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JAG/ODAA Fall 2010 COPC. Co-Chairs: Mr. James Vermeulen, FNMOC Dr. Bradley Ballish, NCEP Presented by: Mr. James Vermeulen Exec. Secretary: Mr. Anthony Ramirez, OFCM. Overview. JAG/ODAA Roster Significant Accomplishments and On-going Activities New Issues
JAG/ODAAFall 2010 COPC Co-Chairs: Mr. James Vermeulen, FNMOC Dr. Bradley Ballish, NCEP Presented by: Mr. James Vermeulen Exec. Secretary: Mr. Anthony Ramirez, OFCM
Overview • JAG/ODAA Roster • Significant Accomplishments and On-going Activities • New Issues • National Operational Processing Center Observational Data Workshop
ODAARoster Sub-Groups • Conventional Data • Satellite Data/Assimilation
Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities • Satellite data requests • Pull AMSR-E TPW data products via DDS Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: Closed • Transmit DMSP F-18 data products Requestor: NESDIS Provider: FNMOC Status: Closed • Transmit 4 km Snow Cover Files to AFWA Requestor: AFWA/2WXG Provider: NESDIS Status: Closed • Transmit Ozone SBUV/2 TOAST data products Requestor: AFWA Provider: NESDIS Status: Closed • Transmit MODIS 1/2km data products Requestor: AFWA Provider: NESDIS Status: Closed • Transmit LIS data products Requestor: FNMOC Provider: AFWA Status: Closed • Transmit MLS AIRS Ozone data products Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: Closed
Satellite Data Product Exchange Request (SDPER) Form Revision • The SDPER Form was revised to meet recently adopted NESDIS data access policy and to streamline the processing of OPC data product requests.
Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities • Satellite data requests • Transmit GOME-2 Ozone data products Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: Open • Transmit SSMIS UPP CP data products Requestor: NESDIS Provider: FNMOC Status: Open • Transmit AVHRR FRAC 1k data products Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: Open • Transmit MODIS ¼ and ½ and 1k data products Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: Open
JAG/ODAA Action Items Subsurface Oceanographic BUFR Data GTS dissemination • NAVOCEANO has transitioned profiling float data into BUFR patterned after the ARGO profiling float template • NWS/TOC created collective for data dissemination • NAVO has confirmed that the collective of data in BUFR is now being disseminated over the GTS
Comparison of Fixed Weather Site Dictionaries • Various dictionaries helped with METAR and SYNOPTIC site locations and elevations. • Little GFS impact found from surface dictionary fixes at NCEP. More impact is expected from AIREPs at wrong locations due to errors from waypoint locations. • Waypoint dictionaries from AFWA, NCEP, NWSTG have been compared, all have some errors. • AIREP data has also been studied to find location errors. • FAA waypoint dictionary looks ideal for NWSTG -- will be updated soon. • AIREP location errors from Fiji have been fixed. • NCEP will be working with AFWA for possibly modifying AFWA software for processing AIREPS at waypoint names. • There will be ongoing work on dictionary updates
Group email address for notification of conventional data problems and significant data issues • Group email list has been implemented and has been used successfully. • Procedures and group listing have been posted to the JAG/ODAA web page for easy reference. • Members are encouraged to routinely use this capability. • Status: Closed
Evaluate the format and protocol of the RRS product delivered to NCDC • Mr. Dan Manns provided NCDC POCs for members to access and evaluate RRS product Collaborate with NWS on development of new RRS data protocol • Action item subgroup will explore next stepswith Mr. Joe Facundo, NWS, Chief Observing Systems Branch
Obtain and review WMO’s BUFR sequence format for NWP (RRS data) • This is how WMO is planning to model high-resolution systems for international exchange of BUFR data for NWP. • WMO-sanctioned templates and guides for how to report high-resolution radiosonde data in BUFR are under review by NRL, JCSDA, AFWA • Proposal to create an NWSTG-based process to collect and convert the current RRS BUFR messages (once they become available) into these template formats for global dissemination • Agencies need to plan work for future use of very high resolution bufr radiosonde data
BUFR/TAC Dual Observations – differing location information. • Some synoptic obs flow in both TAC (alphanumeric) and BUFR formats • Some BUFR obs have significantly different location information than indicated in the catalog for the same site. • BUFR obs includes location. TAC requires dictionary lookup. • AFWA and FNMOC request a coordinated effort to resolve this issue • AFWA and FNMOC studying to determine and report the current extent of dual observation discrepancies and operational impact
Satellite Data Obtain proxy NPOESS HD5 data created from level 1b MODIS and IASI data for testing • The data is available to OPCs for use on the GRAVITE/CasaNOSA server. • Currently being accessed by FNMOC, NRL, and NAVOCEANO
GOES Experimental/Routine Hourly Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) Product • NESDIS produces an experimental hourly GOES wind product -- data available to Partners • Now being generated every hour on a routine, but experimental, basis for the GOES-E and GOES-W imagers within the NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR). • Geographic coverage of these products is the same as the current operational products. • These wind products are being made available in BUFR format and can be accessed via the experimental STAR external ftp server
Acquisition of Korean COMS-1 Satellite data • Korean Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite-1 (COMS-1) Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) and Meteorological Imager (MI) data • Launched 26 June 2010, in test now, planned ops in Jan 11 • Positioned at 128 deg East (MTSAT-2 at 145 deg East) • AFWA working necessary Mark IVB modifications to enable MI data receipt • NAVO requesting NESDIS acquire this data • FNMOC discussing requirements with NESDIS/AFWA
Establish a formal process for routine access to calibration/validation information • Mechanism needed among OPC partners for collaborative cal/val activities and in the exchange and sharing cal/val information. • Scientists need routine access to calibration/validation (cal/val) information and to be more involved (for example as observers) in OPC cal/val reviews and activities. • There are established OPC processes for sharing the data files but not for sharing cal/val information. • Having access to what went on to produce the content of data files is critical. Cal/val reviews should include (systematically) OPCs key scientists (or key POC) who use the satellite data. • JCSDA, AFWA, FNMOC, and NAVO should become part of the STAR and DWSS teams for collaborative cal/val and sharing of information.
