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Join GoIndex2U for the best vacations, earn thousands weekly, and change your life with unrivalled Travel and Earn program. Explore world-class holidays, earn dollars, and free yourself from the 9-5 grind. Discover the power of travel, internet, and home-based businesses with our unique active and passive marketing plan. Start earning with our quality, money, time-saving revolving matrix system. Benefit from our holiday and super express boards to earn bonuses and commissions. Unlock your full earning potential today!
PRESENTATION NAME Company Name Welcome to GoIndex2u Earn While You Travel www.goindex2u.com
GoIndex2u’s Specialty • GoIndex2U will help you achieve the best vacations of your life, take you to places where you have dream only till now, and give you an Opportunity to earn thousands of dollars week, after week, after week. • It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do or what your background is. Anybody in this World can succeed with GoIndex2U unrivalled Travel and Earn Program!
You can live your dream life with GoIndex2U Travel and Earn Opportunity Unlimited… World Class Holidays, Vacations in Exotic locations of the World, and thousands of Dollars to spend!
Our objective is to present to you a platform that’s proven, tested and has actually changed millions of people lives and surely yours too! • As you view this presentation, you will see there is a solution… • It is not for everyone…… • However if you have the drive and the determination to make a • change, we are convinced enough to say, you will not find a • better opportunity available to you right now than GoIndex2U …. • Let us show you how you can free yourself from your 9-5 job and • create a serious income all from the comforts of your own home.
Who Is Goindex2U ? We are an International Network Marketing Company having Alliances and Channel partners throughout the World. We are one of the fastest growing Companies in the Network Marketing Industry today and are creating waves with our superb and revolutionary system and programs meshed with a Global Business Opportunity. Our turnkey Business system is the finest in the industry which has been acclaimed and validated by Experts from around the globe.
The Three Megatrends GoIndex2U has combined the three most growing and popular trends today to form a Business concept which leverages the power of each one of them Travel and Tourism The Internet The Home Based Business Phenomenon
Joining Products • Sign up for an account at GOINDEX2U and enjoy the Unlimited Online Products as free download. • Membership has its benefits including accommodation of 3 Days / 2 Nights to more than 10,000 hotels all around Asia Pacific Countries • Hotel Products Online Products
Your Starting Packages You have a choice of 4 Packages 3 PINS USD 750.00 (5% Discount - 712.50) 7 PINS USD 1750.00 (7.5% Discount -1618.50) 15 PINS USD 3750.00 (10% Discount -3375.50) 1 PIN USD 250.00 Quality Money Time
Revolving Matrix All Team members make their way to the top of Compensation plan through Revolving Matrix system which makes you earn US $10,000 over and over again. This system ensures your success and helps you to capitalize on the efforts of all team members present in the boards. The system consists of following One Matrix & two boards: 1. Category Matrix 2. Holiday Board 3. Super Express Board Here’s how it works…
Holiday Board When you join GoIndex2U, you get a position at Level 1 as Category C of the Holiday Board and as the board fills, it breaks into two sub-boards, giving you an uplift to the next level. There are 4 levels in each board, and members are pushed up from level 1 to level 4 with a Combined effort finally exiting to Super Express Board. It’s the only plan in the world, where all teams work together as one single entity and help each other make their way to different ranks included in the Holiday board. When you exit the Holiday board, you earn a bonus of EP 500 (USD 500.00). The board splits when all positions on the board are filled. All that is required for you to qualify is sponsor ONE person and become Category B Member and Sponsor TWO persons and become Category A member. USD 500 YOU HAVE NOW UNLOCKED YOUR BANK Holiday Board Payout: $500
Holiday Board Example You earn a startup bonus of USD 500 when the board fills up and Level 4 position moves to Super Express Board Level 4 Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Enter Here The Board splits when all positions on the Holiday Board are filled up.
