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Ethics Panel Discussion/Debate – Summative. Critical Thinking Skill: Moral Judgment Learning Goal: I can use ethical guidelines to develop a position on a social issue of importance. This is an individual summative.
Ethics Panel Discussion/Debate – Summative Critical Thinking Skill: Moral Judgment Learning Goal: I can use ethical guidelines to develop a position on a social issue of importance
This is an individual summative. • You must be prepared to discuss your article with your group on the assigned date. • Your completed questions must be word-processed and submitted the following day after the group discussion. • You are encouraged to take notes during the group discussion. • DO NOT WRITE ON OR DAMAGE THE ARTICLE – you will have to replace it. • Articles can be found on-line, links are at the end of this PPT
Moral Dilemma: • Should researchers be allowed to run unethical experiments if they benefit our understanding of human behaviour and health? • Is it morally right to use the information gained by unethical experiments in our society?
Preparation for the Ethics Panel Discussion and Debate: • Read the assigned article based on a social science experiment that has been criticized for being unethical. • Answer the following questions based on your reading. Use the subtitles provided. These will be word processed and handed in as part of your completed summative.
(K/U) Background Questions: • What do you think was their research question? – (Main point of their experiment) • Who were the test subjects? Who was conducting the experiment? • What were the methods they used in the experiment? • What were the issues/criticisms by outside sources? • Explain which specific sections of the Psychology and Sociology Code of Ethics were violated.
(T/I) Moral Judgment: • What were the negative consequences of the experiment? • What were the benefits of the experiment to society? (i.e. understanding of a specific human behaviour, medical advancements, behaviour modification techniques…). Be specific. • What is your personal opinion of the moral dilemma related to your assigned experiment? (Answer the 2 questions in the box)
(APP) Current Day Connection: • (Complete outside research to answer the following question – source all work, use any proper format you choose - APA format preferably): • Find a recent article/issue that can be connected to the experiment. This can be follow up to the original experiment, or it can be an article that applies information/theories that came from the experiment.
(COMM) Discussion Questions and Post Discussion/Debate Reflection: • Provide 2 discussion questions you can present to the group to stimulate debate and conversation. • What were the main points of discussion in your small group? Provide 3 highlights. • How has your perspective changed regarding the moral dilemma after having the discussion/debate with your group? Provide at least 2 pieces of insight.
Timelines: • Preparation Work Due (in Rough): • ____________________________________________ • Group Discussions/Debates: • ____________________________________________ • Good Copy Due: • ____________________________________________
Find your Article Online • Aversion Experiment (2 articles): • http://archive.samj.org.za/2001%20VOL%2091%20Jan-Dec/Articles/03%20March/1.5%20THE%20AVERSION%20PROJECT%20-%20PSYCHIATRIC%20ABUSES%20IN%20THE%20SOUTH%20AFRICAN%20DEFENCE%20FORCE%20DURING%20THE%20APART.pdf • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC535952/
Spitz - Hospitalism: • http://www.tigertouch.org/documents/beforeethics.pdf • MK Ultra: • http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/649-mk-ultra-the-cias-mind-control-program.html?tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page • Harlow’s Monkey Experiments: • http://www.rw.ttu.edu/ethics/pdf's/O5%20.pdf
Willowbrook School Hepatitis Study: • http://science.jburroughs.org/mbahe/BioEthics/Articles/WilliowbrookRobinson2008.pdf • Watson – Little Albert (2 Articles): • http://psychology.about.com/od/classicpsychologystudies/a/little-albert-experiment.htm • http://psychology.about.com/od/classicalconditioning/a/sad-tale-of-little-albert.htm
Monster Study: • http://www-psych.stanford.edu/~bigopp/stutter2.html • Nazi Human Experiments: • http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/naziexp.html