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FPD Trigger Electronics Block Diagram. Run I surplus. Run II standard. 4 boards. 2 boards. FPD AFE. FPD DFE. AMP / SHAPER. L3 VRB. 2016 ch. LVDS_L. Coaxial cables. LVDS_L. Coaxial. 126 tubes. 1 board. FPD MAPMT. FPD BC. TESTER. FPD SCL. Fiber. CuSL. Fiber. 1 board.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FPD Trigger Electronics Block Diagram Run I surplus Run II standard 4 boards 2 boards FPD AFE FPD DFE AMP / SHAPER L3 VRB 2016 ch LVDS_L Coaxial cables LVDS_L Coaxial 126 tubes 1 board FPD MAPMT FPD BC TESTER FPD SCL Fiber CuSL Fiber 1 board 18 tubes 3 boards FPD PMT FPD TM FPD LM L1 FW CuSL 18 ch Coaxial cables LM

  2. FPD Standalone Trigger Electronics Run I surplus Temporary FERA ADCs AMP / SHAPER 192 ch Coaxial cables Coaxial 12 tubes FPD MAPMT CAMAC EVENT TESTER D0OL13 PC Fiber Fiber 6 tubes FPD PMT CAMAC TRIGGER NIM+ CAMAC 6 ch Coaxial cables L0

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