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Innovative, Differentiated and Sustainable Orientation Program for New Teachers

Innovative, Differentiated and Sustainable Orientation Program for New Teachers. Rami Madani. Many passionate educators contributed to the work presented today. My sincere thanks and appreciation to ISKL teachers and leaders, Lyn Thompson, Theresa Flaspohler, Doug Woodward, Brian Candler.

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Innovative, Differentiated and Sustainable Orientation Program for New Teachers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Innovative, Differentiated and Sustainable Orientation Program for New Teachers Rami Madani Many passionate educators contributed to the work presented today. My sincere thanks and appreciation to ISKL teachers and leaders, Lyn Thompson, Theresa Flaspohler, Doug Woodward, Brian Candler. Special acknowledgement: Gretchen McNulty

  2. Innovative, Differentiated and Sustainable Orientation Program for New Teachers How do we ensure that the mission, vision, and practices of our schools are sustained and advanced as faculty turn over?

  3. Agenda: -What -How -Evaluation

  4. What do you want your faculty to know and be able to do? How do you decide? • Is the ‘what’ linked to mission, vision & goals? • Does the ‘what’ clearly distinguish between nuts and bolts and educational competencies? • Does the ‘what’ cater for different job profiles (e.g. teacher, admin, counsellor, etc) and for faculty from different divisions (e.g. ES, MS, HS)? • Is the ‘what’ shared knowledge amongst the school’s leadership team (transparent, admin, curriculum - are we speaking the same language?) • Is there a connection to teaching standards, principles, S&E? What

  5. Educational competencies common across all school Educational competencies different from division to division Nuts & Bolts by division What

  6. What

  7. What is your orientation program like? • What is your approach? • Who delivers it? • Timeline? How

  8. What is your orientation program like? • What is your approach? • Who delivers it? • Timeline? • Is your program: • Differentiatedbased on your faculty’s needs, readiness and learning preferences? • Modeling good teaching practices? • Sustainable and manageable? How

  9. New Faculty Survey How

  10. Sample responses How

  11. Detailed analysis of new faculty data How

  12. New faculty Orientation Upon hiring On-going Support All faculty School Starts here

  13. Orientation Sessions Common Message 8:00-9:00 Breakout session Breakout session Breakout session Breakout session Breakout session 9:30-11:30 11:30-12:30 Lunch Breakout session Breakout session Breakout session Breakout session Breakout session 12:30-2:30 2:45-3:15 Debrief - Reflection How

  14. Orientation Sessions Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Cross divisional (School-wide) MS New Faculty Meeting In separate divisions Working in teams/ mentor/ body Working in teams/ mentor/ body Working in teams/ mentor/ body MS New Faculty Meeting Individual time Individual time Individual time How

  15. Orientation Sessions Google Apps Training UbD Period 1 Google Apps Training UbD Period 2 Google Apps Training UbD Period 3 Google Apps Training UbD Period 4 How

  16. Orientation Sessions After school sessions Lunch sessions Individual support Professional reading / Research On-line learning Workshops Unconferences Team meetings … How

  17. Examples of a session • CPD Site • UbD: • PowerPoint • Videos • Content & skills • Evaluation • Extension How

  18. Screenshots: Sample page: UbD 1

  19. Screenshots: Sample page: UbD 2

  20. How do you know if the training met its aim? • Differentiation • UbD • Norms of Collaboration? • ….. • ... • . Evaluation

  21. Differentiation Evaluation

  22. UbD Evaluation

  23. Norms of Collaboration Evaluation

  24. Screenshots: Navigation bar of ISKL Curriculum and Professional Development Site

  25. Thank You!

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