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House Bill 5 83 rd Legislative Session. ESC3 Leadership Services Spring 2014. HB5 - Update. Graduation Plans Foundation Plan of 22 Credits
House Bill 5 83rd Legislative Session ESC3 Leadership Services Spring 2014
HB5 - Update • Graduation Plans • Foundation Plan of 22 Credits • Endorsements in one of five areas: STEM, Business & Industry, Public Services, Arts and Humanities, and Multi-Disciplinary Studies (4 Credits including an additional math, science and 2 electives) • All students must select an endorsement but may opt for only completing the Foundation Plan after Grade 10, with parental consent
HB5 - Update • Graduation Plans • All students must have a personal graduation plan promoting College and Workforce Readiness • Encourages districts to partner with community colleges and industry to develop rigorous courses to address workforce readiness • Districts & Higher Education partnerships to provide developmental courses the senior year in Math and English for college bound students not demonstrating college readiness by end of Grade 11
HB5 - Update • Graduation Plans • Maintain Distinguished level diploma, students must complete the Foundation program, earn 1 Endorsement and earn an Algebra II credit • Students completing the Distinguished Program are eligible for the college admission in the top 10% automatic admissions provision • 2013-14 – Students may graduate under the new structure, with certain provisions
HB5 - Update • Assessment • Reduced the number of required End of Course assessments from 15 to 5 • EOC assessments – English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology and US History • English Language Arts assessments are combined into one assessment instead of Reading and Writing tests
HB5 - Update • Assessment • Satisfactory performance on Advanced Placement, SAT and ACT exams can satisfy graduation requirements (eliminating need to take EOC) • Districts may administer English III and Algebra II Assessments only for diagnostic purposes
HB5 - Update • Accountability • Addition of at least 3 new indicators of Academic Performance • Percentage of students graduating with Endorsements or Distinguished Performance • Number of students earning College Credit • Number of students earning Workforce Certificates • 3 Category Rating System to evaluate schools • Academic Performance • Financial Performance • Community & Student Engagement – Districts evaluation measure
Personal Graduation Plans Junior High/Middle School: Personal Graduation Plans (PGPs) must be developed for students: • Identified students who are at-risk of not completing a high school diploma before the fifth year after entering 9th grade • Students who did not pass a state assessment Counselor, teacher or other appropriate individual must be designated to develop and administer the PGPs. PGPs must be transmitted electronically through TREx. Effective 2014-2015
Personal Graduation Plans High School: 9th graders: • High school counselor or school administrator must review the PGP options with each student and their parents before entering 9th grade. • The PGP must be signed by the student and the parents by the end of the school year (9th grade year). • Students have the option to amend their PGP. Parents must be notified of this in writing. All students: • All high school students must have a PGP developed. • PGPs must be transmitted electronically through TREx. • Effective 2014-2015
Personal Graduation Plans Notice to Parents: State-developed documents that explains the advantages of : • Endorsements • Distinguished Level of Achievement • Must have both in order to be eligible for automatic (top 10%) admission to college • Staff should encourage parents to have the student choose the PGP with endorsements and distinguished level of achievement
Personal Graduation Plans Notice to Parents: • State-developed document must be published on district website and ensure that it is available to all parents of high school students in the language in which they are most proficient. • Please Note - The document will be available in both English and Spanish. Also, the district will have to provide translation to other languages only if at least 20 students in a grade level speak a different language.
House Bill 5 Counseling Requirements School counselors must advise students and parents of the importance of postsecondary education at elementary and middle school/junior high level. High School Counselors must annually provide information about postsecondary education students and parents regarding: • Advantages of earning an endorsement • Performance acknowledgment • Distinguished level of achievement. Effective 2014-15
Next Steps for PGPs and Counseling Requirements Spring 2014 • Have parent meeting for 8th grade parents to explain choices of HB5 diploma. • Schedule 8th graders for High School based on endorsement possibilities and choices for graduation. • Build schedules for 2015 through 2017 graduates based on MHSP, RHSP, and DAP, as well as 2018 HB5 diploma students • Identify students who will graduate in 2016 and 2017 who wish to move to the HB5 diploma. *Ensure counselors are receiving adequate training regarding HB5.
