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AQA: GCSE Product Design CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT TASK. What do you need to do. Choose from the six contexts given to you. Work through the folder sheets in a logical order. What is the exam board looking for: A project that is rigorous and demanding. Shows creativity and originality.
Mr Guinness Coursework Help Sheets AQA Product Design CAT AQA: GCSE Product DesignCONTROLLED ASSESSMENT TASK
What do you need to do... • Choose from the six contexts given to you. • Work through the folder sheets in a logical order. • What is the exam board looking for: • A project that is rigorous and demanding. • Shows creativity and originality. • Has accuracy and a range of making skills. • Has the potential to be commercially viable. Mr Guinness Candidate Number 007: AQA Product Design PROD2
Section A: Investigating the design context (8 marks) • Front Cover • Context and Design Intentions • Product Analysis • Product Disassembly • User Profile/ Retail potential • Design Inspiration/Mood board • Research Summary • Design Criteria/Specification Mr Guinness Coursework Help Sheets : AQA Product Design CAT
Section B: Development of Design Ideas (32marks) • Initial Ideas • Group ideas(class exercise) • SCAMPER • Modelling • Comparison • Materials and construction alternatives • Further research/development • Environmental Issues • Commercial Viability • Final Proposal and Manufacturing Specification Mr Guinness Coursework Help Sheets : AQA Product Design CAT
Section C: Making(32 Marks) • Plan of Manufacture • Photo diary of Practical work Mr Guinness Coursework Help Sheets : AQA Product Design CAT
Section D: Testing and Evaluation(12 Marks) • Testing and Evaluation • Summary of Modifications • Specification Checklist • Photo Presentation Mr Guinness Coursework Help Sheets : AQA Product Design CAT
Section E: Communication(6 Marks) • Is your design folder focused, concise, relevant? • Are all decisions communicated in a clear way with appropriate use of technical language. • Have you checked spelling, punctuation and grammar? Mr Guinness Coursework Help Sheets : AQA Product Design CAT
Top Ten Tips... • Put in the time at home...don’t try and do it all within lessons. • Presentation is really important; slide layout (even font size) needs to be regular throughout your presentation. • Slide Order...all slides must be in the correct order, with the correct headings (See feedback sheet) • Every slide needs a sentence of introduction (stating the purpose of the slide) and a summary stating what you have learned and how it will help you to develop your design. • Specification points must be justified (explanation given as to why the point has been made) • Every picture, photo and scan needs detailed description, (Explain, analyse, inform). • Manufacturing Specification must include a cutting list of all the parts needed to make your product with details of size and materials to be used. • Photo Diary...as well as annotating your photos, explain problems you have encountered and solutions you have found, prove to the moderator that you are a good problem solver. • Ask for help, e-mail your Teacher if you get stuck, don’t wait until the lesson. • Get someone (a parent or friend) to read your work and see if it is logical and makes sense. Mr Guinness Coursework Help Sheets : AQA Product Design CAT
S.C.A.M.P.E.R. SCAMPER is a checklist that helps you to think of changes you can make to an existing product to create a new one. You can use these changes either as direct suggestions or as starting points for lateral thinking. The changes SCAMPER stands for are: • S – Substitute – components, materials, people. • C – Combine – mix, combine with other assemblies or services, integrate. • A – Adapt – alter, change function, use part of another element. • M – Modify – increase or reduce in scale, change shape, modify attributes (e.g. colour). • P – Put to another use. • E – Eliminate – remove elements, simplify, reduce to core functionality. • R – Reverse – turn inside out or upside down, or use Reversal. Mr Guinness Coursework Help Sheets : AQA Product Design CAT