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Welcome to 8th Grade Science!

Welcome to 8th Grade Science!. Please find your seat by asking each other’s last name and then sit alphabetically! “A” names are in the front right. Please follow instructions that are on your desk!. Welcome to 8th grade science!. Mr. Archer Room 307 Rules, Consequences,

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Welcome to 8th Grade Science!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to 8th Grade Science! Please find your seat by asking each other’s last name and then sit alphabetically! “A” names are in the front right. Please follow instructions that are on your desk!

  2. Welcome to 8th grade science! Mr. Archer Room 307 Rules, Consequences, Rewards and Procedures

  3. Teacher Creed As your teacher: I will not allow you to do anything that is not in your best interest or in the best interest of this classroom. I will not allow you to do anything that stops anyone from learning for any reason whatsoever. I will not allow you to stop me from teaching for any reason whatsoever. There will be no excuses whatsoever

  4. Rules of Mr. Archer’s Class • 1. Follow directions the first time given. • 2. Come prepared to class. • 3. No teasing, bullying, put downs, or inappropriate language. • 4. No eating, drinking, or gum chewing.

  5. Consequences When right choices are NOT made . . . 1. Warning 2. Discipline Essay with Parent signature 3. After school detention & Reflection form 4. Referral - Thursday School

  6. Positive RewardsRewarding good choices • 1. Free time in class • 2. Drop the lowest grade • 3. email home • 4. Select your own seating chart

  7. Materials needed for this class • Binder reminder • Pencils and pens • Spiral notebook for labs,notes and SQRs • Optional: Calculator (will be helpful!) • Optional: Colored Pencils

  8. Procedures for . . . • Homework, lab work, and warm ups • Entering the classroom • Leaving the classroom • Sharpening your pencil • Going to the bathroom/nurse • If you were absent • Getting your grade • Taking tests, listening to lectures, doing labs

  9. Homework • Homework for the week can be found on the class website • Homework for the day will be listed on the white board • Homework is due the next day after it is assigned. It is due at the beginning of the period. A stamp will be given for full credit.

  10. Warm ups - SQR • As soon as you enter the classroom, you are to begin the warm up • Do not write the question down, but you must answer them in complete sentences. • If you were absent you are still responsible for the warm up – ask a friend for the questions • SQR will begin on Wednesday!

  11. Labs • Labs are graded the same day, or the day after they are done in class Procedures: 1. Stay in your area 2. Have only the materials you need out (see the materials board) 3. Low noise

  12. Lecture Procedures • 1. Stay in your seat • 2. Have out materials needed for the lecture and everything else is put away • 3. Raise your hand

  13. Test Procedures • 1. Stay in your seat • 2. Have out only approved materials needed for the test (see materials board) everything else is put away • 3. SILENCE!!!

  14. Entering the class • 1. Come in the class quietly and calmly, no playground behavior or horse playing • 2. Go directly to your assigned seat and get out the required materials for the day • 3. Begin your warm up (SQR) for the day

  15. Leaving the classroom 1. The bell does NOT excuse you, wait for Mr. Archer to excuse you – the magic word is Good-bye. 2. When excused by Mr. Archer, push your chair in, and make sure you do not leave any of your belongings. 3. Quietly and calmly exit the class. No yelling, running or horse playing.

  16. Going to the bathroom/nurse • Go to the bathroom BEFORE class. If it is an emergency then you may ask to go…but I usually say NO anyway  • If you need to go to the nurse let me know and I will usually (as long as you have a good reason to go) give you a pass

  17. Sharpening Procedures 1. If Mr. Archer is teaching, DO NOT go 2. If someone is already there, DO NOT go 3. If 1 and 2 are clear, then GO

  18. Absences • Go to the school website > faculty > Archer > calendar/homework link • Look on the calendar page to see what we did the day you were absent. • Get any worksheets or notes that you missed (From Mr. Archer or the website) • Don’t forget to get the SQR also!

  19. What’s my grade? • Your grade is at www.snapgrades.net • If you have any questions, ask Mr. Archer before class, after class, during lunch, before school, or after school. • You should check your grade often! At least once a week • It is your responsibility to make sure your grade is correct

  20. A few other things… • When using a ruler or meter stick, follow the “Ruler Rule.” You may only measure or draw straight lines with a ruler or meter stick. Students may lose their ruler privileges if the “ruler rule” is broken. • If you have an inappropriate item out in class, (tech deck, cell phone, iPod, etc.) it will be taken away…and tech decks will not be returned!

  21. Last rule for today… • If anyone allows anything to leave their hand and go into the air for any amount of time then they volunteer for one week (5 days) of trash pick-up. If anyone laughs at, picks on or in any way makes fun of a volunteer, then they also have volunteered for one week (5 days) of floor pick-up. If any volunteer accumulates a total of four consecutive weeks – they have volunteered for floor pick-up for life!

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