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Presentation of the UNEP/GEF project “UNCCD PRAIS”. Performance Review and Assessment of the Implementation System (PRAIS) - Enabling a paradigm shift on monitoring and assessment within the UNCCD. Project presentation. Quick recap of the project Components 1, 2, 3 and related work plan
Presentation of the UNEP/GEF project “UNCCD PRAIS” Performance Review and Assessment of the Implementation System (PRAIS) - Enabling a paradigm shift on monitoring and assessment within the UNCCD
Project presentation • Quick recap of the project • Components 1, 2, 3 and related work plan • Implementation arrangements • Questions and comments
The Project – Quick details Full title: Enabling paradigm shift on monitoring and assessment within the UNCCD Short title: UNCCD 4th national reporting (4NR) project Client: UNEP DGEF and UNCCD Secretariat (on behalf of Affected Country Parties) Executing Agency: UNEP-WCMC with regional partners Project value: US$2.5 million with $5 million co-financing leveraged through the UNCCD Secretariat, Global Mechanism, European Commission, donors and Parties at national level Start date: January/February 2010 | End date: June 2011
The Project - Objectives • Immediate: • To undertake a scientifically rigorous and credible assessment of the performance of the implementation of the UNCCD at the national, sub-regional, regional and global levels, and • To build/strengthen capacity and knowledge management systems for subsequent assessments. • Long-term: • To identify priority areas for investment to enhance implementation of UNCCD.
The Project – Components 1: Review of indicators, and formulation of guidelines and reporting formats 2: Assessment of current baseline, synthesis and preparation of reports at all levels 3: Knowledge Management System, M&E and Dissemination
Simple Key 1: Methods 2: Assessment 3: Knowledge management
Component 1 Review of indicators, and formulation of national, sub-regional guidelines and reporting formats
1: Methods Component 1 – Result & Outputs • Result: Parties capacity built by providing clear and consistent guidelines for reporting on the implementation of the Strategy are available to country Parties • Outputs: 1: Sets of harmonized indicators 2: Finalized Guidelines for assessment 3: Contribution to the production of a glossary and a guide for implementing performance indicators 4: Finalized Format/template for preparation of 4th National reports 5: Training modules and guidelines for data collection for baseline assessment 6: Training in use of guidelines format/template for 4th National Reports, through sub-regional workshops
1: Methods Component 1 - Activities 1.1: Review the sets of harmonized indicators 1.2: Finalization of Guidelines for assessment of baseline and best practices 1.3: Production of a glossary and a guide 1.4: Finalize format/template, develop training modules and guidelines for data collection for baseline assessment and for the preparation of 4th National reports. 1.5: Training modules and guidelines for data collection for baseline assessment, development of guidelines or instructions for the use of Relevant Activity Codes (RACS) and Rio Markers. 1.6: Training in use of guidelines format/template for 4th National Reports, through sub-regional workshops
Timeframe • YR2: Revision based on lessons
Component 2 Assessment of current baseline, Synthesis and preparation of reports at national, sub-regional, regional and global levels
2: Assessment Component 2 – Results • 2.1: Credible and verifiable information of current baseline performance situation for future planning of investments and actions • 2.2: A credible and widely accepted understanding of current state of implementation of UNCCD
2: Assessment Component 2 - Outputs • 2.1: A comprehensive monitoring and assessment system for the UNCCD that will clarify among others the institutional set up needed in order to effectively engage in future periodic monitoring and assessment of performance (every 2 years) and impacts (every 4 years). • 2.2: Indicators-based reports of baseline situations at all levels • 2.3: 4th National reports; Synthesis reports on sub-regional, regional and global assessment of UNCCD implementation under the guidance of UNCCD Secretariat
2: Assessment Component 2 - Activities • 2.1: Establishment of a comprehensive monitoring and assessment system for the UNCCD that will clarify among others the institutional set up needed in order to effectively engage in future periodic monitoring and assessment of performance. • 2.2: Technical assistance to Parties in conducting Performance Indicators-based baseline situations assessment • Technical assistance in the preparation of standard financial annexes and programme and project sheets. • 2.3: Synthesis reports on sub-regional, regional and global assessment of UNCCD implementation under the guidance of UNCCD Secretariat (based on 4th National reports).
Approach • Agreement with Reference Centres • Training of National Focal Points • Technical “help desk” for countries • Support for preparation of synthesis reports • YR2: review institutional arrangements, long-term capacity needs
Component 3 Knowledge Management System, M&E and Dissemination
3: Knowledge management Component 3 – Result • 3: Capacities of affected country Parties to assess performance of national action programmes (NAPs) as a mean to combating DLDD and of UNCCD implementation are enhanced.
