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Assessing progress on Data Coordination (WP1.3). Manola Brunet, Dimitrios Efthymiadis, Alba Gilabert Centre for Climate Change, University Rovira i Virgili, Tortosa/Tarragona, Spain. 3rd General Assembly, Zurich, Switzerland, 2-4 April 2012.
Assessing progress on Data Coordination (WP1.3) Manola Brunet, Dimitrios Efthymiadis, Alba Gilabert Centre for Climate Change, University Rovira i Virgili, Tortosa/Tarragona, Spain 3rd General Assembly, Zurich, Switzerland, 2-4 April 2012
Outline for Data Coordination and access to national archives • Gathering/using historical sources for digitisation and problems faced • Digitisation: status and prospects • Data development (QC & homogenisation): status and future actions • Data exchange exercise: ensuring the development of long records (insights and constraints)
Gathering/using historical sources for digitisation and problems faced • Worldwide on-line repositories (e.g. CDMP, BADC) employed (see details in Annual reports and Brunet et al. 2012 under review) • Further availability of scanned data from Meteo-France (good coordination) and the Italian NMS and the Ebro Observatory Library • Gathering digitised data from other efforts/projects (e.g. AEMet, the ECA&D, CIRCE and MILLENIUM projects and the ISPD initiatives) • Problems faced with scannedsources and actions to overcome them: • Some of the sources (e.g. CDMP historical data) have problems with scans readability (i.e. poor scanning, missing headers and pages, duplicated pages) • Visual cross-checking sources/digitised data essential to spot out problems and improve digitisation • Need for preserving the original sources (scans: a poor and short-lasting preservation media and impossibility of ensuring a 100% perfect scanning work) • Transferring to CDMP managers the problems encountered with the on-line sources and the digitisation effort made to avoid duplication from other users
Digitisation: status and prospects.51 Tx/Tn daily records & approximate length
Digitisation: status and prospects.53 RR daily records & approximate length
Digitisation: status and prospects.30 SLP hourly (~ 3 obs/day) records & approximate length
A more complete view of the whole effort: temperature records 2012 2011
A more complete view of the whole effort: precipitation records 2011 2012
A more complete view of the whole effort: SLP records 2011 2012
Data development (QC): status and future actions • QCing digitised data: a double approach • Ensuring correspondence between scanned and digitised data (visual cross-checking) • Applying RClimDex extra-QC • About 60% of data already QC’ed. Worth exercise: identifying problems with sources & making more efficient the digitisation task • Next: applying the QC to the remaining series & the new digitised
Data development (homogenisation): future actions • To be undertaken once finished the digitisation & QC efforts (from Sep onwards) and after merging the series • Application of three homogenisation methods (C3-SNHT, ACMANT & HOMER) • Countries where the homogenisation exercise could be applied: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Jordan records
Data exchange exercise: merging recent with ancient parts of records (insights and constraints) • Several lines of action: • Ensuring currently available climate records (e.g. from ECA&D & other digitisation efforts: CIRCE) can be extended back in time further • Accessing/engaging data producers (NMHS) and enabling exchange of data between NMHS and EURO4M: recent observations merged with past digitised measurements • Steps taken: • Personal requests to several PRs within WMO thanks to the 16th WMO Congress (May 2011): Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt under the MEDARE umbrella • Submission of official requests through MEDARE to all the countries • Using the ECSWA WS in Casablanca (March 2012) for ensuring exchange
Data exchange exercise: merging recent with ancient parts of records (insights and constraints) • Positive responses so far: Algeria, Libya, Cyprus, Lebanon, Jordan • Already defining protocols with Libya and in their way with other countries. Tricky exercise… big reluctance to share in the region, even among them • Data sharing constrained to MEDARE, so far, but for use in EURO4M analyses also • The next MEDARE WS (Turkey, June 2012) aimed at defining the national networks that will take part of the MEDARE data base and preparing the MEDARE side-event at the WMO extra-Congress (Oct 2012)
Dimitrios following up with our approach for developing long time-series