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Module Three: Transportation. Unit 1 On the Plane. Avation n. 飞行,航行,航空 Aggressive adj. 有闯劲的 Comprehensive adj. 全面的, 广泛的 Hub n. 中心 Accommodate vt. 容纳 Boeing 波音
Avation n.飞行,航行,航空 Aggressive adj.有闯劲的 Comprehensive adj.全面的, 广泛的 Hub n.中心 Accommodate vt.容纳 Boeing 波音 Domestic adj.家庭的,国内的 Radiate vi.发光的 Autonomous adj.自治的 Municipality n.市政当局, 自治市 Bangkok n.曼谷 (泰国首都) Jakarta n.雅加达 (印度尼西亚首都) Frankfurt n.法兰克福 (德国城市) Moscow n.莫斯科 (俄罗斯首都) Vancouver n.温哥华 (加拿大城市) Textnew words
Passenger Where`s my seat? Please show me to my seat. How to fasten the seat-belt? What`s this button for? Please,miss.Can you give me a glass of water? I`m feeling a bit air-sick. When are we due to land? Stewardess Can I see you boarding pass/card? This is the seat-recliner button.If you want to relax,just push it. If you need the stewardess for anything,just push the call button. I`m sorry to hear that.Wait a moment.I will bring you some medicine for air sickness. On the plane
Role play Situation 1. Work in groups of two or three, and decide the destination of the flight and make several announcements on the plane. Play the different roles of stewardess and passengers. The stewardess make the announcement, but the passengers are not clear about them and ask the stewardess some questions. Situation 2. Based on the announcement you have made in the above situation. Your task is to serve the foreign tourist who came to China for the first time.
Cultural Notes • 歼-6超音速战斗机 歼—6战机是中国空军装备数量最多的一种战斗机。原型机是原苏联在五十年代初研制 的米格—19轻型战斗机,主要装备军事受援国,苏联自己不大量装备。此机目前在东欧、 朝鲜、印度、巴基斯坦等国还有一定数量的装备。总体性能一般,但低空机动性较好。目前 该机已基本停止生产。歼—6战机最大时速:1.37M;实用升限:17500米;作战半径:470 公里;机长:12.6米;翼展:9米;载弹量:1.60吨;起飞重量:8.832吨(最大);武器 装备:3门23毫米机炮,2枚AA-1改进型空--空导弹或炸弹、火箭等。
Discussion Compared with traveling by air,what are the advantages of traveling by train?List at least three of them: 1. 2. 3.
Text--new words Capacity n.容量,能力 Competitive adj.竞争的 Edge n.优势 Diplomat n.外交官 Consignment n.交货,运送 Scan v.审视,扫描
Passenger At which platform is our train? Do I have to change? How long are the tickets available? First class, facing the engine, if possible, please. I`d like to book a berth on Train 15 for Chongqing tomorrow. Boarding begins in one minute. Let`s hurry. Is this seat taken/vacant? Clerk/Conductor Platform NO.5 No, no change.It`s a through train. Yes.You change at Tianjin. For three days. All aboard please. You should put your luggage on the rack first. Taking a Train
Situation 1. Work in a group of three or four,and take different rols as passengers,clercks or conductors.Your conversation needs to include ticket punching,getting aboard,finding your seat,and asking the conductor or clerk for help. Situation 2. You work for the travel agency and you need to book tickets for some tour groups.Now you are at the ticket counter.Look at the train schedule board and talk to the clerk and decide what tickets to buy. Role Play
Cultural Notes • 世界上最长的火车有多少节车厢 是前几年美国GE公司在澳大利亚BHP铁矿公司开行的一列试验重载列车,是一列装载了82000吨铁矿石、总重达99743吨、由682辆货车与8台机车组成的列车,长度达到7353m的超级列车
Text--New words Arabic figures 阿拉伯数字 Interval n.间隔 Dispatch vt.分派,派遣 In accordance with 与……一致,依照 Guesthouse n.宾馆 Mileage n.英里数,英里里程 Taximeter n.计程器 In line with 符合 Plate number/number plate(of a car) 汽车号码牌
Driver Where to,sir/madam? Please fasten your seat belt. Watch the meter. It depends on the traffic. If we get stuck in a traffic jam, it could take longer. No left-turns are allowed here. I have to find a place to park. You know there are regulations about parking. Passenger Take/Drive us to…,please. How do you compute the taxi fare? Do you use a meter? How long will it take me to get there? Turn left here. Let me off near the corner, please. By Taxi
Conductor All fares,please. Could you please show your commuter`s pass/monthly ticket? Don`t worry.I`ll let you know when we arrive there. Usually every ten minutes,but during rush hours every five minutes. There are seats in the near. There`s plenty of room in the middle. Passenger Does the bus pass by/go to…? Is the bus a round-city one? How many stops to…? How much is the fare? What time is the earliest bus on this route? How often does a bus leave the terminal? By Bus
Cultural Notes berth soft class. Most long-distance trains have a restaurant car serving full meals. The photographs below show modern sleepers and a restaurant car on a typical 'T' or 'K' category express between major cities. The best 'Z' category trains are even more modern, see the pictures further down this page.
