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Miss Carmichael's Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation. Website Email The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau… ~Dan Rather. Introduction. Lindsey Carmichael Major: Early Childhood Education
Miss Carmichael's Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation Website Email The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau… ~Dan Rather
Introduction Lindsey Carmichael Major: Early Childhood Education School: Canton Elementary in Cherokee County Grade: Second Teacher: Elizabeth Noel (graduate from RU) Subjects: Reading, Math, and Language Arts
Canton Elementary School • Canton Elementary • Student Population: 864 • Location: Canton Elementary is located on Highway 5 next to Cherokee High School. Canton Elementary is one of the twenty-three elementary schools within Cherokee County. • Description of Community: The school district for Canton Elementary is very diverse from cultural backgrounds to socioeconomics.
Miss Carmichael’s Classroom • Grade level: Second Grade • Classroom Population is made up of seventeen students, one certified teacher, and one student teacher. • Diversity of students: • Ethnicity • Hispanic: 7 students • African-American: 3 students • Caucasian: 7 students • Male/Female • Girls: 6 students • Boys: 11 students • Academic Level • Above Grade Level: 4 • On Grade Level: 10 • Below grade level: 3
Miss Carmichael’s Classroom Schedule 7:30 – 8:00 – Morning work and Morning News 8:00 – 8:40 – Whole Group Reading 8:45 – 9:25 – Specials (music, art, P.E., and computer) 9:30 – 11:10 – Reading Group Rotations (centers, computer, seatwork, and teacher) 9:35-10:20 ESOL 10:25-11:10 EIP 11:10 – 11:30 – Recess 11:30 – 11:50 – Whole Group Math
Miss Carmichael’s Classroom Schedule Continued 12:30 – 1:30 – Math Small Groups 1:30-2:00 EIP Math 1:30 – 2:00 – Language Arts 2:05- Pack up and dismiss
Thoughts and Feelings, Fears, Strengths and Weaknesses as you began Candidate Teaching. • I can remember my first day of Candidate Teaching very clearly. I was so incredibly excited and nervous to the point of making myself sick. I laid out my outfits for each day of the week three days before CT ever began. I had a tremendous fear of not being able to deliver the material that the students needed to know in a manner that was best suited for them.
DOMAIN I: PLANNING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Writing Lesson Plan Persuasive Writing Math Lesson Plan Money Reading Lesson Plan One Dark Night Whole and Small Group
DOMAIN II: PROVIDING DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT The teacher candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment. Math Problem-based Activity: Money Leveled Reading Activities BINGO: Learning to Add 2-digit numbers Classroom Management System Homework System
DOMAIN III: IMPACTING STUDENT LEARNING The teacher candidate uses systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction. Reading Analysis Math Analysis
Domain IV: Professional Responsibilities in Support of Differentiated Instruction and Assessment The teacher candidate displays a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction to support students’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning.
Miss Carmichael’s Teaching Philosophy • As a future educator, I believe everyone has an equal right to an education. Education provides a person with what they need in order to be able to succeed in life. As a future educator, I want to stress in my classroom, it is essential that students learn the essential content year to year; however, students also need to learn who they are as well; because, a child’s education is a part of whom they will become in the future. • I believe in order for learning to take place within a class, there must be a sense of equality/respect established in the beginning. If students hold a high respect for themselves, peers, and you as the teacher, learning has already begun. Students also need to understand that the teacher is not the only person in the classroom they can learn from. Students can learn from one another as well.
Miss Carmichael’s Teaching Philosophy Continued • Teaching is a process that one can only better with time. Teaching needs to feel as a new and exciting experience every day when you walk through your classroom door. A teacher never needs to get in the habit of using the same old handouts over and over again. Switch it up. Allow the students to have hands-on experiences, fieldtrips, act out a skit from the book they are reading; the list is never ending. Also, when teaching do not only focus on one way of learning; rather provide other opportunities where the same information is learned but, through a different manner. The word we are searching for is differentiation. If I walk away learning only one thing through all my courses here at Reinhardt University, the most important would be how to differentiate. It is crucial that every child is given an opportunity to learn in a manner they actually can learn; not what is convenient for the teacher to teach.
Professional Development Activities: • January 5 – RTI Meeting April 12 – Parent Conference • January 6 - Faculty Meeting April 13 – RTI Meeting • January 20 – RTI Meeting April 14 – Faculty and Grade • February 2 – RTI Meeting April 15 – IEP Meeting • February 3 – Faculty Meeting April 20 – RTI Meeting • February 10 – Grade Level Meeting • February 17 – RTI Meeting • February 28 – RTI Meeting • March 2 – RTI Meeting • March 3 – Faculty Meeting • March 8 – PTA Meeting • March 10 – Grade Level Meeting • March 17 – RTI Meeting
Documentation of Professional Membership • I am currently a member of Georgia Association of Educators GAE.
Communication to Parents at the beginning of Candidate Teaching • Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) of Mrs. Noel’s Second Grade Class, Hello! I am Lindsey Carmichael or you might have heard about me as Miss Carmichael. I am a Student Teacher from Reinhardt University. I will be completing sixteen weeks of Student Teaching in the classroom with Mrs. Noel and her students. During this time, Mrs. Noel will be teaching me the roles and responsibilities of being a teacher. I will be co-teaching with Mrs. Noel too. I am truly looking forward to this opportunity of completing my Student Teaching at Canton Elementary. Once I have completed Student Teaching, I will graduate from Reinhardt University with a degree in Early Childhood Education. These first two weeks in the classroom have been wonderful and I am looking forward to another exciting fourteen weeks. Sincerely, Lindsey Carmichael
Planning for My Next Steps of Developing as a Professional Educator: • Receive a Masters Degree in Education • Take the Special ED GACE Test to become certified in Special Education. • Become endorsed in Gifted • Teach 21
Advice for Future Candidate Teachers: • Dear Future Candidate Teachers, First off, congratulations on making it to CT! You are now one step closer to being graduates! Just so you know, it is ok to be excited and extremely overwhelmed about beginning Candidate Teaching. Do not worry; DATA Block is the preparing tool for CT. No, CT will be nothing like DATA Block ; however, you can take those experiences to help you get through the first couple of weeks. CT takes tons of hard work and dedication; but through it all, you will be completely ready to be set free and have your own classroom. Do not have any concerns; you will have a fabulous university supervisor and a collaborating teacher to guide you through the CT process. CT is an amazing experience! I wish you all the best of luck! Always remember CT is a learning process for having your own class. Just remember you must be flexible; things happen. One thing to always remember is: You do not know what kind of home life your students have come from. This last semester during my CT, the home lives of my students were unreal to me. I did learn in CT that more children than you think do not have the ideal home life. So what I getting at is, always remember to show each student that you care and no matter what you are there for them. You never know, you may end up helping a student everyday with their homework during bus duty because no one is home to help that student. In conclusion, I wish you the best of luck as you are about to embark on this exciting, wonderful experience!
Differences between being a Candidate Teacher and First-year Teacher Candidate Teacher First-year Teacher Always having collaboration with supervisor and collaborating teacher. Have guidance always Learning experience Collaboration with and without peers Time management Handling the unexpected Learning the ropes of the school where you are employed