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50 Exhibits for T ravelling E xhibitions:

Ecsite Conference Toulouse Friday 12:00 Purple room Organizing Events In Exhibition Spaces Michael Bradke. 50 Exhibits for T ravelling E xhibitions:. Making Music is always forming a “Social Sculptur”. M aking M usic is always forming a “ S ocial S culptur”.

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50 Exhibits for T ravelling E xhibitions:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ecsite Conference Toulouse Friday 12:00Purple room Organizing Events In Exhibition SpacesMichael Bradke

  2. 50 Exhibits for Travelling Exhibitions:

  3. Making Music is always forming a “Social Sculptur”

  4. Making Music is always forming a “Social Sculptur”

  5. ToneTubes, explore science Mannheim 2010

  6. ToneTubes, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2004 Beats zählen und verdoppeln • r: • Kardinal-Teilung / • Rhythmus-Pyramide • 1-2-4-8-16

  7. Autostadt Wolfsburg2009 Entwickfür 50 bis 100 Spieler ab 2Jahren Aufbauzeit: 1-2 Stunden Flächenbedarf: 200 bis 400 qm

  8. Cycle of Water

  9. Thank you!!!More info see:www.musikmuseum.com

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