Discussion • Match the following names of means of transportation with their corresponding pictures.Tell your partner in what situation people use them.Do you know how people traveled in ancient China?What were the main means of transportation at that time?
Text--New Words Imperial adj.皇帝的 Sedan n.轿子 Oxcart n.牛车 Waterway n.水路 Delta n.三角洲 Rickshaw n.黄包车,人力车 Mag-lev:Magnetic Levitation 磁悬浮列车
Steward Welcome aboard. The facilities on the ship are up-to-date. I`m glad you are over your seasickness. The liner will call at the port tomorrow. Let me get a deck chair for you. Would you like to stay up on deck or go down below? Passenger From which pier does the steamer for…sail? Is this the way to the first class cabins? I am afraid Imay get seasick. By aboard
Role Play Situation 1. Work in a group of two or three, and make up a conversation about traveling on a ship. Situation 2. You plan to have a day-tour around Beijing.Decide which means of transportation you will take and make a conversation with your friends.
Cultural Notes • Other useful expressions : • Expression train • Slow train • Special train • Mail train • Train sickness • elevated railway • captain • conductor • engineer • car inspector • ticket inspector • locomotive
Discussion • Imagine you are at the Tian`anmen Square.Look at the following two maps and try to tell how to get to Beihai Park and the Beijing Zoo.
Navigable adj.适于航行的 The Grand Canal 大运河 Transit n.运输线 Account for 说明,占…比例 Three Gorges 三峡 Feast vt.盛宴,款待 Feast one`s eyes on sth. 大饱眼福 Impart vt.给予 In full 充足,充分 Cliff n.悬崖,绝壁 Grove n.小树林 Fleet n.舰队 Gallery n.走廊,画廊 Stunning adj. 足以使人晕倒的,极好的 Galaxy n. 银河,一群显赫的人 Text--New Words
Asking the way Excuse me,would you mind telling me how to get to Renmin University of China? Could you tell me the way to the Grand Hotel? How far is the subway station from here? Could you tell me where the rail-way station is? I`m not going the wrong way ,am I? Which way do I go? Directing the Way Cut across the aquare and then turn left. Go straight along this street to the traffic lights. Turn around,and take the first turning on the right. It`s within walking distance. A block away. An hour by car/by bus. In the middle of the block/At the end of the bolck. Asking the way
Role play Situation 1. Work in a group of two or three, and use the following map as a guide and make up conversations asking the way and giving directions. Situation 2. Draw a map yourself, and direct the way for a passenger.
