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Case Studies E-Businesses

Understand the importance of marketplace analysis in digital marketing to improve customer engagement, optimize strategies, and stay competitive. Learn about SWOT matrix benefits and valuable insights for targeted marketing approaches.

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Case Studies E-Businesses

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  1. Case Studies E-Businesses

  2. Google ZMOT • Great insight and content marketing from Google

  3. ZMOT customer journey • Step 1: I need to get a new TV • Step 2: What springs to mind when I think of brands to shortlist? • Step 3: Do some research to create my best shortlist of brands • Step 4: Open a new browser window, are their any that come recommended by experts or commentators? • Step 5: Open a new browser window, type “[brand or model name] review” and repeat for all options, evaluate the general feeling • Step 6: 5-10 minutes later - find the best price for the product vs trust of the retailer, buy TV

  4. ZMOT to be a similarly re-engineered sales funnel

  5. The major ZMOT take-aways • Every shopper is unique "Why would people make decisions based on the opinions of strangers? They don’t. They make decisions based on the opinions of people like themselves. Which is who they find at ZMOT" Jim Lecinski

  6. The major ZMOT take-aways • Shoppers are multi-channel and multi device:

  7. The major ZMOT take-aways • Advertising is no longer the primary effective tool • Consider how you can earn attention at every step of the customer's journey and especially when they're on your site. • 80% of success is showing up • You need to show up where the consumer is trying to solve their challenge. So how are you going to do that?

  8. Online marketplace analysis for digital marketing

  9. SWOT analysis • What is a SWOT? • As you’ll know it’s a 2 X 2 matrix summarizing the internal Strengths and Weaknesses against external Opportunities and Threats. • These external opportunities and threats are available to all competitors in the marketplace.

  10. SWOT Matrix

  11. SWOT Matrix

  12. Marketplace Analysis Benefits • Marketplace analysis can help you compete by becoming more customer centred in your online marketing since it will show you:

  13. Marketplace Analysis Shows • How customers research and select your products. • Where you need to improve the marketing effectiveness of your site.  • Potential revenue improvements from gap analysis. • How your marketing capabilities compares. • Where the quick wins lie. • Future opportunities and threats.

  14. What is Marketplace Analysis?

  15. What is Marketplace Analysis? • Potential online audience - "What are their profile, characteristics, behaviours, needs and wants of audiences from digital media platforms? • Customers - A similar analysis to potential audience, but also gaining feedback on their views of your current online presence.  • Competitors - Benchmarking • Online intermediaries, influencers and partners - Establishing the strengths and weaknesses of intermediaries who can included current or potential partners to reach and influence your audience.

  16. What are the deliverables from situation analysis? 1- A Marketplace map  summarizes the main audience types, competitors for traffic and traffic flows between them.

  17. A Marketplace Map

  18. What are the deliverables from situation analysis? 2. Customer and audience analysis including target customer segments, key phrase demand-gap analysis. These can inform conversion or budget models as part of goal setting. 3. Online competitor benchmarking study of customer experience and site effectiveness. 4. Company capability review including governance and structure of digital media in a larger organization. 5.A digital marketing-specific SWOT summarizing the main issues to priorities on once the analysis has been completed.

  19. Mobile Phone Marketplace in India.

  20. i-to-i – a global marketplace for a start-up company • This case is about a specialist travel and education company, focusing on its online TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) courses. The case illustrates the importance of marketplace analysis.

  21. Review different drivers • Search visibility – how well does i-to-i rank for different terms in paid and natural search results (many people will search for the type of the services they offer, e.g. TEFL courses • Conversion rates – are there issues with the content assets or product, pricing which limits conversion • Social sharing – how active are social media advocates.

  22. Case: Innovation at Google • Explain how Google generates revenue and exploits innovation in digital technology to identify future revenue growth. • You should also consider the risk factors for future revenue generation

  23. Google Revenue Models • Pay-per-click Sponsored links within the Google Search Results (and partner search engines such as AOL) • Pay-per-click and CPM model within partner sites of the content network which includes third-party sites such as newspapers and social networks and Google’s own properties such as YouTube.

  24. Risk Factors • Competition in bidding has traditionally driven up prices but this could fall as companies become more effective at optimizing their investment through introducing wastage. • Advertising revenue from the content network may fall as site owners explore other ad models and click through rates on Google Ads fall as familiarity increases.

  25. Risk Factors • Ad-blocking (currently limited since not an automatic feature in browsers). • Click fraud. • Quality of search results falls due to spamming, so Google users turn to a competitor with an improved search service.

  26. Case: Best-of-breed vs. single-source systems • Selecting ‘best-of-breed’ applications from multiple system vendors for different digital business applications such as enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, transactional e-commerce and supply chain management is a better approach for an effective digital business infrastructure than using a single-vendor solution.

  27. Summary of arguments • More effective in delivering results • Functions meet requirements better can best achieve competitive advantage • Less reliant on single supplier • Less likely to have failure than with a large-scale single-vendor solution/less disruption. • More expensive – single sourcing cheaper for purchase and support • Difficulty of integrating different systems from different suppliers.

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