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IAC - ADVANCE LUNCH/DISCUSSION "How Faculty Build Their Research Programs"

IAC - ADVANCE LUNCH/DISCUSSION "How Faculty Build Their Research Programs" (and how a "research program" differs from just "doing research") Panel and Discussion with: Carol Colatrella Professor, Literature, Communication, and Culture Susan Cozzens Professor, Public Policy

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IAC - ADVANCE LUNCH/DISCUSSION "How Faculty Build Their Research Programs"

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IAC - ADVANCE LUNCH/DISCUSSION "How Faculty Build Their Research Programs" (and how a "research program" differs from just "doing research") Panel and Discussion with: Carol Colatrella Professor, Literature, Communication, and Culture Susan Cozzens Professor, Public Policy Associate Dean for Research, Ivan Allen College Mary Frank Fox Advance Professor, Public Policy WEDNESDAY, 17 MARCH 2010

  2. Susan CozzensProfessor, Public PolicyAssociate Dean for Research, Ivan Allen College • NOTES: • R. Merton classified scientists as foxes and hedgehogs based on their problem choice. (See “The Hedgehog and the Fox” by Isaiah Berlin. "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing”). Know who you are. • You will talk about your Research Program at various stages of your career (on Cover letter when you apply for your first job, 3rd year critical review, etc). • Link your theoretical questions/area with high impact in the world in a way that a non-specialist can understand. • At any point of your career you are likely to have two lines of research: theoretical and practical (applications). • Disseminate information about your publications. Think of posting your profile on sites such as SelectedWorks: http://works.bepress.com/diana_hicks/

  3. Susan CozzensProfessor, Public PolicyAssociate Dean for Research, Ivan Allen College • NOTES: • Funding portfolio will build your intellectual agenda. • Take a look at Research Admins website homepage (http://research.iac.gatech.edu/)– it has some resources. Learn where other faculty get grants. • Image of a “foxy” scientist. • Generate ideas, put them in your “ideas folder”. • Maintain the FLOW of productivity.

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