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Academic Initiatives in Coastal and Marine Resources Management

Explore the challenges and responses in fisheries conservation and marine biodiversity preservation through academic initiatives in the Philippines. Learn about research on marine protected areas, sustainable resource management practices, and the importance of community engagement in protective management.

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Academic Initiatives in Coastal and Marine Resources Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Academic Initiatives in Coastal and Marine Resources Management Angel C. Alcala University Research Professor Silliman University, Dumaguete City

  2. Introduction

  3. Introduction Primary Academic Thrusts of HEIs • General Education -- majority of HEIs • Technology -- Agriculture, Fisheries, Engineering, IT, Biotech. • Sciences -- Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Oceanography, Mathematics, Environmental Science

  4. Introduction Fisheries • UPV and other state colleges -- how to catch more fish, how to make fishing gears more effective. • Major problems beginning in the 1970s --habitat degradation, depletion of fisheries due to over-fishing. • In the 1980s, 1997 -- too many fishers chasing too few fish; warning issued by two major papers (Silvestre & Pauly 1997).

  5. Introduction Fisheries • Now, government agencies unable to stem the tide of fishery depletion and environmental destruction (see Smith 1980; In Turbulent Seas, 2004). • Now, realization of need for resource protection and management (CRM) away from centralized mode of management (CBCRM) (see Ferrer et al. 1996) • Need for a new paradigm on fisheries conservation.

  6. Challenges to Academe

  7. Challenges to Academe • Sustainable fisheries • Conservation/Preservation of Biodiversity

  8. Challenges to Academe Guide Questions: • How can marine/fishery habitats be made to recover? • How can fisheries be managed? • How can marine biodiversity be conserved/preserved? • How can local communities/LGUs benefit from protective management?

  9. Responses of Academe

  10. Responses of Academe • Research on MPAs Municipal marine and inland fishery production in the Philippines (BAS, DA).

  11. Responses of Academe • Publication and dissemination of results of marine protection Total annual catch from the nonreserve areas, and estimates of biomass in the no-take reserves, at Sumilon and Apo Islands.

  12. Responses of Academe • Establishment and monitoring of MPAs based on research results Marine reserves in the Bohol Sea (left) and graph showing relative decline in municipal fisheries production due partly to the conversion of mangroves to fishponds (Primavera 1995) (right).

  13. Responses of Academe • Ensure sustainable sources of income with no negative effects on the environment

  14. Responses of Academe • IEC activities such as workshops, conferences, meetings

  15. Responses of Academe • Advocate for inclusion of research results in lawmaking (e.g., R.A. 8550, Fishery Code)

  16. Assessment of track records of HEIs (n=1,760)

  17. Assessment of track records of HEIs • CHED MAEP program on biodiversity in 1996-2001 in state colleges (several graduates at the master’s level) • < 10 HEIs involved actively and meaningfully in CRM-related research and CRM practice; few offer graduate programs in marine science. 25 students in marine biology and aquaculture took their master’s degrees. • Marine area of country is 7 times the land area of 30 million ha.; country is an archipelago (not widely appreciated).

  18. Assessment of track records of HEIs • CRM projects ignore experts in small colleges, who need involvement for experience purposes (e.g. Bohol, Palawan) • Some regions lack marine biology, oceanography experts; sometimes too academic (e.g. northern Luzon, Mindanao in general). • Integrate population control in community-based CRM projects.

  19. What needs to be done?

  20. What needs to be done? • Strengthen existing programs. • Increase number of HEIs involved in marine science. • Apply research findings to CRM; few HEIs doing this.

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