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MRB INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN. ORDER OF PRESENTATION. Master Plan (cont’d) The Initial Proposal The Way to Implement the Plan The Cost of Plan Implementation Next Milestones. Background Status of the Master Plan Presented problem in the MRB
ORDER OF PRESENTATION • Master Plan (cont’d) • The Initial Proposal • The Way to Implement the Plan • The Cost of Plan Implementation • Next Milestones • Background • Status of the Master Plan • Presented problem in the MRB • Objective of Project Study • Project Deliverables & Status • Master Plan • Organization of the Report • The Plan Overview • Guiding Principles, Strategy, Vision • The MRB Situation/Condition • The Assessment of the Situation
PRESENTED PROBLEM IN THE MRB Increased incidence & severity of flooding Wide-spread deforestation (large-scale transformation to agricultural use) Severe soil erosion Siltation of rivers and reservoir Diminishing groundwater resource/decreasing supply of potable water Erratic stream flow Pollution Salt-water intrusion Intensifying water usage competition Inappropriate land use practices
OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Conduct a detailed hydrology and basin simulation study as bases for the preparation of water resource development and flood hazard management plan; Identify development issues and concerns affecting the MRB and recommend appropriate development policies, strategies and program/project interventions;
OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Conduct feasibility studies for high impact project identified; Recommend an appropriate institutional arrangement for coordinated basin-wide resource management & other development programs; and, Improve linkages & institutional capability of concerned stakeholders in plan preparation process & other related activities.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES, STRATEGY, VISION • Context • Water as social and economic good • Water as beneficial and malevolent • Principles • Integrated Water Resource Development & Management (IWRM) • Water for All: Food, People, Industries, Nature • Strategy for MRB/MBRB • Integrated River Basin Development and Management • IRBM is IWRM in a river basin environment • Trans-boundary, cross-sector, integrated, focused, multi-stakeholder
Development Vision “A Mindanao River Basin that is a sustainable area of peace and development where all stakeholders, striving as active collaborators and competent stewards of the Almighty Creator, adhere to the judicious use of its natural resources to enjoy non-discriminatory socio-economic growth, human development and ecological balance that is inclusive for all and without aggression to anyone or anything.” GUIDING PRINCIPLES, STRATEGY, VISION
Development Goal “To ensure the focused, comprehensive and integrated development and management of the Mindanao River Basin that would prevent, mitigate and protect its inhabitants and stakeholders from any calamities and disaster risks, and facilitate the attainment of sustainable development.” GUIDING PRINCIPLES, STRATEGY, VISION
Development Objectives On Watershed Management On Wetland Resource Management On Water Use and Resource Management On Disaster Risk Reduction & Management On Human Development On Institutional Framework & Structure (and Development) Alignment with Other Development Initiatives MTPDP MSDF MDG HDPP-ARMM GUIDING PRINCIPLES, STRATEGY, VISION
Topography (sub-basins, elevation, slope) River Systems Meteorology (climate, rainfall) Hydrology (stream flow, flood flow, tidal data) Geology (geomorphology, physiographic sequence, geologic structures, faults, seismicity) Hydrogeology (ground water, recharge rate) Soil cover (land cover & classification) Mineral resources THE SITUATION: GEO-PHYSICAL
Air environment (air, pollution, water) Water environment (quality, saline intrusion) Biological environment (forest-watershed resources, protected areas Biodiversity (flora, fauna) THE SITUATION: ENVIRONMENTAL
Supports agriculture and fisheries Major lakes are: Lake Sebu, Lake Seloton, Lake Lahit, Lake Maughan (all found in Ala River Sub-basin with estimated total area of 787 has.) and Lake Buluan (largest with a total of 6,300 has. & found within Buluan Sub-basin) Ligawasan Marsh (a conglomerate of 3 marshes:Ligawasan, Ebpanan & Libungan) with total area of ≈280,000 has. THE SITUATION: WETLAND
Forest land around 1,048,648 has (≈45% of MRB 2,312,293 has) ≈19% with closed canopy covering >50 percent; ≈18% open canopy covering <50 percent; ≈63% converted into various land uses. Closed- and open-canopy forests gradually being transformed into other uses: agriculture, commercial forestry, road construction & rural development. THE SITUATION: WATERSHED
Seriously suffering from widespread degradation Diminished ecological and economic functions: biodiversity maintenance, carbon sequestration, watershed protection, and local communities’ ability to harvest timber and non-timber forest products Diminished forest cover may have contributed to intensification of ‘natural disasters’ such as flash floods, water shortages, and landslides. THE SITUATION: WATERSHED
