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Personality Characterization Experiment

Analyze given traits to form a profile of a person. Follow instructions and provide a brief description based on the characteristics presented. Exercise your judgment and observation skills in this experiment.

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Personality Characterization Experiment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In this experiment you will be presented with a number of characteristics that belong to a person. Please read them carefully and try to form an impression of the kind of person described. You will be asked to give a brief characterization of the person in just a few sentences. The list will be presented slowly and will be repeated once. Press the ‘Enter’ key when you are ready to continue

  2. Please watch the center of the screen, as indicated by the X below. This is the location in which the words will be presented. X Press the ‘Enter’ key when you are ready to begin.

  3. X

  4. Intelligent

  5. Skillfull

  6. Industrious

  7. Cold

  8. Determined

  9. Practical

  10. Cautious

  11. Intelligent

  12. Skillfull

  13. Industrious

  14. Cold

  15. Determined

  16. Practical

  17. Cautious

  18. Now that you have been presented with the words describing this person, I would like you to write a brief description of such a person. Please refer to the handout and follow the instructions.

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