Super Express Board Example You will be credited US$ 10,000 and a Re-Entry as Category a into the Express board each time you cycle out. The successful Cycler re-enters Super Express Board at Level 1 position with US$10,000 Level 4 Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Qualified Associates from Holiday Board advance to a level 1 Position on to the Super Express Board
Super Express Board When you cycle out of the Holiday board, you get a position at Level 1 of the Super Express board. Super Express board works exactly the same way as the Holiday Board, the only difference being that your level in the board raises when level 4 Holiday Board associates come and fill up the Super Express board. CLASS C members cannot join the Super Express board directly. Your rank should be CLASS B or CLASS A to join and Enjoy Super Express board Mega Bonus. When the board fills up, it breaks into two sub-boards, giving you an uplift to the next level and the Associate at Level 4 cycles out earning a mega bonus of $10,000 credited to the Online Wallet instantly. And that’s not all, you get a re-entry into the Super Express board for you to make another $10,000 in a revolving fashion. This process goes on and on enabling you to cycle out monthly, weekly and even daily. There is unlimited earning potential. All that is required to cycle out from the recycled Super Express board is help two of your sponsored associate to the Express Board to qualify you for your recycled Super Express mega bonus. Up to USD 10,000 Express Board Payout: $10,000
Board Rules • The Board Splits when all positions on the Holiday Board are filled up • Once board splits and reshuffled to form two new boards • Once they filled up 15 positions in each board, the top members follows to his sponsor(express board and place there) • The express board landing members are the top position members of corresponding holiday boards who are sponsored by express board members • Member follow his / her Sponsor to express board and will be placed in the Express Board where the Sponsor resides • Holiday Board Top position member is entitled for Drop Zone Bonus of USD 500 from the last level (62.5 * 8 = 500) (Holiday Board) • when 15 positions in Holiday Board filled up and Super Express Board Parent is entitled for Express Cycle Out Bonus of USD 10,000 when 15 positions in Express Board filled up
Board Mechanism You are introduced by Ranaand enter the Holiday BoardYou receive your own Virtual Office and start sponsoring peopleYou introduce Madan and 4 others. Two more are introduced by other members present in the Board Madan and others you introduce enter your Holiday board and are placed in your Matrix Structure When 8 people fill up the Holiday Board, the board splits to form 2 new boards and the person at Level 4 (Binoy), moves to Super Express Board receiving US$ 500 to earn further payouts. Matrix System Express Board You Manju Ram Devi Jaya Gopi Holiday Board Binoy Rana You Madan Ram Devi Jaya Gopi Madhu Shilpa
Sample Movement Through Boards • You were introduced by Niklesh • You introduce Zafarand Rani Niklesh YOU Zafar Rani
Holiday Board Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4 New members are introduced by existing members on Holiday Board Ram Anita Rani Level 4 Ranjan Kiran Nikil Jafar Level 3 YOU Roy Vani Joel Shafid Jaya Nanda Kartik Level 2 Joel Velan Jegan YOU Das Sham Siva Yoga Babita Tamal Loges Tim Loges Abby New Members Enter Level 1 From Left
Leader The Ruler • Leader-The-Ruler system ensures that your boards move as fast as you want by sponsoring maximum number of people that you can. All your down lines will be connected to you and will always follow you whichever Boards you move to. Team Works System Team-Works help you succeed even if you are unable to make 2 sales by connecting extra Sales of qualified candidates to non-qualified members. This ensures your success with a Team support and helps you move from Holiday to Express board within no time. Leap Over Leap-Over system allows ID’s that have made their 2 sales to jump to the top of the board, if there are no qualified ID’s above them with 2 sales. Jump Over allows active members to have preference over inactive ones. We have not left any stone unturned to value those who are dedicated to the Business and have that zeal within to reach the top.
When Level 1 is filled 2 NEW boards are formed with a NEW row of 8 Level 1 positions under each NEW board Nikhil enters the Express board earning US$ 500 Level 4 Level 4 Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Level 2 Level 1 Level 1 New Board #1 – 8 Level 1 positions New Board #2 – 8 Level 1 positions Step1: System looks for Members with 2 sales and places them in order from top to bottom, left to right Nikhil Ranjan Yoga Level 4 Ram Zafar YOU Siva Vel Sidu Step2: System looks for Members with 1 sale and places them in order from top to bottom, left to right Level 3 Roy Manju Mano Renu Sorav Ratna Level 2 Amita Nils Mukes YOU Abhy Janu Dines Jegan Abhy Subra Loges Vinod Venu Sasi Level 1 Step3: System looks for Members with NO sales and places them in order from top to bottom, left to right
Express Board Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4 Trisha ReceivesUS $10,000plus a re-entry into the Express board to cycle out again and again following the same system. People entering Express board follow their sponsors on the Express Board Trisha Jegan Rahul Level 4 Jegan Karan Zafar Kamni Level 3 Nikil Siva Karan Renu Kamni James Rahul Hirthik Level 2 Tejas Arvin Uma Manju Nikil Uma Siva Anjali Manju Tejas Arvin Sham Vani Sham New Qualified Members from Feeder Board Enter Level 1 From Left
Infinity Home • GoIndex’s compensation plan has been designed to give you regular income week after week. The revolutionary matrix system not only creates a long term income Opportunity for you but also helps you earn enormous amount of income every single week with growth of your organization. • Once you cycle out of the Express board, you become eligible to earn the high paying Board payouts. • The income you earn - US$ 10,000 on every completion of level 4 in the Super Express Board.
Incentives GoIndex2U is the only Company in the World to distribute incentives ranging from Cash Bonuses, Luxury cars , Private Holidays in exotic locations of the world. All this is easily achievable if you are focused and dedicated towards GoIndex2U
Incentives Laptop When 2 Direct Sponsors in your group cycle out in the Super Express Board, you shall receive a free Laptop
Incentives Fully SponsoredAsia Trip When 10 Direct Sponsors in your group cycle out in the Super Express Board, you receive a fully sponsored trip to India & Malaysia for 2 persons. Alternatively, you can also choose Gold Jewellery in lieu of the Trip.
Incentives Luxury Car When 30Direct Sponsors in your group cycle out in the Super Express Board, you get a luxury Mercedes, BMW or Audi at one of our International Events
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Take Action… Today! GoIndex2u Will become a household name What % of the global market do you want ? Be a part of the moment