Delivery of NAVO SST data to NCEP in BUFR • Arrange continued delivery of NAVO SST data to the NCEP Environmental Modeling Center. The current system used to deliver NAVO SST data to EMC will be discontinued within a year • NCEP has requested the data in BUFR format. They have provided the BUFR tables and an encoder for NAVO to evaluate • NAVO is determining the level of effort required to provide the SST data in BUFR.
ESDA TR-1 For Official Use Only (FOUO) Designation Review and Revalidation • ESDA TR-1 replaced the Shared Processing Program (SPP) Operations Manual (POM) in 2009 • POM was restricted to FOUO limited distribution by 2002 agreement • FOUO exempted from Freedom of Information Act due to environmental satellite data and space related operational information • TR-1 undergoing Partner Agency FOUO review/revalidation
New Issues US plan for migration from ASCII to BUFR • Trip Report: WMO Data Representation and Codes, Brazil Aug 31 – Sep 3 2010, Mr. Jeff Ator, NCEP • WMO target date for migration of Category 1 TAC codes is November 2010 -- 80% of WMO members (including the U.S) will not meet this date • Consensus: target dates should not be revised -- stresses urgency/provides recognition of 20% who will meet target • Target dates do not imply ceasing dissemination of TAC code forms; could continue if needed between respective producers and users. • NWS/TOC has been tasked to lead the U.S. implementation of the U.S. BUFR migration (data conversion to BUFR).
New Issues WMO Weather Information System • New activities within the NWS/TOC to support the WMO Weather Information System (WIS) • WIS is the single coordinated global infrastructure responsible for the telecommunications and data management functions. • The group requested NWS/TOC provide or arrange a briefing to the group on the GTS and WMO/WIS related activities as they relate to the NWS/TOC and OPCs. • Mr. Smith, NWS/TOC is developing a presentation on the WMO/WIS and agreed to present at the next meeting.
Administrative Items • Terms of Reference update and revision • Conventional Data Plan/Annex Discussions
National Operational Processing Center Observational Data Workshop Background: March 2010 JAG/ODAA face to face meeting, members were asked for recommendations for JAG/ODAA activities/priorities/focus areas for 2010. AFWA proposed that JAG/ODAA convene a data summit (outlined below). AFWA Proposal: JAG/ODAA serve as a forum to host a F2F Data Summit meeting to: • Discuss/exchange info on new data sources, quality issues, station metadata standards and consistency, etc. • Invite non-JAG/ODAA participants (labs, universities, other agencies (broader OFCM member participation)) • Get “outside” views which may influence/ improve JAG/ODAA collaboration opportunities
Recommend both an unclassified and classified session • Discuss making this an annual or bi-annual meeting Name Recommendation: • Following discussion (OFCM Chief Scientist and senior staff) regarding the initial scope, it was recommended that this meeting be called a workshop • Similar to other OFCM workshops with similar purpose
Draft Framework Workshop Name: National Operational Processing Center Observational Data Workshop Target Time Frame:Spring 2011 (priority and workload dependent) Theme:Improving the acquisition, quality control, processing, and exchange of weather (atmospheric) and water (ocean) data for assimilation into models and products. Purpose: Discuss data issues in general to facilitate discovery, exchange and assimilation of data by data users and providers across the National Operational Processing Center (OPC) community.
Location Options: • DC area. Classified data discussions require secure facilities • One of the Operational Processing Centers • AFWA (has facilities that can accommodate secure) • FNMOC has conflict with COPC meeting and 50 yr celebrations. • Assess home location of majority of participants, need secure facilities for classified discussions. Expected Outcomes: • Discovery of opportunities to expand future collaborative OPC operational data activities and leverage capabilities • Assist in defining and prioritizing the work we are doing in COPC-JAG/ODAA and the other JAGs, WGs and Committees
Workshop Structure/Focus Areas: • New and Emerging Data Programs, Projects, Initiatives • Data Sources, Needs and Capabilities • Quality Control • Metadata (formats, common catalog) • Data Acquisition for Assimilation • Classified Data • Data Bias Correction Status: • Draft framework is circulating among JAG/ODAA members for agency review andcomment • Lead agency representatives were asked to informally circulate to subject matter experts for comments and recommendations Recommendation: Request COPC confirm validation of agency resource commitmentsto conduct workshop