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Olivier Brunet Commission Européenne Direction Générale Recherche et Innovation Dimension régionale de l’innovation . DIMENSION REGIONALE DU 7 ème PROGRAMME CADRE DE RECHERCHE Nouvel appel et Programme de travail Régions de la connaissance 2012-13-1
Olivier Brunet Commission Européenne Direction Générale Recherche et Innovation Dimension régionale de l’innovation DIMENSION REGIONALE DU 7ème PROGRAMME CADRE DE RECHERCHE Nouvel appel et Programme de travail Régions de la connaissance 2012-13-1 Saint Denis de la Réunion, 15 septembre 2011
FP7 2007–2013 Health Research Infrastructures Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Research for the Benefit Of SMEs Information and Communication Technologies Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies Regions of Knowledge Energy Research Potential Environment (including Climate Change) Science in Society Transport Activities of International Co-operation Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities Security and Space* Coherent Development of Policies Initial Training of Researchers Starting Independent Researcher Grants Lifelong Learning and Career Development Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways Advanced Investigator Grants The International Dimension The International Dimension Specific Actions Specific Actions CAPACITIES (4.097 MEUR) COOPERATION (32.413 MEUR) * Separate themes PEOPLE (4.750 MEUR) IDEAS (7.510 MEUR) + CCR (1.751 MEUR) + EURATOM (2.700 MEUR)
Need to boost science and technology-basedeconomic development,by better integrating research to their regional innovation strategies Alignment with Europe 2020strategy and its flagship initiatives notably Innovation Union, Digital Agenda and Resource Efficient Europe Promote the emergence of world class clusters in Europe Create synergies between research, innovation and regional development policies - Not legally binding - REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE 2012-13-1 : Policy context
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGEWP 2012-2013 - Overview (1) Objective: Strengthen the research potential of European regions by supporting the cooperation between research-driven clusters associating universities, research centres, enterprises and regional authorities 1 Work Programme for 2012-2013, 1 call for proposals with a single deadline & a combined-2-year budget of ≈ 46 M€ (subject to approval by budgeting authority) Consortia ofat least3 regional research driven clustersfrom 3 differentcountries Continuity: Compulsory clustering of research, business and regional government (“triplehelix”),Regional Research AgendasandJoint Action Plansarekey elements
WHAT IS A REGIONAL RESEARCH-DRIVEN CLUSTER? Regional Authority Research Entity REGIONAL RESEARCH–DRIVEN CLUSTER Business Entity (e.g. SME) Other Actors (e.g. TTOs, Consultants)
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGEWP 2012-2013 : Overview New: High emphasis onsmart specialisationandinternationalisation Simplificationofparticipation (free choice of co-ordinator) Catalogueofactivities adaptedtonew requirementsfor innovation More emphasis onsynergies with structural funds Two S & T domains addressed in line withEurope 2020 flagship initiatives, notablydigital agenda and resource efficiency Combining the planned budgets for 2012 and 2013 (only 2012 published yet) - Not legally binding -
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE 2012-2013 : Call for proposals • One call, REGIONS-2012-2013-1,targeting the transnational cooperation of regional research driven clusters • - for a total of 17,99 M € (additional funding will be available from 2013 budget , still to be approved) , up to 3 M for each project, up to 36 months • Participants: • Consortia of at least 3 regional research-driven clustersfrom 3 different Member States or Associated countries • Possible representation by one member - under conditions • Compulsory description of the full clusters and their triple helix structure • Coordinator : • Any partner with sufficient financial viability and managerial capacity • - Not legally binding -
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE WP 2012-2013-1 : Overall Thematic Scope • transnational co-operation of high potential research-driven clusters in the domains of digital agenda and / or resource efficient technologies Europe-wide and globally • Build sustainable partnerships between academia and business within clusters and trans-nationally across clusters and regions • Contribution to the development of smart specialisation strategies of regions through R&D and Innovation • We favour innovative and cross-disciplinary approaches • Applications may address both domains in one proposal if justified from an S & T point of view. • - Not legally binding -
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE2012-2013-1 : Funded activities • Analysis, development and implementation of researchagendas • Mentoring of regions with a less developed research profile for capacity building (optional) • Initiatives to improve integration: definition of joint actionplans (JAP), together with business plans – following SWOT analysis and definition of RTD needs • Measures towards the implementationof the JAP • International cooperationstrategy (mandatory) • Dissemination activities • Beware:Neither the implementation of the JAP nor any research can be funded under Regions - Not legally binding -
REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE 2012-2013-1 : Project phases • Phase 1:Analysis and Integration of research agendas of regional research driven clusters • Phase 2 :Design of Joint Action Plans (JAP) tailor made for each participating region but having a common European view • Phase 3 : Implementation of JAP (costs not eligible) and accompanying measures (costs eligible) • - Not legally binding -
Boosting the competiveness of research-driven clusters in the domains of digital agenda and resource efficient technologies Europe-wide and globally, unlocking new business opportunities for participating SMEs Build sustainable partnerships between academia and business within clusters and transnationally across clusters and regions, facilitating the knowledge transfer from academia to business in order to develop novel services, products and processes. Contribution to the development of smart specialisation strategies of regions - Not legally binding - REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE2012-13-1:Expected impact
Tentative Timetable of procedure : Calls for proposals published :20/07/2011 Deadline for submission :31/01/2012 Evaluation, with help of independent experts – within 3 months of call closure Negotiation phase (May-July 2012) Commission decision in September 2012 for first batch related to 2012 budget Signature of grant agreements from October 2012 (first batch) Commission decision inJanuary 2013for second batch related to 2013 budget Signature of grant agreements from February 2013 (second batch) - Not legally binding - REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE 2012-13-1 : SELECTION & NEGOTIATION
Research Enquiry Service: http://ec.europa.eu/research/enquiries Call documents: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/page/capacities?callIdentifier=FP7-REGIONS-2012-2013-1 On line submission (EPSS) : https://www.epss-fp7.org/epss/welcome.jsp Partner search : http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/partners_en.html IPR Helpdesk : http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org FURTHER INFORMATION
2008: PITER, énergies renouvelables et CLUSTERPLAST, plasturgie, coordonné par Rhône-Alpes 2009: Pôles mer Bretagne et Toulon dans le projet EMSAC, énergie marine, coordinateur britannique 2009: Aquitaine dans le projet RoK-FOR, biomasses, coordinateur finnois 2009: Poitou-Charentes dans le projet NOVIWAM, gestion de l’eau, coordinateur andalou 2010, santé: TERM coordonné par Atlanpole Et NEURORESCUE par le Conseil régional PACA, santé mentale 2011, transport: plusieurs organisations françaises dans la négotiation, Véhicules du futur et Aerospace Valley en position de coordinateurs de deux projets Importance du « point de contact national » et des bureaux de représentation des régions (et structures) françaises à Bruxelles (CLORA) REGIONS DE LA CONNAISSANCE : ACTEURS FRANCAIS
INsular regions cooperating for maximising the environmental and economic benefits from research in Renewable Energy Sources www.inresproject.eu Canaries (Gran Canaria, Hierro), Crète, Samso (green energy island) RoK 2008, finira en mars 2012, 900 000 Euros Réduction des émissions en CO2… développement durable… agriculture organique… tourisme vert, l’expérience de Samso Pact of islands : www.islepact.eu Commission iles de la Conférence des régions périphériques maritimes Et à la Réunion ? REGIONS ULTRAPERIPHERIQUES: PROJET INRES