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CR GIS survey summary (most slides on this) SBW polygons white paper NGWT geospatial element Flood map inundation NSTEP training request GEO-01 “Mapping Datums and Geospatial Data Basics”. Geospatial Issues update. CR GIS survey snapshot.
CR GIS survey summary (most slides on this) • SBW polygons white paper • NGWT geospatial element • Flood map inundation • NSTEP training request GEO-01 • “Mapping Datums and Geospatial Data Basics” Geospatial Issues update
CR GIS survey snapshot • Topic listed as Important or Very Important (90% of replies): Google Products (Earth and Maps) Dealing with data Spatial Analysis Basic GIS Concepts Expertise Staff Office level • None ---- 1 • Beginner/Casual 59% (133) 4 • Core 29% (65) 16 • Power/Technical 12% (26) 20 Wanting to have GIS Involvement 2 to 40 staffper office. Wanting GIS training 5% up to 90% Some offices are GIS heavy Bottom line Wide range of GIS interest and experience in CR
CR GIS survey summary Areas of concern
CR GIS survey summary 50% or more 15 offices Less than 50% 23 offices
CR GIS survey – GIS definition forecast.weather.gov GIS is a computer-based graphics program that allows the superposition of plan-maps of thematic elements, such as roads, rivers, land use patterns, and the like to aid in local or regional planning activities. Geography Department,University of Colorado, Boulder GIS are special-purpose digital databases in which a common spatial coordinate system is the primary means of reference. GIS contain subsystems for: 1) data input; 2) data storage, retrieval, and representation; 3) data management, transformation, and analysis; and 4) data reporting and product generation. It is useful to view GIS as a process rather than a thing. A GIS supports data collection, analysis, and decision making and is far more than a software or hardware product. AWIPS?
CR GIS survey summary True GISs ! 36 offices with Core or Power/Technical expertise
Geospatial Issues update Types of training resources desired: Webinars and job-sheets mentioned most often • Important or Very Important topics: • Google Products (Earth and Maps) • Dealing with data • Spatial Analysis • Basic GIS Concepts • vs. These are training delivery methods. Need, objectives, target audience will drive this. Training should have: 1) An identified performance need, 2) A focused purpose to the training, 3) Clearly stated objectives and expectations, 4) A process to achieve these objectives and expectations, 5) A way to measure if learning has taken place, and 6) Some type of follow up evaluation system to find applicability andeffectiveness.
SBW polygons white paper Short term recommendations will be realized by adjusting the training on how the forecasters can include storm information in warnings and services. Mid term goals will be realized with minor format changes to NWS Policy Directives and warning generation software changes to the AWIPS II baseline to assist in standardizing services for the short duration warning environment. Long term goals will be realized with the deployment of the Next Generation Warning Tool including the use of Scientific Algorithms and Short Term Mesoscale Models to develop guidance for use by the warning forecaster and improve warning services. Training Division (TD) response(1 – 5 deal with staffing schedules and other issues). 6. The white paper was lacking recognition that SBWs are geospatial. A better understanding on the part of forecasters of geospatial issues would help improve the warnings.
NGWT geospatial element A) All weather events are geospatial in nature. Warnings also have a geospatial element. B) To correctly locate an event or a warning of an event, consistent mapping and geo-location standards must be used. The warning must use an official reference system, as well as use an appropriate level of accuracy and precision to correctly relay the warning information to users. C) If the geospatial part of a warning is misinterpreted or misused, the event could be misplaced. People may not receive an legitimate event warning or may be falsely warned of an event that doesn't affect them. • D) Therefore the geospatial element of a warning should: 1 - Include locations based on the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) maintained by NOAA. 2 - Have a statement on the accuracy of locations. • For example "Locations are accurate to within a quarter mile". 3 - Ensure the precision of the location data is consistent with the accuracy. • Having coordinates listed to higher precision than can be supported by the accuracy can • lead to false level of confidence in the warning and possible misuse of this information.
Flood map inundation Inundation Levels By selecting the data type, entitled Inundation Levels, users will see different levels of inundation (NAVD88 or NGVD29 depending upon administrative configuration) Vertical measurements to 0.01 ft Horizontal measurements to sub-block distances
NSTEP geospatial training GEO-01 Mapping Datums and Geospatial Data Basics Performance need: As the use of geospatial mapping tools and higher resolution hydro-meteorological data/products continues to increase, training is critical to ensure the core underlying quality of NWS products is not compromised by poor or unknown geospatial data quality. FY10 Prioritization 0 Non-Discretionary (must do) 1 Very High 2 High 3 Moderate 4 Low All regions except Pacific Region (2)