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Find Your Talent – Leicester Shire.

Find Your Talent – Leicester Shire. February 2010. Our Intended Destination. Universal and meaningful engagement. Young Ambassadors. Children and young people as informed. critics, consumers, creators and commissioners. Current position:.

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Find Your Talent – Leicester Shire.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Find Your Talent – Leicester Shire. February 2010

  2. Our Intended Destination Universal and meaningful engagement Young Ambassadors Children and young people as informed critics, consumers, creators and commissioners

  3. Current position: • Programme one, launch/consultation event, 3 x Go and See, complete • Approx50,000 children and young people engaged Includes a large number who would typically be at risk of missing out. • The 4 C’s… • - Consumer (knows, accesses, tries) • - Critic (knows, accesses, tries, reviews) • - Creator (knows, accesses, tries, reviews, produces) • - Commissioner (knows, accesses, tries, reviews, produces, invests) • Go, See and Inspire, Participation Programme, The Creator Fund and The Four C’s Fund are now underway. • Year three Local Commissioning Partnerships signed off.

  4. FYT Leicester Shire - Local Commissioning Partnerships Where will the partnerships be located? How many partnerships will there be? • County • There will be at least one partnership in each borough/district. • This means that there will be at least seven partnerships in the County. • Funding is available for more than one LCP in each area. Partnership 4 key roles: 1. Mapping 2. Communication 3. Commissioning 4. Monitoring • City • There will be at least four partnerships in the City.

  5. FYT Leicester Shire - Local Commissioning Partnerships How will the partnerships be resourced and supported? Each partnership will have access to certain resources/guidance/information and support from practitioners, venues and young people Support and Resources Partnership 4 key roles: 1. Mapping 2. Communication 3. Commissioning 4. Monitoring Facilitator Resource Budget Commissioning Budget Links to an established cultural venue Support from FYT team Links to existing FYT programmes

  6. FYT Leicester Shire - Local Commissioning Partnerships The following slide provides a summary of the top four priorities for each of the four headings. The following four slides explores each of these priorities in more detail. Local Commissioning Partnerships

  7. FYT Leicester Shire - Local Commissioning Partnerships In order to ensure maximum benefit and impact, each partnership will be supported to develop and sustain strong links with the following programmes and initiatives: • One or more established cultural venue (locally, regionally, nationally) – to enable and encourage progression pathways through the Four C’s for Young Cultural Ambassadors • Other organisations providing FYT funded work/events/projects and programmes. • The Mighty Creatives portfolio, in particular the following programmes: • Preparing for Partnerships – as a training and support function for the LCP’s • Creating for Success – as a creative services delivery partner for the LCP’s • Strategic Commissioning (CYPS/MLA) – to ensure alignment between local commissioning programmes and priorities • Creating Community Hubs – (where appropriate) to establish links into the extended services sector • Accreditation opportunities – such as ArtsAward, Creative Team and Youth Achievement Award. • We will also encourage links with Creative Partnerships and Specialist Schools/Colleges.

  8. Contact the team • Main enquiry number - 0116 305 5585 • Main enquiry email – Talent@Leics.gov.uk • Find us on Facebook– www.facebook.com/FindYourTalentLeicesterShire • Find us on the web– www.leics.gov.uk/talent and www.FindYourTalent.org • Programme support officer – John Levison • Communications, evaluation and fundraising Co-ord. – Anita Barrand • Programme co-ordinator – Davey Ivens • Project Director – Jenna Hall Personal emails = firstname.secondname@leics.gov.uk

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