Demography (NSO 2007) Maguindanao most populous w/ 1,273,715; Sarangani least w/ 475,514 Maguindanao highest PGR at 6.99%; Davao Sur lowest PGR at 1.12% South Cotabato most densely populated w/ 173.24 persons/km2; Maguindanao least w/ 73.06 persons/km2 Davao Sur has highest urban population w/ 976, 279 while Sarangani has lowest w/ 79,915 Davao Sur has highest rural population w/ 1,209,479; Sarangani has lowest w/ 395,599 THE SITUATION: SOCIO-ECONOMIC
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry North Cotabato highest palay producer w/ 459,458 MT followed by Maguindanao (436,957 MT) Sarangani lowest palay producer w/ 43,440 MT Bukidnon highest corn producer w/ 777,642 MT followed by Maguindanao (556,552 MT) THE SITUATION: SOCIO-ECONOMIC
Poverty High poverty incidence (than national average of 20.9%; Maguindanao has highest poverty incidence at 44.6%; No. poor families highest in Davao del Sur followed by South Cotabato; Estimated proportion of families w/ per capita income < poverty threshold (2009) in Dalika Sub-basin are 38 out of 100 families in MBRB considered poor THE SITUATION: SOCIO-ECONOMIC
Human Development Maguindanao has lowest HDI at 0.461, Lanao Sur has 0.464 Lanao Sur has NER higher than national average at 127.09% Maguindanao has lowest NER for primary education w/ 56.08% Bukidnon has lowest NER for secondary education w/ 24.07% IMR in all sub-basins below national rate of 9.3 deaths per 1000 live births w/ municipalities w/i M’lang Sub-basin lowest IMR w/ 2.31 Municipalities w/i Banga Sub-basin has highest IMR w/ 5.24 Half of all sub-basin areas has high MMR than national of 63.3 maternal deaths per 100K with municipalities w/i Dalika Sub-basin w/ highest MMR at 79.45 Municipalities w/i MRB & MBRB have low professionally-delivered livebirths w/ only 50/100 THE SITUATION: SOCIO-ECONOMIC
Access to safe potable water 14 out of 20 MRB sub-basins have access to safe potable water higher than the national average of 82% (2008 FHSIS-DOH) However, areas w/i Dalika Sub-basin recorded only 67% of its household with access to safe water supply. In MBRB, 86.55% have access to safe water supply which is also higher than the national average Access to sanitary toilet Low proportion of households in all sub-basins compared to 77% national level Areas w/i Banga Sub-Basin has highest proportion of household with sanitary toilet w/ 74.6% THE SITUATION: SOCIO-ECONOMIC
On Water Use & Resources: 32 agencies involved in regulation On Watershed: DENR lead on policy; LGUs lead in protection On DRRM/CCA: NDRRMC lead, NEDA coordination, LGU implementation On MRB: PTFMRBRD lead in coordination w/ DENR, DPWH, NEDA THE SITUATION: POLICIES
On Watershed Management Land use conflict between agricultural lands (Alienable and Disposable Lands) and forest lands Deforestation has undermined livelihoods of upland communities by accelerating erosion on upper agricultural lands & reducing forest product flows Denudation & degradation of forest causes soil erosion resulting in severe siltation, exacerbated downstream flooding and sedimentation leading to destruction of ecologically important areas like marshes & other wildlife sanctuaries. THE ASSESSMENT
On Watershed Management (cont’d) Specific land use plan must be drawn covering technical and financial aspects of watershed management LGUs as key stakeholders and decision makers on watershed protection should recognize land uses w/i watersheds can either positively or negatively influence the important role and function in the capture, storage and transport of water Poor watershed management reduces filtering function of watershed resulting to increase runoff and sediment load that cause flooding. THE ASSESSMENT
On Wetland Management No clear, unitary policy on wetland management Unstable Peace and Order Conditions (specific for the marshes) Insufficient Information and Appreciation of the Wetland Functions Siltation and Sedimentation Encroachment of Human Settlement Absence of Institutional Mechanisms to Protect and Manage Wetlands THE ASSESSMENT
On Water Use and Resource Management Present water resource regulation is weak Most number of water right permits used for commercial and industrial purposes Potential irrigable areas could not be developed effectively due to lack of irrigation master plan Based on consultation workshops, there are still pockets of poor access to safe water and sanitary toilets in some far-flung communities. THE ASSESSMENT
On Human Development Extreme and lingering poverty Social conflict Further reduce infant mortality High Maternal Mortality Low schooling rate Need for more access to safe potable water & sanitary toilet THE ASSESSMENT
On Institutional Development No single organization managing the MRB/MBRB No clear, unitary policy on river basin management at national & local level Sector approach within administrative and geo-political boundaries Need for a new institutional arrangement to manage the entire MRB/MBRB wholistically and as a unitary unit THE ASSESSMENT
On Watershed Management Rehabilitation of all degraded and critical watersheds in the project area Implementation of protection works for all those remaining (including degraded) healthy watersheds Implementation of proper land and water management practices Updating of plans for Proclaimed Watersheds (WFR) & Protected Landscape Conduct of community organizing, IEC campaign including watershed management training to watershed key stakeholders Provide livelihood projects for watershed communities THE PROPOSED SOLUTION-THE PLAN
