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CH 8 Sections1

CH 8 Sections1. New Religions and Ideas. The Second Great Awakening was a religious movement that swept across the United States after 1800. It relied on emotional sermons in meetings called revivals.

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CH 8 Sections1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CH 8 Sections1 New Religions and Ideas.

  2. The Second Great Awakening was a religious movement that swept across the United States after 1800. It relied on emotional sermons in meetings called revivals.

  3. Second Great Awakening preachers taught that each person had the responsibility to find salvation. attend church. They also stressed that people could change themselves—and society. Charles Finney and other preachers influenced more people in the United States to attend church.

  4. The revivalist movement—with its message of salvation—attracted numerous African Americans. In the South, slave owners feared that African-American slaves would use the message of salvation as a call to revolt.

  5. Transcendentalism: philosophical and literary movement based on the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Taught that people could find truth by looking at nature and within themselves rather than in any organized system of beliefs. They stressed freedom and self-reliance.

  6. Henry David Thoreau: Author of the book Waldenwho practiced ideas of transcendentalism. He moved to Walden Pond to demonstrate self-reliance and believed in civil disobedience.

  7. Dorothea Dix: Worked for reform in the treatment of mentally ill people. She was successful in getting some states to pass laws aimed at improving conditions. She also persuaded some Southern states to set up public hospitals for the mentally ill.

  8. Civil Disobedience: The form of protest that calls on people to disobey unjust laws.

  9. The Unitarian movement was aspiritual movement that appealed to reason, not to emotion. The movement attracted wealthy and educated people.

  10. Some reformers wanted to create ideal living environments, or utopian communities. In these experimental communities, people tried to create a “perfect” place by living in harmony and self-sufficiency out in the country.

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