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Technology Outreach Centers. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense & Americas' Security Affairs (OASD, HD&ASA). SPAWAR Systems Center, Pacific (SSC-P). 25 September 2008. Technology Outreach Centers Congressional Legislation.
Technology Outreach Centers Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense & Americas' Security Affairs (OASD, HD&ASA) SPAWAR Systems Center, Pacific (SSC-P) 25 September 2008
Technology Outreach CentersCongressional Legislation • National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 – Sec.1401 • “The Secretary of Defense shall designate a senior official of the Department of Defense to coordinate all Department of Defense efforts to identify, evaluate, deploy, and transfer to Federal, State, and local first responders technology items and equipment in support of homeland security.” • National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2004 – Sec. 803 • “The Administrator of Federal Procurement Policy shall establish a program under which States and units of local government may procure through contracts entered into by the Department of Defense of the Department of Homeland Security anti-terrorism technologies and anti-terrorism services for the purpose of preventing, detecting, identifying, deterring, or recovering from acts of terrorism.” • National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2007 – Sec. 941 • The Secretary of Defense shall develop a policy, to be applicable throughout the Department of Defense, on research, development, test and evaluation, procurement, and operation of unmanned systems.
Technology Outreach Center Operations & Management • The TOC concept was established and is led by the DoD • Interagency support has been a cornerstone from the beginning • Federal, State and Local all contribute to and benefit from this program • Coordination point for all efforts resides with Mr. Cliff Hudson, OSD • Things that remain the same from site to site • Mission statement • Processes and procedures • Leadership and coordination point • Things that may be different • Local capabilities and competencies • Funding sources • Available facilities • Agency partnerships
Technology Outreach Centers Mission Statement The Technology Outreach Centers are dedicated to the support of the DoD, First Responders, Academia and Industry in research, development, test, evaluation, procurement, integration and operation of unmanned systems, equipment, technologies and services for the purpose of preventing, detecting, identifying, deterring, or recovering from acts of terrorism in support of homeland security. The Technology Outreach Centers will provide these services along with training and support to Federal, State, and Local First Responders.
Summary • Builds on operational concept established at SSC-SD and Camp Guernsey, WY • Provides manageable growth in next phase offering access to a significant State and local First Responder base • Continues to leverage existing facilities and capabilities to lower operation costs • Can evolve to support other critical technologies • Provides important pre-positioned capability for response to major natural and man-made incidents • Offers an opportunity to exploit Section 803 strengths upon implementation for purchase and support