3: Knowledge management Component 3 - Outputs • 3.1: Comprehensive capacity building framework for reporting UNCCD implementation • 3.2: PRAIS portal developed and utilized at national or sub-regional level for storage and retrieval of information on baseline data, indicators, reporting guidelines and tools, best practices, and lessons learned. • 3.3: Appropriate framework for assessing and reporting of performance and impact developed
3: Knowledge management Component 3 - Activities • 3.1: Comprehensive capacity building framework for reporting UNCCD implementation • 3.2: Development of Portal with entry points at all levels for storage and retrieval of information on baseline data, indicators, reporting guidelines and tools, best practices, and any additional information countries would like to publish • Due consideration of pertinent COP decisions relating to knowledge management tools • Build on and link to relevant systems that already exist, such as FIELD. • 3.3: Development of appropriate framework for assessing and reporting of performance
3: Knowledge management PRAIS portal Urgent • Input form for national reports • Best practice input form • Documents • Discussion fora Long-term? • Tracking-tools
Approach • Portal coordinated with UNCCD Knowledge Management Portal, GM FIELD system • Development of “pilot” system • CD-ROMS, offline tools as alternative for materials, reporting • YR2: Looking at additional capacity needs, lessons from usage
4NR Timeframe Demo for training; de-bugging, security, usage policies, etc
Project Governance Institutional and Implementation Arrangements
Regional and Sub-Regional Reference Centres (RCs) • 15 Regional and Sub-Regional Reference Centres jointly identified by UNCCD Secretariat and UNEP-WCMC in consultation with the GM and UNEP/DGEF. • The RCs are specialized institutions in the sub-region/region with recognized mandate in SLM and which have a recognized experience of UNCCD implementation. • These centers are expected to continue to play a major role in the reporting process beyond the 2010 pilot exercise. They should have some mechanisms which retain and share institutional knowledge, including of the assessment and reporting process. • In cooperation with UNEP-WCMC, they will be responsible for the execution of the activities at regional level, providing front-line support for up to 140 eligible Affected Country Parties. As such, they will play a crucial role for the successful implementation of the project at regional and national level.
Reference Centres – Indicative List • OSS (Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel) • ARC/CILSS (Agrhymet Regional Center - Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel) • COMIFAC (Commission for the forests of Central Africa) • ICPAC/IGAD (Climate Prediction and Application Centre - Inter Governmental Authority on Development) • SPREP (South Pacific Regional Environment Programme) • ACSAD (Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands) • CACILM Secretariat (Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management) • ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) • FAO/ROAP (Food and Agriculture Organization – Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific) • CATIE (Tropical Agronomic Center of research and education) • ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) • IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture) • CEHI (Caribbean Environmental Health Institute) • JRC (Joint Research Center of the European Commission) • DRFN (Desert Research Foundation of Namibia)
Reference Centres – Specific Objectives • To serve as the direct interlocutor of the UNEP-WCMC as the Executing Agency of the project in the regions; • To ensure, in collaboration with UNCCD Regional Coordination Mechanisms and Regional Coordination Mechanisms(RCMs), the coordination of activities of the UNCCD 4NR project in the regions; • To facilitate activities and technically backstop countries within the regions in the UNCCD 4th national reporting;
Reference Centres – Specific Objectives (cont’d) • To support UNCCD Secretariat via UNEP-WCMC in elaboration of the regional synthesis of the 4th National Report; • To mobilize and collaborate with other technical institutions in the region in the technical backstopping of Parties in the process of the 4th National reporting; • To maintain the agreed harmonized standards for UNCCD 4th National Reporting within the regional implementation Annexes of the Convention.
National UNCCD Focal Points (NFPs) • At the national level, the project activities will be managed by the UNCCD National Focal Points within the respective National Executing Agency (NEA). • The NFPs will bear overall responsibility for the execution of the project activities and report to a National Project Steering Committee (N.B. this function could be the UNCCD National Coordinating Body or other suitable multi-stakeholder committee). • They will act as national representative, facilitating inter-agency coordination and guide the execution of the project in each country. • The NEAs will implement the project in collaboration with other national, provincial and local government agencies, NGOs, private sector and local communities. • Each NEA will receive international technical assistance through the UNEP-WCMC and Regional Reference Centres.
National UNCCD Focal Points – cont’d • Country parties with the support of the UNCCD and GM Secretariats and the respective RCs will prepare the 4th National Reports based on the new reporting tools (templates, guidelines, glossary, best practices, standard financial annex and programme/project sheets). • NFPs will receive training from the RCs on the new reporting tools and on the utilization of the new PRAIS Portal. • The RCs, in addition to deliver the training for the NFPs, will provide on-going technical backstopping from the reporting process.