On Wetland Management Improve Peace and Order Conditions in the Marsh Areas Resource Assessment and Valuation of the Wetland Areas Wetland Rehabilitation Prevent Further Human Encroachment in the Wetland Areas Institutionalize Wetland Protection and Management THE PROPOSED SOLUTION- THE PLAN
On Water Use & Resource Management Focus on the development of national irrigation system (NIS) LGUs should assist thru communal irrigation system (CIS) Watershed should be protected, rehabilitated and maintained Strengthen LGU water and sanitation program THE PROPOSED SOLUTION- THE PLAN
On Flooding & Other Hazards Disaster risk reduction prioritized by LGUs & other instrumentalities (line agencies, coordinative bodies and other formations) at all levels (from barangay to basin). Risks properly assessed & early warning systems for multi-hazards established at all levels (barangay to basin). A culture of safety and resilience prevails among the MRB populace. Compounding risk factors are reduced. Disaster preparedness is strengthened at all levels (barangay to basin). THE PROPOSED SOLUTION- THE PLAN
On Human Development Expand enrolment to Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Food for School Program Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education / Job fitting Improve Access and Delivery of Health Services Income Augmentation / Livelihood Programs Water People’s Organization and Cooperative Development Advocacy and Social Marketing THE PROPOSED SOLUTION- THE PLAN
On Institutional Development Establish a Mindanao River Basin Authority (MRBA) thru legislation MRBA to be chaired by MinDA head & co-chaired by ARMM Gov Institutionalize stakeholder participation by integrating into MRBA Strengthen the MRBA as a basin-level RBO thru the Sub-basin field offices Establish and strengthen knowledge management for the MRB/MBRB Advocacy and Social Marketing THE PROPOSED SOLUTION- THE PLAN
Institutional Development Water Resource Development Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Watershed Management Human Development Wetland Management PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE 5 Years 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 EO creating MRBA Support Office; Approval of the MRB Integrated Management & Development Master Plan & RA for the MRBA Nursery Development; Plantation establishment; Regeneration/ rainforestation; Trail construction; Forest protection; Community IEC; WS Creation of Bantay Ligawasan; NRA; Wetlands database; IEC campaign; Dregding; Hydrologic studies; Water quality monitoring; Wetland zoning; etc. Irrigation FS; Irrigation development Organize Disaster Forum; Resource devt plan; Risk assessment; Multi-hazard/risk map; IEC campaign; Organize & train DRRM in-house advisers/experts Expansion of 4Ps; FFS; Training of traditional medicine practioners & BHWs; SM&Ad; TVET; Livelihood Programs
Institutional Development Water Resource Development Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Watershed Management Human Development Wetland Management PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE 10 Years 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Institutional strengthening, implementation of MRBIMDMP, Monitoring & evaluation Nursery Development; Plantation establishment; Regeneration/ rainforestation; Trail construction; Forest protection; Community IEC; WS Creation of Bantay Ligawasan; NRA; Wetlands database; IEC campaign; Dregding; Hydrologic studies; Water quality monitoring; Wetland zoning;; mangrove reforestation; Alternate livelihood; Resettlement; Buffer zones Irrigation FS; Irrigation development Organize Disaster Forum; Resource devt plan; Risk assessment; Multi-hazard/risk map; IEC campaign; Organize & train DRRM in-house advisers/experts; DRRM implementation Expansion of 4Ps; FFS; Training of traditional medicine practioners & BHWs; SM&Ad; TVET; Livelihood Programs
Institutional Development Water Resource Development Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Watershed Management Human Development Wetland Management PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE 15 Years 2025-28 2029-31 2032-34 2035-37 2038-40 Institutional strengthening, implementation of MRBIMDMP, Monitoring & evaluation Nursery Development; Plantation establishment; Regeneration/ rainforestation; Trail construction; Forest protection; Community IEC; WS Creation of Bantay Ligawasan; NRA; Wetlands database; IEC campaign; Dregding; Hydrologic studies; Water quality monitoring; Wetland zoning;; mangrove reforestation; Alternate livelihood; Resettlement; Buffer zones Irrigation FS; Irrigation development Organize Disaster Forum; Resource devt plan; Risk assessment; Multi-hazard/risk map; IEC campaign; Organize & train DRRM in-house advisers/experts; DRRM implementation Expansion of 4Ps; FFS; Training of traditional medicine practioners & BHWs; SM&Ad; TVET; Livelihood Programs
INVESTMENT REQUIREMENT PHP118,753.4 Watershed Management 81,783.4 466.3 Wetland Management Water Use & Resource Development 20.3 54.4 Flood & Other Hazards Management Human Development 36,400.1 Institutional Development 29.0 Priority Projects 00.0 SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT (in ’000)
Presentation/Approval of the Master Plan by concerned Regional Development Council (RDC) Creation/Mobilization of River Basin Organization (RBO) NEXT MILESTONES
Daghang Salamat Po…