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ambitious:. having a strong desire to be successful or achieve a goal or get something one wants. arrogant:. having a high opinion of oneself; braggy , boastful, conceited; . astonished:. very surprised, something happened that you did not expect; amazed, shocked. cantankerous:.
ambitious: having a strong desire to be successful or achieve a goal or get something one wants
arrogant: having a high opinion of oneself; braggy, boastful, conceited;
astonished: very surprised, something happened that you did not expect; amazed, shocked
cantankerous: grumpy, disagreeable, hard to deal with, unapproachable
cheerful: happy, glad, joyful, positive outlook and attitude
clumsy: not graceful or elegant; prone to accidents
concerned: to be worried about someone or something or to show care for someone’s feelings
confident: to feel sure about one’s abilities
considerate: being thoughtful and aware of other’s feelings, wants, or needs
content: to be satisfied and happy with life; pleased; not wanting anything more
cooperative: able to work with someone else to complete a job or a shared purpose
courageous: being brave in the face of danger, risk, or an uncomfortable situation
courteous: polite, friendly, respectful, or considerate of others
cowardly: lacking courage; a person who shows fear or acts timidly when facing conflict
curious: eager to learn more; interested in understanding something better or investigating a situation
dependable: reliable, able to trust and depend on; responsible
determined: committed to not giving up and achieving one’s goal
diligent: hardworking; working steadily and carefully
embarrassed: feeling self-conscious, shy, uncomfortable, or ashamed because of something that happened
enthusiastic: having strong positive feelings and interest towards doing something or an idea
extrovert: a person who is energized by being around others; social, outgoing
fearless: unafraid, brave, courageous; having no fear to the extreme of being dangerous
generous: willing to give and share with others
grumpy: in a bad mood, disagreeable; hard to get along with
heroic: courageous; going beyond the ordinary; can be fearless and bold
humble: modest, not too proud or braggy; simple and plain
independent: able to use one’s own abilities and resources and not depend on others
inspiring: able to influence others in a positive way to do something
introvert: a person who is energized by being alone and may be tired when having to spend a lot of time around others; sometimes appear shy but really crave alone time
irresponsible: acting without responsibility; not careful or concerned about one’s responsibilities
jealous: having negative feelings towards something that someone else has or is able to do
livid: furious; extremely angry
malicious: wanting to harm or hurt someone or something; having intentions to sabotage someone
obedient: (comes from obey)follows directions and does what one is expected to do without question
oblivious: unaware; forgetting to keep something in mind; missing the point; not understanding or seeing what is obvious to others
optimistic: having a positive outlook; able to see the good in all things; hopeful
pessimistic: having a negative outlook; thinking that situations will turn out badly without recognizing the possibility of a positive outcome
remorseful: feeling sorry for one’s actions; apologetic
resourceful: skillful and clever at solving problems, getting out of sticky situations, or handling challenges
responsible: able to be trusted with responsibility; dependable; does what one is supposed to do even if not told
self-reliant: able to rely on oneself instead of depending on others; having confidence in one’s own abilities
sensitive: easily upset or quick to get hurt feelings
sincere: honest, truthful, not pretending to care, but truly caring
sly: skillful at trickery or deceiving others; clever in tricking others; cunning
tenacious: holding steadily and strongly to ones beliefs; stubborn in a good way
timid: shy or bashful; showing fear or lack of confidence;
trustworthy: honest, able to be trusted, dependable, tells the truth
unselfish: putting other people’s feelings, wants, and/or needs before your own