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CP Biology Final Exam – STUDY GUIDE. 1. Offspring that result from crosses between parents with different traits ____. ARE CALLED HYBRIDS 2. The chemical factors that determine traits are called ____. ALLELES
1. Offspring that result from crosses between parents with different traits ____. ARE CALLED HYBRIDS 2. The chemical factors that determine traits are called ____. ALLELES 3. When Gregor Mendel crossed true-breeding tall plants with true-breeding short plants, all the offspring were tall because ____. THE ALLELE FOR TALL PLANTS IS DOMINANT
4. When you flip a coin, what is the probability that it will come up tails? 1/2 5. In the P generation, a tall plant is crossed with a short plant. The probability that an F2 plant will be tall is ___. 75% 6. Situations in which one allele for a gene is not completely dominant over another allele for that gene are called ____. INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE
7. Variation in human skin color is an example of ____. POLYGENIC INHERITANCE 8. What makes up a nucleotide found in DNA? DEOXYRIBOSE, PHOSPHATE GROUP & A NITROGEN BASE 9. In eukaryotes, DNA ___. IS LOCATED IN THE NUCLEUS
10. DNA is copied during a process called ___. REPLICATION 11. During DNA replication, a DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a strand with the bases ___. GATCCA 12. Unlike DNA, RNA contains ___. RIBOSE & URACIL
13. How many codons are needed to specify three amino acids? 3 (EACH CODON IS 3 BASES) 14. What happens during the process of translation? THE CELL USES INFORMATION FROM MESSENGER RNA TO PRODUCE PROTEINS. 15. Genes contain instructions for assembling ____. PROTEINS
16. Which type of RNA functions as a blueprint of the genetic code? mRNA 17. A mutation that involves one or a few nucleotides is called a(an) ___. POINT MUTATION 18. What types of organisms have been produced by selective breeding? HORSES, DOGS, CATS
19. What is most likely to bring together two recessive alleles for a genetic defect? INBREEDING 20. What is the ultimate source of genetic variability? MUTATION The most general and largest category in modern taxonomy is _____. KINGDOM
22. The process of making changes in the DNA code of a living organism is called ___. GENETIC ENGINEERING 23. Genetic engineering involves ____. READING A DNA SEQUENCE, EDITING A DNA SEQUENCE & REINSERTING DNA INTO AN ORGANISM. 24. Why is Dolly a clone? THE SOURCE OF HER DNA WAS A SINGLE BODY CELL.
25. How many chromosomes are shown in a normal human karyotype? 46 26. What can be observed in a karyotype? AN EXTRA OR MISSING CHROMOSOME. 27. In humans, a male has __ (chromosomal makeup). 1X & 1 Y CHROMOSOME.
28. What is the approximate probability that a human offspring will be female? 50% 29. A pedigree can be used to ___. DETERMINE WHETHER A TRAIT IS INHERITED. SHOW HOW A TRAIT IS PASSED FROM ONE GENERATION TO THE NEXT. DETERMINE WHETHER AN ALLELE IS DOMINANT OR RECESSIVE. 30. What disease is caused by a dominant allele? HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE
31. What different genotypes in the ABO blood group result in the same phenotype of blood? IBi & IBIB Iai & IAIA 32. Most sex-linked genes are located on ___. X-CHROMOSOME 33. The failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis is called ___. NON-DISJUNCTION
34. Because the X chromosome contains genes that are vital for normal development, no baby has been born __. WITHOUT AN X CHROMOSOME 35. What combination of sex chromosomes represents a female? XX 36. The process of DNA fingerprinting is based on the fact that ____. NO TWO PEOPLE, EXCEPT IDENTICAL TWINS HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME DNA
37. The Human Genome Project is an attempt to ____. SEQUENCE ALL HUMAN DNA 38. James Hutton’s and Charles Lyell’s work suggests that ___. EARTH IS MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD. 39. Lamarck’s theory of evolution includes the concept that new organs in a species appear as a result of ___. THE ACTIONS OF ORGANISMS AS THEY USE OR FAIL TO USE BODY STRUCTURES
40. In 1859, Charles Darwin published his revolutionary scientific ideas in a work titled ___. ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY NATURAL SELECTION. 41. When lions prey on a herd of antelopes, some antelopes are killed and some escape. Which part of Darwin’s concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation? SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST 42. Charles Darwin called the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its specific environment ___. FITNESS
43. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the individuals that tend to survive are those that have ___. VARIATIONS BEST SUITED TO THEIR ENVIRONMENT 44. The hypothesis that species change over time by natural selection was proposed by -__. CHARLES DARWIN 45. All the genes of all members of a particular population make up the population’s ___. GENE POOL
46. A change in a sequence of DNA is called a ____. MUTATION 47. The two main sources of genetic variation are ____. MUTATION & GENE SHUFFLING 48. The process of DNA fingerprinting is based on the fact that ___. NO TWO PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME DNA. If a mutation introduces a new skin color in a lizard population, what factor might determine whether the frequency of the new allele will increase? SURVIVAL AND REPRODUCTION OF THE LIZARD
50. What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis? TEMPERATURE, AMT. OF WATER, SUNLIGHT, AMT. OF CO2 51. Painted turtles are cold-blooded animals that often sit on logs and bask in the sun. Why might they do this? TO RAISE THEIR BODY TEMPERATURE 52. Members of a given species_____. CAN PRODUCE FERTILE OFFSPRING.
