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Manifest Destiny. “Go West young man” John Soule or Horace Greeley. Manifest Destiny – idea that the US was destined to expand to the Pacific Ocean. 1. Louisiana 2. Florida 3. Oregon Country – by 1840s Oregon Fever 4. Texas – fought for independence from Mexico.
Manifest Destiny “Go West young man” John Soule or Horace Greeley
Manifest Destiny – idea that the US was destined to expand to the Pacific Ocean. 1. Louisiana 2. Florida 3. Oregon Country – by 1840s Oregon Fever 4. Texas – fought for independence from Mexico. (4. Cont) Texas wanted to be annexed by the US but Jackson & Van Buren said no. B. Led to Sectionalism mostly because of slavery issue. I. Westward Expansion
II. Tyler’s Administration 1841 - 1845 • Tyler chosen as VP only to get votes – not a true Whig. • Tyler vetoed most of Whig programs all of his Cabinet resigned in protest. • 1st impeachment attempt failed. • Before he left office he annexed Texas!
III. Polk’s Administration1845 - 1849 • Election of 1844 1. Whig – Clay 2. Democrat – Polk – strong Jacksonian (54 40’ or fight) 3. Liberty Party – Birney B. Oregon Treaty 1846 – US – Canada border set at latitude 49.
IV. The Mexican-American War • Causes 1. American settlers 2. California coast – valuable for trade 3. Mexico’s frequent revolutions – unable to protect American settlers 4. Mexico considered annexation of Texas a hostile act 5. Southern boundary dispute – Rio Grande or Nueces River 6. Propaganda
US tried to buy Southern Texas and California for $30 million • Polk sent troops to Texas with Zachary Taylor – April 5th 1846 “American blood spilled on American soil” • Congress declared War in May 1846.
Mexican American War (cont.) • American’s were divided • 3 pronged strategy • To California • Navy along coast to Mexico • Overland to Mexico • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848. Paid $15 million for Mexican Cession. • Question of slavery remained.
What happens next??? Hint - 1849 Another hint – my favorite football team
V. The California Gold Rush • Gold found at Sutter’s Mill (1848) • 250,000 people migrate to California • Discrimination against Californios, Native Americans, Chinese and others • California becomes a state in 1850