Alternate Assessments • TEA must redevelop appropriate instruments to assess students with significant cognitive disabilities, consistent with federal law to be administered 2014-15. • Mandates the test measures growth and provide the district with options. • Mandates that the assessment instruments may not require a teacher to prepare tasks or materials. • Effective 2014-2015
EOCs and the ARD Committee • For a student served under special education, the ARD committee will determine whether satisfactory performance on an EOC exam is needed to receive a high school diploma. • Effective 2014-2015
Minimum Attendance for Class Credit or Final Grade • Mandates that a student in any grade level (K-12)may not be given class credit or a final course grade unless the student is in attendance for at least 90% of the time the class is offered. • Attendance committees must hear petitions for class credit or a final grade by students who are in attendance fewer than the number of days required. • District Board of Trustees shall establish guidelines for what constitutes extenuating circumstances and alternative ways for students to regain credit. • Effective 2013 - 2014
School District Evaluation of Performance in Community & Student Engagement HB 5
TEC 39.0545 • Requires each district to evaluate the district’s performance and the performance of each campus in the district on community and student engagement (8 factors) and in policy compliance (1 factor) • Requires every district to assign itself and each campus a rating of exemplary, recognized, acceptable or unacceptable for both overall performance and each evaluation factor • Districts must submit ratings to TEA and make publically available August 8 of each year (2013-14)
What is the purpose of TEC 39.0545? • To evaluate community and student engagement • Districts and campuses can showcase where they are excelling and where there is room for improvement • Not all should be exemplary….. • To tell the story of what is happening in districts and on campuses when it’s not a test day
New Coding for PEIMS • To comply with new requirement, TEA has added new coding to the PEIMS Data Standards • New codes will be reported in the Submission 3 Summer Collection 2014 • Data collected at both the district and campus level
Nine factors to be evaluated • Fine arts • Wellness and physical education • Community and parent involvement • 21st Workforce development program • 2nd language acquisition • Digital language acquisition program • Dropout prevention strategies • Educational programs for GT students • Compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements
Rating Categories • First 8 Categories: • Unacceptable • Acceptable • Recognized • Exemplary • Overall Performance Rating • Compliance Category • Yes • No
What next? • Districts must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate • The performance of the district and campus programs in the 8 evaluation factors and compliance with statutory reporting and policies • Districts must create the local committee that will develop the criteria
What about the committee? • Mostly a local decision • Legislature did not specify who should be on the committee - gives districts opportunity to include diverse members of the community • Legislature did not specify how often the committee must meet • Only requirement under statute is that the district must use the criteria developed by the committee to evaluate itself and its campuses
Considerations • Local committee should be comprised of a diverse group who represent various views in the community • Some districts will be utilizing current district and campus advisory committees for this first year. • Members to consider: parents, teachers, students, local business leaders, members of local chambers, parent organizations, student organizations, school trustees, higher education representatives, student council members, counselors, principals, accountability and curriculum personnel, nurses, community organizations in your area, etc.
Considerations, cont. • Begin talking to people in the community about this new opportunity for districts and campuses to showcase areas of excellence and highlight areas they are working to improve • Local media • Local chambers, rotary clubs • Discussion item at board meetings • Parent/teacher groups • Local businesses • Local colleges and universities, technical schools • Student and teacher organizations • Survey students, parents, business groups for input
Reporting of Data • HB 5 requires each district to report performance rating to TEA (through new coding in PEIMS) • Performance ratings publicly available no later than August 8 of each year • Released simultaneously with state rating • Districts should consider (although not required by statute) providing information on how ratings were determined
Various Tools Available • Locally developed • TASA Created Tool (Free Resource) • TREA – Community and Student Engagement Tool (Fee) • Various ESC’s have developed tools (Fee) • Combination of tools • customize to fit needs
ESC3 Contacts • Charlotte Baker cbaker@esc3.net • Nan Gainer ngainer@esc3.net • Kenda Matson kmatson@esc3.net • Mary Beth Matula mbmatula@esc3.net • Brenda O’Bannion bobannion@esc3.net • Cheryl Shamburger cshamburget@esc3.net 361-573-0731