53. What is the correct equation for cellular respiration? C6H12O6 +6O2 - 6H2O + 6CO2 + ENERGY How many chromosomes are shown in a normal karyotype? 46 55. An adaptation is an inherited characteristic that can be ___. PHYSICAL OR BEHVIORAL
56. The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called: OSMOSIS You have tested a solution and found it is acidic? What type of pH must it have? BELOW 7.0 58. Animals that are warm-blooded, have body hair, and produce milk for their young are grouped in the class ___. MAMMALIA (MAMMALS)
59. The most general and largest category in Linnaeus’s system is the ____. KINGDOM 60. Similar genes are evidence of ____. COMMON ANCESTRY 61. The base of all food webs on the planet are ____. PLANTS
62. _____ are factors which are the living part of the environment. BIOTIC Information gathered from observing a plant grow 3 cm over a two-week period results in___. DATA 64. The principle of dominance states that ____. SOME ALLELES ARE DOMINANT AND SOME ARE RECESSIVE
65. A cross of a black chicken (BB) with a white chicken (WW) produces all speckled offspring (BBWW). This type of inheritance is known as ____. CODOMINANCE 66. RNA contains the sugar ___. RIBOSE
67. In the Punnett square shown in Figure 11–1, what is true about the offspring resulting from the cross? ALL ARE TALL
68. Figure 12–1 shows the structure of a(an) ____. DNA MOLECULE
In humans, the pelvis and femur, or thigh bone, are involved in walking. In whales, the pelvis and femur shown in Figure 15–1 are ___. VESTIGIAL STRUCTURE
70. According to Figure 12–2, what codon(s) would specify the amino acid arginine? CGG, CGA, CGC, CGU, AGG, AGA
71. Identify the genotype of the offspring that would be represented by the question mark in Figure 11–4. bbRR 72. Identify the phenotype of the offspring represented by the question mark in Figure 11–4. WHITE, ROUGH
73. In Figure 11–4, what are the genotypes of the offspring that have black, rough hair? BBRR, BbRr 74. What fraction of the offspring in Figure 11–4 would be expected to have white, smooth hair? 1/16
75. In Fig. 12-4, what is structure D? mRNA 76. Identify structure F in Figure 12–4. CODON
77. In Fig. 12-4, what does structure E specify? START CODON - METHIONINE 78. What is structure A and B in Fig. 12-4? DNA
79. In the karyotype shown above, how are the chromosomes that make up each numbered pair similar? LENGTH & BANDING PATTERN Which chromosomes in Figure 14–1 are autosomes? #1 - 22
81. Identify the sex chromosomes. What is the notation for the sex chromosomes shown here? #23 - XY How would you interpret this karyotype? DOWN’S SYNDROME BOY
83. Is individual 2 in Figure 14–2 homozygous or heterozygous for free earlobes? Explain. HETEROZYGOUS (Ff) – HAS A CHILD THAT IS HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE 84. What is the genotype of individual 5 in Figure 14–2? HOMOZYGOUS DOMINANT (FF)
85. What is the genotype of individual 14 in Figure 14–2. ff – HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE 86. In Figure 14–2, are any of the descendants of individuals 1 and 2 homozygous for free earlobes? NO
87. In Figure 13–2, what are the bands shown in B made of? DNA Which group of bands in Figure 13–2 moved faster? D
89. . If you know an organism has a cell wall and is a multicellular autotroph, using Figure 18-3 determine the kingdom(s) to which it can belong to? PLANTAE If you were told only that an organism is unicellular and has chloroplasts and a nucleus, which kingdom(s) does it belong to according to figure 18.3? PROTISTA
Essay – Be prepared to answer 3 essay questions. 91. Explain the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance. 92. Describe the structure of a DNA molecule. 93. In what ways has selective breeding been useful to humans today and in the past? 94. How might karyotypes be useful to doctors? Use at least one example. 95. What was Charles Darwin’s greatest contribution to science, and how did he develop it? 96. Explain an advantage and a disadvantage of inbreeding. 97. Discuss Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s contribution to the overall theory of evolution