOND PHASE METHODOLOGY • Cultural trips round the local area. • Territorial maps. • Visits to a number of administrative services.
Self-esteem * THIRD FHASE OBJECTIVES • To know the language in a way which is functional to daily life. • To know and use local public services. • To be aware of one’s rights and duties. • To express opinions. • To be assertive. • To take care of oneself. • To be oneself. * This phase goes crosswide the others.
CONTENTS Journey in the self to discover one’s capabilities and potencialities. EVALUATION questionnaire METHODOLOGY Course on self-esteem Listening service (reception) Parties and cultural events with music and dances Cultural trips round the local area Projection of films about women’s role in society Conference on “ Women and Culture “ Readings from women writers ’works Play: Women and Science Self-esteem * THIRD FHASE * This phase goes crosswide the others.