Cultural Notes 问路技巧 A、问路要有礼貌。 问路时必须面带微笑,口气谦和,以取得对方好感。然后,根据不同对象用不同称呼,最起码要叫一声“同志”,一般对方都会驻足相告。B、问路要选准对象。 一是选当地人问路。一方水土,养一方人,各个地方的穿着打扮和容貌、语言都有自己的特点,而一些旅游城市,外地旅游者多,要善于根据对方的穿着、相貌、语言举止来判断是否是当地人,然后再问路。 二是选异性问路。从心里角度来说,选择异性问路,容易得到对方的热情指点,而取得较好的效果。 三是选择老人和恋人问路。一般说来老人给人指路,大都比较耐心、认真、负责;青年人则可能会比较马虎应付,个别人还会恶作剧瞎指路。而向正谈恋爱的男女问路,往往也会为您提供满意的答案。 四是选择民警和学生问路。一般情况下选择民警问路最可靠,他们对城市大体情况了解比较熟悉,不会上当受骗,但他们的缺点是不会耐心指点,往往应付了事。 值得一提的是,一般不宜向行色匆匆的路人、面部冷阴或低头沉思的人问路,这些人往往无心给你指路。C、问路要记住位置和特征。 听人介绍时,要抓住关键,如地名、地物、典型标志位置和基本特征,这样才能不至于走错路,顺利找到目标。对目标不明时,应多问几个人,找出他们谈话中共同的东西,利用自己的知识和经验做出判断,从而达到问路的目的。 最后一条经验是:问路一定要讲普通话,无论处在何地,都一律通用。
Gear n.齿轮 Multi-geared mountain bike 多档山地车 Fender n.挡泥板 Chain guard 链罩 Kickstand n.支架 Brake n.闸,刹车 Rear package carrier 后车行李架 Handlebar n.手把 Pedal v.踩…的踏板 Perch v.就位,位于 Improvise v.临时的 Aqueeze v.挤 Side-saddle adv.侧身坐着 Weird adj. 怪异的,不可思议的 Swarm v.涌往,挤满 Piggy n.小猪 Acrobatic adj.杂技的,特技的 Breathtaking adj. 惊人的,惊险的,激动人心的 Tandem n.双座自行车 TextNew Words
Tourist Can you arrange a trip for me? I prefer a package tour. What is the price of the tour? Can you give me a sightseeing guide book? What is the daily fee for a guide? Travel agent How long a trip would you like? Would you take a package tour or travel alone? The tour includes the air fare, hotel accommodations and three meals each day. By the way, what is your budget? Can I recommend the city tour to you? The places are worth seeing. travelling
Role play Situation 1. Work with a group of two or three, and take different roles as tourists and travel agent. The travel agent is helping the tourists arrange a tour. Situation 2. Work in a group of two or three, and decide where to go for a 7-day vacation. You may have different places that you want to go, so try to persuade your friends to agree with you that the place you want to go is worth visiting the most.
Cultural Notes • 世界旅游组织 (World Tourism Organization)是联合国专门机构,其宗旨是促进和发展旅游事业,使之有利于经济发展、国际间相互了解,以及和平与繁荣。总部设在西班牙马德里。 • 1925年5月4日至9日在荷兰海牙召开了国际官方旅游协会大会。1934年在海牙正式成立国际官方旅游宣传组织联盟。1946年10月1日至4日在伦敦召开了首届国家旅游组织国际大会。1947年10月在巴黎举行的第二届国家旅游组织国际大会上决定正式成立国际官方旅游联盟,其总部设在伦敦,1951年迁至日内瓦。1969年联合国大会批准将其改为政府间组织。1975年改为现名。2003年11月成为联合国专门机构。 • 出版刊物有《世界旅游组织消息》、《旅游发展报告(政策与趋势)》、《旅游统计年鉴》、《旅游统计手册》和《旅游及旅游动态》。 • 世界旅游组织成员分为正式成员(主权国家政府旅游部门)、联系成员(无外交实权的领地)和附属成员(直接从事旅游业或与旅游业有关的组织、企业和机构)。联系会员和附属成员对世界旅游组织事务无决策权。截至2005年11月,世界旅游组织有正式成员144个。 • 世界旅游组织的组织机构包括全体大会、执行委员会、秘书处及地区委员会。其中全体大会为最高权力机构,每两年召开一次,审议该组织重大问题。2003年10月,世界旅游组织第15届全体大会在北京举行。执行委员会每年至少召开两次。执委会下设五个委员会:计划和协调技术委员会、预算和财政委员会、环境保护委员会、简化手续委员会、旅游安全委员会。秘书处负责日常工作,秘书长由执委会推荐,大会选举产生。地区委员会系非常设机构,负责协调、组织本地区的研讨会、工作项目和地区性活动。每年召开一次会议。共有非洲、美洲、东亚和太平洋、南亚、欧洲和中东6个地区委员会。 • 世界旅游组织确定每年的9月27日为世界旅游日。为不断向全世界普及旅游理念,形成良好的旅游发展环境,促进世界旅游业的不断发展,该组织每年都推出一个世界旅游日的主题口号。 • 1975年5月,世界旅游组织承认中华人民共和国为中国唯一合法代表。1983年10月5日,该组织第五届全体大会通过决议,接纳中国为正式成员国,成为它的第106个正式会员。1987年9月,在第七次全体大会上,中国首次当选为该组织执行委员会委员,并同时当选为统计委员会委员和亚太地区委员会副主席。1991年,再次当选为该组织执委会委员。